Saturday, August 31, 2019
Maf 640
C)What would you do if you were Datin Timah? * Be innovative, go for incremental & radical innovations, be creative, think out of the box, invent, innovate, imitate. SHOW & TELL US WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO. If we were Datin Timah given the option whether to take up the Guardian’s offer or just sell off the business to the Watson, we will take up the Guardian’s offer rather than sell off to the Watson. This is due to the profit betterment. If we take up Watson’s offer, we can only get the short term profit and we cannot longer be in the industry.However, if we take up the Guardian’s offer, we can have the long term profit and we can sustain in the industry since the Guardian will help us in supplying our product to end customer. Furthermore, Guardian will not interfere in the management of Orang Kampung since their focused only to the product. Beside, they are willing to assist Orang Kampung in Research & Development and also production because they have the exp ertise. We can say that was the golden opportunity for the Orang Kampung to expand their market and target market.To sustain in the market, one product need to move together with the time, therefore, if before this Orang Kampung not concerned about how they package their product, now, they need to concerned since attractive packaging one of the important marketing strategy that able to catch up the customer and able to compete with other competitor’s product. Datin Timah is very conservative and holds to traditional way in making the product, so, she does not believe in revamping traditional medicine into modern pills and capsules, because according to her the purity of the traditional medicine will be contaminated with the toxic-chemicals.From our point of view, we believe that research and development team have a way how to maintain the traditional taste and benefit of the traditional medicine but still can modernized it so that it can compete with other modern medicine. Ho wever, if Datin Timah still doesn’t have faith with the team we suggest that she open an outlet in where she herself serves the product in traditional way where we believe that the traditional way is by boil the herbs and roots.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Anti-Colonialism and Education Essay
In Anti-Colonialism and Education: The Politics of Resistance, George J. Sefa Dei and Arlo Kempf have given us a stimulating intellectual account of the issues surrounding the active attempt for educational liberation. The authors who have contributed to the volume have been well chosen to present creative approaches to this abiding problem in most of the world. As we engage the legacies of colonialism we are more certain today that the nonmaterial legacies are as important in our thinking as the material ones when we engage questions of resistance and recovery. The colonizer did not only seize land, but also minds. If colonialism’s in? uence had been merely the control of land that would have required only one form of resistance, but when information is also colonized, it is essential that the resistance must interrogate issues related to education, information and intellectual transformations. Colonialism seeks to impose the will of one people on another and to use the resources of the imposed people for the bene? t of the imposer. Nothing is sacred in such a system as it powers its way toward the extinction of the wills of the imposed upon with one objective in mind: the ultimate subjection of the will to resist. An effective system of colonialism reduces the imposed upon to a shell of a human who is incapable of thinking in a subjective way of his or her own interest. In everything the person becomes like the imposer; thus in desires, wishes, visions, purposes, styles, structures, values, and especially the values of education, the person operates against his or her own interest. Colonialism does not engender creativity; it sti? es it, suppresses it under the cloak of assistance when in fact it is creating conditions that make it impossible for humans to effectively resist. And yet there has always been resistance and there are new methods of resistance gaining ground each day. The intricacies of engaging colonialism are as numerous as the ways colonialism has impacted upon the world. Indeed, the political-economic, socialbehavioral, and cultural-aesthetic legacies of the colonizing process have left human beings with a variety of ways to confront the impact of those legacies. What we see in Anti-Colonialism and Education is a profound attempt to capture for the reader the possibilities inherent in educational transformation through the politics of resistance. Professors Dei and Kempf have exercised a judicious imagination in selecting the authors for the chapters in this book. Each author is an expert in the area of the topic, skilled in presentation of the facts based upon current theories, and articulate in the expression of a need for educators to understand the pressures ix FOREWORD both for and against colonialism. However, they all take the position that it is necessary to explore all formulations that might achieve a liberated sphere of education. Since education normally follows the dominant political lines in a country where you have colonial political principles you will ? nd colonial education. If you have the vestiges of past colonial practices, you will see those practices re? ected in the educational system. I remember a colleague from Algeria saying to me that when the French ruled the country the students learned that their ancestors were the Gauls. When independence came to Algeria, he said, the people were taught that their ancestors were Arabs. The fact that this was only true for those individuals who had Arab origins, and thirty percent did not have such ancestry, was uninteresting to the political agenda. And so it has been in every nation where you have a political intention to mold a country on the basis of domination you will also have resistance. One seems to go with the other regardless to how long the process seems to take to commence. This is not just an exciting work intellectually; it is a beautiful book edited with intelligence and executed with the kind of research and scholarship that will bring us back to its pages many times. Each author seems to feel the same desire to teach us to be truly human; that is enough for us to inaugurate our own anti-colonialism campaign in our schools and colleges. I shall gladly join the fray to make the world better. Mole? Kete Asante Elkins Park, PA 19027 USA x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book could not have been completed without the political interest and will of the many people who shared their knowledge in this joint undertaking. While the task of re-visioning schooling and education for the contemporary learner and teacher may be daunting at times, we believe strongly that it is by no means insurmountable. In fact, we have a wealth of knowledge with which to help transform education into a process and practice that serves the needs of the collective. We hope this book will contribute to the debate and discussion of how to address not only the imperialization of knowledge but also the various forms of intellectual colonization that mask themselves as everyday academic truth and valid knowledge. George Dei would like to thank the students of his graduate level course, SES 3914S: â€Å"Anti-Colonial Thought and Pedagogical Challenges†in the fall of 2004 whose insights and discussions helped propel the vision for this collection. Arlo Kempf would like to thank Lola Douglas, Meghan Mckee and Randy Kempf for their support and loveliness. He would also like to thank George Dei and the contributors for their ideas and hard work over the duration of this project. We both owe a great deal of intellectual depth to our colleagues, peers and friends who constantly challenge us to think more deeply and avoid academic closure. It is in the actions and resistance of the people that theory is born and takes life – to all who struggle against colonialism without the privilege of a pen in hand, we thank and salute you. Our academic objective for the book was also shaped by a desire to let our community politics inform intellectual pursuits at all times. We want to thank Geoff Rytell, who initially helped proofread sections of the book, as well as Cheryl Williams for her ongoing support. Finally we say â€Å"thank you†to Joe Kincheloe, Shirley Steinberg and Peter de Liefde who made this book a reality. George Dei Arlo Kempf xi GEORGE J. SEFA DEI INTRODUCTION: MAPPING THE TERRAIN – TOWARDS A NEW POLITICS OF RESISTANCE INTRODUCTION I begin this chapter with a question germane as to why and how we articulate anticolonial thought. Informed by Steven Biko’s (1978) earlier work, I ask: â€Å"Why is it necessary for us as colonized peoples to think and re? ect collectively about a problem not of our creation i. e. , the problem of colonialism? †This question is central since colonialism has not ended and we see around us today various examples of colonial and neo-colonial relations produced within our schools, colleges, universities, homes, families, workplaces and other institutional settings. It is often said that globalization is the new word for imperialism. History and context are crucial for anti-colonial undertakings. Understanding our collective past is signi? cant for pursuing political resistance. Haunani-Kay Trask (1991) writes about the importance of the past to Indigenous peoples as a way to challenge the dominant’s call to amputate the past and its histories. For the people of Hawaiia, Trask notes that â€Å"we do not need, nor do we want [to be] liberated from our past because it is source of our understanding . . . [We] . . . stand ? rmly in the present, with [our] back to the future, and [our] eyes ? xed upon the past, seeking historical answers for present-day dilemmas†(p. 164). In order to understand the knowledge and resistance of the past as it relates to contemporary politics of resistance, one has to know and learn about this past. As noted elsewhere (Dei, 2000, p. 11), for colonized peoples decolonization involves a reclamation of the past, previously excluded in the history of the colonial and colonized nations. They must identify the colonial historical period from the perspectives of their places and their peoples. Knowledge of the past is also relevant in so far as we as people must use that knowledge â€Å"responsibly†. But our situatedness as knowledge producers and how we perform â€Å"the gaze†on subjects, at times accord power and privilege to some bodies and not others. Therefore, an anti-colonial struggle must identify and de? ne a political project and show its connections to the academic engagement. Franz Fanon and Karl Marx have both cautioned us that â€Å"what matters is not to know the world but to change it†. This assertion calls for a recognition of the multiple points/places of responsibility and accountability. For example, what does it mean to talk of accountability as far as identity and subjectivity, however complex? It may well mean taking the stance that in political work for change, certain issues are not negotiable. In other words, we need to see there are limits and possibilities of â€Å"negotiating†in anti-colonial struggles and politics. As Howard (2004) asks: How much can be G. J. S. Dei and A. Kempf (eds. ), Anti-Colonialism and Education: The Politics of Resistance, 1–23.  © 2006. Sense Publishers. All rights reserved. DEI accomplished if we decide to â€Å"negotiate†around domination or oppression? Are we negotiating as part of a democratic exercise? Rabaka (2003) has argued that â€Å"one of the most important tasks of a critical anti-colonial theory . . . is to capture and critique the continuities and discontinuities of the colonial and neocolonial in order to make sense of our currently . . . colonized life and . . . worlds†(p. 7). Therefore as we begin to ? esh out anti-colonial theory and practice, it is ? tting to ask some critical questions (see also Butler, 2002): Is there still a colonized South? What about a colonized North? Do we think of neo-colonialism/colonialism/post-colonialism as bridges, as new articulations, or as a continuation with no marked differentiation? What is â€Å"post†about/in the â€Å"post-colonial†? Is the theoretical distinction between neo-colonialism and colonialism spurious at best? What are the purposes and underlying intentions of making such distinctions? What are the convergences and the divergences in post-colonial and anti-colonial thoughts? Does â€Å"neo†in neo-colonial mean â€Å"new†, or â€Å"transformed†? What is neo-colonialism? What are its antecedents and its marked practices? What are the mechanisms and institutions that constitute neo-colonialism? Why do we speak of neo-colonialism and not anti-colonialism? Are the structures, practices and ideas which enable colonialism really that different from those of neo-colonialism? Are the differences between neo-colonialism and colonialism more than theoretical? Whose interests are advanced in speaking of neo-colonialism/post-colonialism? What are the [dis]junctures and [dis]continuities between colonialism and neo-colonialism? How do discursive forces and material aspects interact to further our understanding of colonial? How do we speak of power, coercion, subjectivity, agency and resistance in anti-colonial discursive practice? What are the relations between neo-colonialism and White supremacy? The book does not presume to offer full answers to all these questions. But it is hoped the discussions that follow offer some entry points into a new politics of engagement towards the formulation of a critical anti-colonial lens. The power of the anti-colonial prism lies in its offering of new philosophical insights to challenge Eurocentric discourses, in order to pave the way for Southern/indigenous intellectual and political emancipation. In this discussion, anti-colonial is de? ned as an approach to theorizing colonial and re-colonial relations and the implications of imperial structures on the processes of knowledge production and validation, the understanding of indigeneity, and the pursuit of agency, resistance and subjective politics (see also Dei and Asgharzadeh, 2001). Colonialism, read as imposition and domination, did not end with the return of political sovereignty to colonized peoples or nation states. Colonialism is not dead. Indeed, colonialism and re-colonizing projects today manifest themselves in variegated ways (e. g. the different ways knowledges get produced and receive validation within schools, the particular experiences of students that get counted as [in]valid and the identities that receive recognition and response from school authorities. The anti-colonial prism theorizes the nature and extent of social domination and particularly the multiple places that power, and the relations of power, work to establish dominant-subordinate connections. This prism also scrutinizes 2 INTRODUCTION and deconstructs dominant discourses and epistemologies, while raising questions of and about its own practice. It highlights and analyzes contexts, and explores alternatives to colonial relations. Loomba (1998) sees colonialism as signifying â€Å"territorial ownership†of a place/space by an imperial power, while imperialism on the other hand is the governing ideology for such occupation. Anti-colonial thought works with these two themes/projects – colonialism and imperialism as never ending. The colonial in anti-colonial however, invokes much more. It refers to anything imposed and dominating rather than that which is simply foreign and alien. Colonialism reinforces exclusive notions of belonging, difference and superiority (Principe, 2004). It pursues a politics of domination which informs and constructs dominant images of both the colonizer and the colonized (Memmi, 1969). Colonialism is not simply complicit in how we come to know ourselves and its politics. It also establishes sustainable hierarchies and systems of power. Colonial images continually uphold the colonizers’ sense of reason, authority and control. It scripts and violates the colonized as the violent â€Å"other†, while, in contrast, the colonizer is pitted as an innocent, benevolent and [imperial] saviour (see also Principe, 2004). This historical relationship of the colonizer and colonized continues to inform contemporary subject identity formation and knowledge production. It shapes and informs identities by recreating colonial ideologies and mythologies (Tuhiwai-Smith, 1999). In theorizing the anti-colonial discursive framework, I would highlight some key salient points. All knowledge can be located in the particular social contexts from which it emerges. Such location shapes the ways of knowing and understanding the social and political relations at play in constructing social realities. The anti-colonial prism takes the position that all knowledges are socially situated and politically contested. The anti-colonial discourse is situated in colonial relations of power that are contested through resistant practices against domination and oppression. In working with resistant knowledges, the liberating in? uence of critical anti-colonial discourse becomes clear. The anti-colonial discourse works with the idea of the epistemological power of the colonized subjects. The colonial knowing is situated and informed within particular social contexts (see also Harding, 1996). Such â€Å"situated knowledges†(hooks, 1991; Collins, 1990) also point to the importance of subjectivity, positionality, location and history. In this regard, the anti-colonial referent is to the epistemologies about, and of, marginalized, colonized subjects. Particular and different interests are served by knowledge systems, and the anti-colonial aim is to subvert dominant thinking that re-inscribes colonial and colonizing relations. The ability and strength of the anti-colonial prism to draw upon different discursive traditions to explain social and political phenomena is an important strength for multiple knowings. But anti-colonial thought, while borrowing from other theoretical frameworks, is not constrained by dominant epistemologies. It calls for a critical awareness of the social relations and power issues embedded in the ways of organizing the production, interrogation, validation and dissemination of knowledge in order to challenge social oppression and 3 DEI consequently subvert domination. It also calls for acknowledging accountability and power. Since the burden of oppression is not shared equally among groups, and that even among the oppressed we are not all affected the same way (see also Larbalestier, 1990), we must all be able to address questions of accountability and responsibility of knowledge. It is within such a context that one must evaluate the politics of anti-colonial thought, in its call for a radical transformation of the analytical and conceptual frames of reference, used both in the academy and in mainstream public discourse so that the minoritized, subjugated voice, experience and history can be powerfully evoked, acknowledged and responded to. Unless we are able to articulate the grounds on which we share a dialogue and challenge the power relations of knowledge production, we will be shirking the responsibility of acting on our knowledge. The academic project of anti-colonial thinking and practice is to challenge and resist Eurocentric theorizing of the colonial encounter. Such Eurocentric theorizing is best captured in representations of minoritized/colonized bodies and their knowledges, and through the power of colonial imageries. The anticolonial critique also deals with interrogations of colonial representations and imaginaries examining processes and representations of legitimacy and degeneracy through the mutually constitutive relations of power. Colonialisms were/are practised differently; they differ in their representations and consequently have myriad in? uences, impacts and implications for different communities. Colonial practices can be refracted around race, gender, class, age, disability, culture and nation as sites of difference. In many ways the â€Å"anti-colonial thought†is the emergence of a new political, cultural and intellectual movement re? ecting the values and aspirations of colonized and resisting peoples/subjects. The Western academy cannot continue to deny the intellectual agency of colonized peoples. As resisting subjects, we will all have to confront and deal with the historic inferiorization of colonial subjects, and the devaluation of rich histories and cultures. What is required is critical educational praxis that is anchored in anti-colonial thought to challenge and subvert the â€Å"Western cultural and capital overkill†, and shed the insulting idea that others know and understand us [as colonized subjects] better than we understand ourselves (see also Prah, 1997, pp. 19–23). Colonized peoples require an anti-colonial prism that is useful in helping to disabuse our minds of the lies and falsehoods told about our peoples, our pasts and our histories (see also Rodney, 1982). We need to present anti-colonial discourse as a way to challenge Eurocentric culture as the tacit norm everyone references and on which so many of us cast our gaze (Kincheloe and Steinberg, 1998, p. 11). This approach to anti-colonial discursive thought and practice is also informed by the academic and political project calling for knowledge that colonised groups can use to ? nd authentic and viable solutions to our own problems. In this struggle we can point to some positive developments. For example everywhere today, we (as colonized peoples) are reclaiming and reinvigorating our marginalised, and in some cases, lost voices and are speaking for ourselves. Within educational academies in North America and in the South, there 4
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Milgram Experiment
The Milgram Experiment Outline Topic: The Milgram experiment I) The experiment A) Who was involved with the experiment? B) How they got participants C) What the subjects thought was happening i)Learning Task ii) Memory Study iii) Electric shock for wrong answer iv) â€Å"Prods†to continue the shocks D) What actually happened i) It was a test for obedience not memory ii) Vocal response from the victims (staged and set beforehand) II) The results A) How many experiments were performed B) How many people were tested C) How many continued the experiment D) The video of obedienceE) What types of people were tested, and what difference that made F) Differences between each test and results G) High levels of stress for subjects III) Why did he do the experiment A) To get an understanding of Nazis B) To prove the â€Å"answer to destructive obedience lay less in the power of personality and more in the power of situation†C) Social projection D) Test the idea that some people consider themselves better than others IV) The reaction A) Self realization B) Unethical i) Manipulation ii) Disregard for rights iii) Negligent of emotional well beingC) Argument in ethics caused new rules in APA guidelines V) Applications A) Nazi Germany B) U. S. wars C) Watergate Many experiments have been performed throughout the years. One of the most shocking would have to be the Milgram experiment performed by Stanley Milgram. The experiment was to test a person’s â€Å"Obedience to Authority†by seeing if he or she would cause harm to another just because they were told. The idea of obedience has been instilled in people since the time of Cain and Able, with regard to doing as God says. There are multiple reasons for Dr.Milgram to perform this experiment, however, some did not accept this and still believed it to be a violation of the subjects human rights. The results showed that even though people believed they would not cause extreme harm to another, they wo uld if put in the position where they were pressured to by an authoritative person. This resulted in chaos in the psychological community, and concluded in major changes to what is moral, and ethical, under the guidelines provided by APA. However, his results may be used to consider what happened during World War II, along with other U. S. ars, as well as what happened during the Watergate scandal. This experiment was performed many times. It began with Dr. Milgram placing an ad in a New Haven newspaper. The advertisement asked for people between the ages of 20 and 50, those who were not currently attending school, and from all types of professions. It also claimed the experiment would last one hour, and that it was to study memory. Those who participated in the experiment would receive four dollars for participating, and fifty cents for carfare, for the one hour of participation. From this ad, he did not get enough of a response so Dr.Milgram took names from a phone directory, and send fliers in the mail. The experiment itself was performed in the Interaction Laboratory of Yale University. It consisted of two people who were aware of what was happening, one called the â€Å"experimenter,†the person in charge of managing the experiment, and another called, â€Å"the victim. †A third, was one other person involved with the experiment called the â€Å"naive subject†who was the one being tested in this experiment. The experiment called for two different perspectives, which were what the â€Å"naive subject†believed to be happening, and what was really happening.The experiment was set up so that according to the â€Å"naive subject,†â€Å"the victim†was told to memorize a list of word pairs such as: blue box nice day wild duck etc. then in the testing sequence he [the naive subject] would read: blue: sky ink box lamp (Obedience 18). If â€Å"the victim†was able to select the correct corresponding word, the â €Å"naive subject†continued by saying the next word. However, if â€Å"the victim†did not answer correctly, or took too long in answering, the â€Å"naive subject†would have to administer a shock.After each wrong answer, the next wrong answer would result in a stronger shock. The generator, which was to administer the shocks to â€Å"the victim†: Ranged from 15 to 450 volts. The labels showed a 15-volt increment from one switch to the next, going from left to right. In addition, the following verbal designations were clearly indicated for groups of four switches, going from left to right: Slight Shock, Moderate Shock, Strong Shock, Very Strong Shock, Intense Shock, Extreme Intensity Shock, Danger: Severe Shock. Two switches after this last designation were simply marked XXX. (Obedience 20)The authenticity of the generator was validated by giving the â€Å"naive subject†a 45 volt shock to the wrist. The test which the â€Å"naive subject†thought was a test for memory, was actually to test a person’s willingness to follow authority. Therefore, as the voltage was to increase, there were acted protests by â€Å"the victim†which made the â€Å"naive subject†less willing to continue. However, if the â€Å"naive subject†was having second thoughts about continuing, the â€Å"experimenter†was to give â€Å"prods†each more aggressive as the â€Å"naive subject†continued to protest, Prod 1: Please continue, or, Please go on.Prod 2: The experiment requires that you continue. Prod 3: It is absolutely essential that you continue. Prod 4: You have no other choice you must go on (Obedience 21). Feeling obligated even though â€Å"the victim†responded with cries of pain and eventually no answer, the majority of those did continue. The results of this experiment were interesting. In the primary experiment 26 out of 40 people continued to shock a person with what he or s he believed to be 450 volts for an incorrect answer, or if they did not respond within a time limit set by the â€Å"experimenter. Another variation of this experiment he performed in which he: placed the learner closer to the teacher, including one in which the teacher actually had to force the learner’s hand onto a shock plate in order to punish him; about 30 percent of subjects continued the variation until the end (Fermaglich 86). There was another variation which used only women. The results were the same as those for men. Over three years, Dr. Milgram performed 24 different variations of his original experiment, and tested over 1,000 people. There was also one case in which Dr.Milgram videotaped a subject’s obedience, â€Å"In the full version of Milgram’s film Prozi [the subject] is shown ending up being completely obedient- that is, administering a 450-volt shock to the unseen learner†(Blass). Another result of this experiment was the experiment had a huge impact on those who were the subjects. It resulted in high levels of stress in those who were subjects, whether they obeyed or disobeyed, which Dr. Milgram himself admitted to happening, and so he had to provide a meeting for the subject and the learner, in order to try to alleviate that stress (Fermaglich 87).Although the experiment was performed many times, and on many different people, this proved that the majority will follow orders when they are given, even if it goes against their conscience. These were not the only results from this experiment; people had other thoughts about Dr. Milgram’s experiment. There have been many who have wondered why a man would perform a test that many people consider to be a violation of a person’s basic rights. Dr. Milgram had many reasons behind performed these experiments. Dr. Milgram believed â€Å"When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will ind more hideous crimes have been committed in the name o f obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion†(Obedience 2). He wanted to be able to prove his belief that the â€Å"answer to destructive obedience lay less in the power of personality and more in the power of situation†(Slater 31). He also performed it with relation to the Holocaust, and since Milgram, â€Å"a Jewish man whose relatives had hidden from the Nazis and been interned in concentration camps, [he] constructed his experiments in order to understand Nazi evil†(Fermaglich 84).Another idea posed as a reason for Dr. Milgram’s performance was the thought of â€Å"self-other bias (Brown, 1986) [which] is the general tendency for people to rate themselves as better than ‘typical others’†(Geher, Bauman, Hubbard, and Legare 3). There were those who believed the experiment to be unethical, and others who seem to be enlightened with a sense of self realization. One person found Dr. Milgram’s experiment t o give him a better sense of who he was: I felt a shock of recognition, and the immediate knowledge that I could do such a thing, unsteady as I am.And I knew I could do such a thing, not because some strange set of circumstances propelled me to, no†¦It was not external. It was internal (Slater 62) However most other people who did not participate in the experiment did not feel this way, they felt this experiment was â€Å"the subject of enormous controversy, centered on the contention that his research subjects had been unethically manipulated, without due regard for their rights or emotional well-being†(Schwartz). In the field of psychology there was an uproar, with those who found the experiment to be reprehensible.One of those people was Diana Baumrind who questioned the obedience experiment, with concern for the welfare of the subjects, and curiosity over measures taken to protect those involved and voiced her concerns in American Psychologist (Individual 140). Dr. Baumrind’s article concerning the experiment resulted in the revision of APA ethical guidelines, which went with those laid down by the federal government, which limited the use of humans as subjects in the medical and psychological field (Fermaglich 103). Many found what Dr.Milgram did to be unethical, however because of it people now have a better understanding of what they are able to do, and they are able to apply his findings to other situations that have occurred, and may happen in the future. This experiment may be applied to a multitude of different subjects that are in a person’s every day life. The major subject would be the Nazis during World War II, which was a motive for Dr. Milgram to do the experiment in the beginning. It explores why a citizen who â€Å"ran the death camps seemed to be ordinary â€Å"decent†citizens, with consciences no different from those of any of us†(Velasquez et al). Dr.Milgram also compares the killing of Jews in t he gas chambers to the manufacturing of appliances, and he says all of those deaths could not have occurred if a large number of people did not obey orders (Obedience 1). The ideas that Dr. Milgram came up with were applied as an explanation for â€Å"the massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai and the criminal activities in Nixon’s White House: ‘Stanley Milgram†¦ demonstrated in the laboratory what Lt. William Calley and his unit would dramatize later in Mylai- that man’s behavior is almost invariably dominated by authority rather than by his own morality’†(Fermaglich 111).This idea is also exemplified on television, as on a recent episode of â€Å"Law and Order: S. V. U. †viewers encounter a manager of a fast food restaurant who blatantly obeys the orders of a voice over the phone saying that he is â€Å"Detective Milgram. †The manager is told that an employee stole the wallet of a customer, and â€Å"Detectiv e Milgram†tells the manager to strip the girl of all of her clothing except for her apron, and to perform a cavity search, to look for the wallet.Later in the episode we encounter the man who posed as â€Å"Detective Milgram†who performed his own variation of the experiment, because he had been like the manager, when he allowed the doctor to go against his advice, which resulted in the death of his wife. During school, a person may be faced with a similar situation. One being seeing a person cheat on a test. The person is put in a situation with two choices, neither desirable. The person may tell the teacher, which results in anger from the person who was told on, as well as a loss of time for that person to take their own test.The other option is to do nothing, which in the long run will hurt the student as he or she never learned the material, as he or she was suppose to. Typically a student will choose the latter, and ignore the situation, which ends up hurting the other student. This examination can be viewed on a vast number of levels, but that does not change the facts and ideas behind what happened. Dr. Milgram performed a venture which is thought to have been unethical, as he tested a person’s willingness to follow orders and do as he or she was told.He discovered the majority would actually do so, even if they believed they were hurting an innocent person. The controversial research has had a variety of impacts on every different person. For some they have a self realization, thinking of why type of person he or she is and if they are sheep, blindly following authority. Works Cited for Research Paper: Blass, Thomasm. â€Å"The Milgram Obedience Experiment: Support for a Cognitive View of Defensive Attribution. †The Journal of Social Psychology (1996). library. Web. 24 Nov. 2009. . Fermaglich, Kirsten. American Dreams and Nazi Nightmares : Early Holocaust Consciousness and Liberal America, 1957-1965. Waltham, Mass. : Brand eis University Press, 2006. Geher, Glenn, Kathleen P. Bauman, Sara Elizabeth Kay Hubbard, and Jared Richard Legare. â€Å"Self and Other Obedience Estimates: Biases and Moderators. †The Journal of Social Psychology 142. 6 (2002): 677. Web. 24 Nov. 2009. Milgram, Stanley. Obedience to Authority. New York: Harper Perennial, 1974.Milgram, Stanley. The Individual in a Social World: Essays and Experiments. Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1977. Schwartz, Earl. â€Å"Why Some Ask Why. †Judaism 53. 3/4 (2004): 230. elibrary. Web. 24 Nov. 2009. Slater, Lauren. Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century. New York: W. W. Norton, 2004. Velasquez, Manuel, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S. J. , and Michael J. Meyer. â€Å"Conscience and Authority. †Santa Clara University. 12/03/2009 . The Milgram Experiment Stanley Milgram: ‘electric shock' experiments (1963) – also showed the power of the situation in influencing behaviour. 65% of people could be easily induced into giving a stranger an electric shock of 450V (enough to kill someone). 100% of people could be influenced into giving a 275V shock. The Milgram Experiment Stanley Milgram (1963) Experiment: Focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. Investigate: Whether Germans were particularly obedient to authority figures as this was a common explanation for the Nazi killings in World War II.Milgram selected participants for his experiment by advertising for male participants to take part in a study of learning at Yale University. The procedure was that the participant was paired with another person and they drew lots to find out who would be the ‘learner’ and who would be the ‘teacher’. The draw was fixed so that the participant was always the teacher, and the l earner was one of Milgram’s confederates (pretending to be a real participant). The learner (a confederate called Mr.Wallace) was taken into a room and had electrodes attached to his arms, and the teacher and researcher went into a room next door that contained an electric shock generator and a row of switches marked from 15 volts (Slight Shock) to 375 volts (Danger: Severe Shock) to 450 volts (XXX). Milgram's Experiment Aim: Milgram (1963) was interested in researching how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person. Stanley Milgram was interested in how easily ordinary people could be influenced into committing atrocities for example, Germans in WWII. Procedure:Volunteers were recruited for a lab experiment investigating â€Å"learning†(ethics: deception). Participants were 40 males, aged between 20 and 50, (bias: All male) whose jobs ranged from unskilled to professional. At the beginning of the experiment they were introduce d to another participant, who was actually a confederate of the experimenter (Milgram). They drew straws to determine their roles – leaner or teacher – although this was fixed and the confederate always ended to the learner. There was also an â€Å"experimenter†dressed in a white lab coat, played by an actor (not Milgram). The â€Å"learner†(Mr.Wallace) was strapped to a chair in another room with electrodes. After he has learned a list of word pairs given him to learn, the â€Å"teacher†tests him by naming a word and asking the learner to recall its partner/pair from a list of four possible choices. The teacher is told to administer an electric shock every time the learner makes a mistake, increasing the level of shock each time. There were 30 switches on the shock generator marked from 15 volts (slight shock) to 450 (danger – severe shock). The learner gave mainly wrong answers (on purpose) and for each of these the teacher gave him an electric shock.When the teacher refused to administer a shock and turned to the experimenter for guidance, he was given the standard instruction /order (consisting of 4 prods): Prod 1: please continue. Prod 2: the experiment requires you to continue. Prod 3: It is absolutely essential that you continue. Prod 4: you have no other choice but to continue. Results: 65% (two-thirds) of participants (i. e. teachers) continued to the highest level of 450 volts. All the participants continued to 300 volts. Milgram did more than one experiment – he carried out 18 variations of his study.All he did was alter the situation (IV) to see how this affected obedience (DV). Conclusion: Ordinary people are likely to follow orders given by an authority figure, even to the extent of killing an innocent human being. Obedience to authority is ingrained in us all from the way we are brought up. Obey parents, teachers, anyone in authority etc. Milgram summed up in the article â€Å"The Perils of Obedience†(Milgram 1974), writing: â€Å"The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous import, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations.I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects’ [participants’] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects’ [participants’] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. Factors Affecting Obedience The Milgram experiment was carried out many times whereby Milgram varied the basic procedure (changed the IV). By doing this Milgram c ould identify which factors affected obedience (the DV). Status of Location| Personal Responsibility| * The orders were given in an important location (Yale University) – when Milgram’s study was conducted in a run-down office in the city, obedience levels dropped. * This suggests that prestige increases obedience. | *  When there is less personal responsibility obedience increases. When participants could instruct an assistant to press the switches, 95% (compared to 65% in the original study) shocked to the maximum 450 volts. * This relates to Milgram's Agency Theory. | Legitimacy of Authority Figure| Status of Authority Figure| * People tend to obey orders from other people if they recognize their authority as morally right and / or legally based. * This response to legitimate authority is learned in a variety of situations, for example in the family, school and workplace. | *  Milgram’s experimenter wore a laboratory coat (a symbol of scientific experti se) which gave him a high status. But when the experimenter dressed in everyday clothes obedience was very low. * The uniform of the authority figure can give them status. | Peer Support| Proximity of Authority Figure| * Peer support – if a person has the social support of their friend(s) then obedience is less likely. * Also the presence of others who are seen to disobey the authority figure reduces the level of obedience. This happened in Milgram’s experiment when there was a â€Å"disobedient model†. | *  Authority figure distant: It is easier to resist the orders from an authority figure if they are not close by.When the experimenter instructed and prompted the teacher by telephone from another room, obedience fell to 20. 5%. * When the authority figure is close by then obedience is more likely. | Methodological Issues The Milgram studies were conducted in laboratory type conditions and we must ask if this tells us much about real-life situati ons. We obey in a variety of real-life situations that are far more subtle than instructions to give people electric shocks, and it would be interesting to see what factors operate in everyday obedience.The sort of situation Milgram investigated would be more suited to a military context. Milgram's sample was biased: The participants in Milgram's study were all male. Do the findings transfer to females? In Milgram's study the participants were a self-selecting sample. This is because they became participants only by electing to respond to a newspaper advertisement (selecting themselves). They may also have a typical â€Å"volunteer personality†– not all the newspaper readers responded so perhaps it takes this personality type to do so.Finally, they probably all had a similar income since they were willing to spend some hours working for a given amount of money. Ethical Issues *  Deception – the participants actually believed they were shocking a real pers on, and were unaware the learner was a confederate of Milgram's *  Protection of participants – Participants were exposed to extremely stressful situations that may have the potential to cause psychological harm. * However, Milgram did debrief the participants fully after the experiment and also followed up after a period of time to ensure that they came to no harm.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Market Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Market Strategy - Essay Example Hence, while opting for a large scale expansion in China, the company was quiet confident that its traditional organizational structure comprising of well laid out stores backed by time tested retailing concepts and culture would work well in China (Pogoda, 1994). However, Wal-Mart soon realized that the Chinese customers required different sort of merchandize and goods. Therefore, to understand the local markets, the company decided to get actively involved with the local communities and started opting for local suppliers (Taylor, 2009). This strategy of retaining the traditional organizational structure, with localized procurement worked wonders for Wal-Mart in China. Just like Wal-Mart, when McDonalds decided to go global in the 90s, the company was confident that its well-calibrated organizational approach of offering franchises at the local level would work well in the foreign markets also. Luckily, for McDonalds, the things worked well as was expected and its brand of fast food soon became a rage in the New Markets in Asia, Latin America and Africa. However, this does not mean that McDonalds simply transplanted it US based organizational structure in the foreign markets. The company was well aware that food is always about flavors, which differ from place to place and people to people. Therefore, the company not only adapted its distribution strategies and packaging as per the local preferences, but also customized its products to suit the local tastes. For example, McDonalds offers Halal fast food in the Gulf and beer in Germany (McDonalds, 2005). From the very start, Skype succeeded in establishing itself as the most popular voice communication service around the world. The company conducted its business through it internet portal. However, it was not long that Skype realized that the emerging new trends and developments in the digital technology would make it literally obsolete, if it fails to customize and adapt to the novel digital
Criminal Justice System of America and Britain Research Paper
Criminal Justice System of America and Britain - Research Paper Example Still, there are many differences and similarities between the judicial systems in these countries. The first difference occurs, when American lawyers are defense attorneys, notwithstanding that they prefer to call themselves â€Å"trial lawyers†. British lawyers name them â€Å"solicitors, representing people’s legal needs and barristers, who take the cases to civil or criminal courts†(Carter, 2001). The differences should be found not at the verbal level, but at much deeper conceptual and historical levels. Similarities and differences between the US and UK legal systems As far as we can see, there can be found a lot of parallels between English Common Law and the American legal system, many differences exist as well. It is relevant to trace the deep historical roots of legal system of these countries, because â€Å"the life of the law has not been logic, it has been experience...the law embodies the story of a nation's development through many centuries..." (Carter, 2001). There is no Supreme Court in the Great Britain and a government is positioned as a totally separated unity from the legal process. The House of Lords performs a function of the highest justice and represents the â€Å"court of highest appeal†. (Carter, 2001) In America, state courts are separated from federal courts, but in Britain the lowest criminal courts â€Å"Magistrate's Courts†exist.... In England there is Home Secretary, who is responsible for the criminal justice system and Wales and advising the Queen on the royal prerogative of mercy to pardon exercise given to a person who is convicted of a crime. In accordance with the US Constitution, the President has a power of a pardon (of course, this mainly happens on the basis of political considerations about the cases). Therefore, it is evident that legal and judicial systems are more separated from each other in the US. On the basis of the difference of the legal systems in Britain and America, it is clearly seen that the US Constitution is the leading legal document in America. The Judiciary has the control over its own actions and the Executive or Legislative branches can obtrude in this process. Another interesting fact is that the Executive branch is responsible for appointments of federal judges and judges in the Supreme Court. The Congress has a right to either approve or disapprove such kind of appointment. Th erefore, on the basis of these facts the independence of the American judiciary can be questioned. The differences between judicial systems between these two countries occurred after the Revolution, when â€Å"American law became, in some ways, More than less English....The law later needed was not to be found in the colonial past....Only England had a supply that American lawyers could use without translation or transformation." (Knight, 1996) Still, the majority of lawyers and critics claim that the development of the judicial system should be a more dynamical process. In order to accommodate republican versus monarchial system of Britain, America
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Cheating In School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cheating In School - Essay Example This report stresses that parents can contribute to their children lack of study due to busy schedules where they may end up typing their assignments or assisting them in their science projects. This type of behavior from parents sends the wrong message that if someone parents another person’s work is okay and the kids understand that getting higher grades is more important. In Kindergarten to the second grade, cheating is considered a very old school where it entails copying another classmate’s homework, also seeking someone work. Cheating sometimes is seen as a tool for getting ahead, and this makes students develop cheating skills to be successful. This paper makes a conclusion that cheating in school is increasing at a high rate due to lack of tough laws and regulations that deal with suspected students who have been accused of cheating. Schools have stipulated that cheating occur in different forms like plagiarism, copying in exams, assisting a student to do their exams or prohibiting a student not to finish their assignment. Curbing cheating should start at the elementary level so that kids can grow to know that cheating is wrong, and this creates a moral code in their lifetime. Some kids at the elementary level do not know that some form of cheating falls under categories of cheating and therefore it is the role of the teachers and parents to make sure that they inform such young children what exactly is cheating. This extends to submitting another person’s work as their own.
Monday, August 26, 2019
The role of social media in managing customer relationship Essay
The role of social media in managing customer relationship - Essay Example The essay will encompass the role of social media in managing customer relationships. At the current epoch modern business firms face cut throat competition among themselves. Most of the contemporary economies in the world abide by the free market principles. ‘Consumerism’ is the pivotal goal or motto of almost all the enterprises in the modern world. Business firms can never be successful in generating economic surplus without enhancing and modifying customer relationships. Buyers view for a commodity or a service manufactured by a business firm largely influences the brand loyalty and image of the company. This in turn affects the gross turnover of the organization. Thus, implementing strategies to win over customer relationships is the primary success factor for any corporate business organization. With the progress and development of Information Technology, business firms have enjoyed substantial economic surplus with the help of the modern marketing methodologies. S ocial Media is a tool that has upgraded and modified itself over time to help business organizations built efficient and good customer relations. Social media involves certain internet sites that help the people freely communicate with each other through writings, videos and pictures. With the advantages of social media, constrains like distance and time differentials have reduced to a large extent. Modern individuals can never think of a life without the social networking sites. In the late 19th century, the CompuServe was the first social network site available in United States. Over the time, the percentage of internet users has significantly increased. The modern social networking sites like YouTube have 4 billion viewers per day. Facebook users are as high as 1.11 billion. 255 million users for LinkedIn, 87 million members for Flickr, 500 million users for Twitter shows the gross popularity of social networking sites in the modern world. Such sites are used for both economic an d non economic purposes. Modern business firm’s uses social networking sites for marketing their manufactured products and achieving customer’s loyalty. Customer Relationship Management is a pivotal theory of consumer behaviour management. Social media has largely helped the corporate retail firms to anticipate the requirements and demands of the contemporary potential customers. Thus, at this juncture it is highly rational to analyze the role of social media in facilitating corporate customer relationships. This essay will enumerate the various aspects and perspectives of social media. It will also throw light on the superior and inferior outcomes generated by social media over time. The learnt from this academic based essay would surely enable readers to acquire an implicit knowledge about the benefits and problems of social media augmenting customer relations. Critical analysis Impact of social media on customer relations The discussion presented above shows that th e social media is a platform that is rising in importance among the marketers. In this context, it must be understood that the social media has both positive and negative impacts on consumer relationship. The positive impacts have been discussed below followed by the negative impacts. Social media as a public forum provides a strong way to establish customer relationship and increasingly engage them into the process of designing, producing and distributing products. There is a huge difference between social media and other forms of communication, such as telephones. The difference is that telephones provide one to one communication among the people that are participating in the conversation, but the social media is such a forum in which a very large number of people that are virtually present in the forum can participate in the conversation. This allows all customers to review the opinions of other consumers. Thus, it makes the information conveyed across the target population very fast and also allows the companies
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Commentary Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Commentary Assignment - Essay Example It is believed that cannabis was used during religious ceremonials of the early ethnic groups of people. Shamans and sacerdotes in the ancient times used cannabis to become more religiously enlighted. Cannabis has an effect on the mind and body senses of a person who uses it. Most general and comfortable way to use cannabis is to smoke its dry leaves like tobacco. Cannabis is usually smoked with pipe, hookah, bong or joints (small hand rolling cigars). Usually person who smoke cannabis appear to feel euphory, think in a more philosophical and self-insight way. Individual under the influence of cannabis also has a more receptive feelings especially towards perception of information and food or drinks. If person for example likes music then his listening to the favourite song before smoking cannabis and after will be different. Food seems more pleasant as well as all other kinds of nice things like hot shower, sexual intercourse, reading a book, watching a movie etc. Cannabis influence brain directity and hit receptors which influence emotional, psychic and behavioural condition of an individual. All desirable effects of cannabis like euphoria, sense of pleasentness, more perceptive feelings and other dissappear within a couple of hours after cannabis was used. Though it is a light drug and if talking medically in fact not even a drug it has some bad effects. These bad effect are usually of a long term and depend on the regularity of smoking cannabis and the amount of product smoked. Among negative long-term effects are loss of concentration, clow reaction, sleepliness, inactivity and passive reaction towards the irritants of the environment. However this negative effects do not have somehow significantly negative influence and they appear only if cannabis is used too regularly and in a huge portions. It is also clinically proved that without further using of cannabis such negative effects vanish with no trace of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Gendered Differences in Conversation Style Essay
Gendered Differences in Conversation Style - Essay Example The essays, especially the one by Deborah Tannen, however, also reveal a tendency on the part of the authors to essentialize women in a way that would compromise feminist projects in the long run. The essay by Solnit focuses on the need that men feel for a certain brand of masculine exhibitionism. She argues that men feel the urge to do so with women as it helps stroke their ego. Debunking conventional myths regarding women, and men’s perceptions regarding them, she cites her own experiences as the reason for her writing the essay. She relates a story of a man she met at a party at Aspen talked to her at length about a book that he had only read a review of. The book turned out to be one that was authored by her and this put the man in a position that was embarrassing. What Solnit finds disturbing, however, is how she was led into believing in the existence of another book similar in the subject of discussion to hers, released around the same time. She locates the source of th is gullibility in the way in which en treat women in general and the gendered arrogance that provides them with a false sense of confidence while they speak to women as is seen in the reaction of the man- That I was indeed the author of the very important book it turned out he hadn't read, just read about in the New York Times Book Review a few months earlier, so confused the neat categories into which his world was sorted that he was stunned speechless (Solnit). This leads to a relationship of inequality, positions that make communication difficult, if not impossible. Theories that seek to explain sexual difference such as the Freudian one, also seek to place men in a position of superiority. The conversational style derives much from this perceived and false sense of superiority that men have, vis-a-vis women. This often leads them to talk to women in a manner that is suitable only for a conversation with children. This again pushes back the process of negotiation that is essentia l for any kind of relationship to exist between the two sexes (Solnit). Tannen’s essay deals with the problems that men and women face while dealing with their partners of the opposite sex. The essay looks at the basic differences in the ways in which men and women look at existence itself and how it affects the ways in which they converse. Men, Tannen argues, base their existences upon an urge to improve or maintain their statuses in the society, an attitude that differs from women who seek to build relationships of intimacy. Tannen refers to popular representations of marriage that reinforce the conversational styles that are adopted by the two sexes. The highly gendered modes of communication between these two sexes are based upon a lack of understanding between the two (Tannen). Such a lack of communication is based upon an inability to accept the ways in which the other thinks and reacts. She argues that this is a result of an unwillingness to accept the existence of ano ther perspective. She speaks of a situation where men are unwilling to respond to the needs of women during a conversation. As an example, she cites the example of her own parents. When my mother tells my father she doesn't feel well, he invariably offers to take her to the doctor. Invariably, she is disappointed with his reaction. Like many
Friday, August 23, 2019
Order of Military Medical Merit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Order of Military Medical Merit - Essay Example During her tenure at the MEDDAC at Fort McClellan as a Private First Class, MAJ Robinson was recognized by the Sergeant Major of the Army, SMA Richard A. Kidd, for her significant loyalty, dedication and contributions to the mission of caring for our Soldiers and her demonstrated leadership potential. While a sergeant, Major Robinson coordinated medical support for a MASCAL in Seoul, South Korea. Her quick actions coupled with her mature decision making minimized the outcome of a tragic accident. MAJ Robinson's immediate lifesaving skills provided prompt emergency care to the victims of the accident. She was recognized for her devotion and selfless service by the Commander, 18th Medical Command. As a Staff Sergeant assigned to Kirk U.S. Army Health Clinic, MAJ Robinson volunteered to orchestrate and enhance the renovation plan for the Pediatric and Gynecology Clinics, providing floor plans, coordinating automation support and the relocation of all associated equipment. She has genero usly contributed her personal time to ensure the renovation, without letting any adverse impact on the 14,000 beneficiaries of the health clinic. The patient care area and the capabilities of both clinics was increased by about 50 percent. MAJ Robinson also accepted the mission to oversee the transition of the clinic from a legacy system to the Composite Health Care System (CHCS). Along with this, she authored the definitive Standard Operating Procedure for appointment scheduling, ensuring that the TRICARE access standards were used thus improving the quality of patient care for the eligible beneficiaries. Key milestones in her career include; In 1998, MAJ Robinson was selected for entrance into the Army Enlisted Commissioning Program. In 2000, MAJ Robinson graduated from the University of Maryland's School of Nursing. Exceeding the course standards of the Critical Care Nursing Course taught at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and was the Honor Graduate for the course. In 2003, MAJ Robinson, as a First Lieutenant, was deployed to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan serving as the Chief Nurse for an Area Support Medical Company with a troop population of over 2,500 Soldiers engaged in combat operations against Al Qaeda and Taliban forces. It is worth mentioning that during the field operations in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, her performance was categorized as "well above her normal responsibilities" by the TF MED NORTH (TFMN) Commander. She was the only Registered Nurse trained in critical care and maintained an intubated and sedated American Soldier for 17 hours until MEDEVAC was available. MAJ Robinson also served as one of only two female officers from TFMN to relocate and support the austere location outside of the city of Konduz and provided level-1 and humanitarian care to over 2,000 Afghan civilians. She also volunteered to cross train in the pharmacy and functioned as the Public Health Nurse by supervising the hepatitis and tuberculosis screening program for the Soldiers, local nationals and U.S. civilians employed at Camp Stronghold Freedom. Following her deployment, MAJ Robinson became a competent and newly trained Open Heart Nurse. MAJ Robinson then tackled the extremely important task of monitoring and auditing blood product administration, which significantly decreased the number of unusual occurrences related to blood/blood product administration by 80%, a vital improvement for DDEAMC. At WBAMC, she was
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Dictatorship Definition Essay Example for Free
Dictatorship Definition Essay Dictatorship as a form of government is not new. It was a recognised institution in the republican Rome where normally the authority of government was vested in two presidents called Consuls. In times of emergency the Romans used to appoint a Director to supersede the Consuls, granting him supreme powers to meet the crisis. But Roman dictatorship was a temporary expedient to meet a crisis and was discarded when the crisis was past. Moreover, the dictator was selected by a legal process with the obligation to submit his use of power to the scrutiny of the permanent authority. The Roman dictatorship was, therefore, â€Å"a constitutional device under which the constitution was suspended during a grave crisis of the State. This description of dictatorship does not apply to the modem dictators of former Soviet Russia, Italy, Germany and some other countries. Modem dictators are not selected by a legal process for a limited period of time in order to steer the State through a national emergency. They come into power as a result of a coup d’etat. Force is the criterion of their political authority and they remain in power as long as force can retain them. They are responsible to no authority except to themselves. The whole authority of the State is vested in one individual person and he personifies the State. Some writers are of the opinion that the Russian dictatorship was the dictatorship of a party while in Germany and Italy it was the dictatorship of individuals. But Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy were also the rule of a party, though they remained all through overshadowed by a single personality just as Bolshevism was in the days of Lenin and Stalin. Till yesterday, Khrushchev’s personality loomed large on the political horizon. In fact, no government, as Maclver has shown, is ever actually in the hands of a single individual. If there is a single seemingly supreme ruler, he inevitably rests his power on the active support of an associated class. He rules in its interests no less than with its cooperation. He nearly always has a council of advisers who represent that class. Hitler and Mussolini were leaders of the Nazi and Fascist parties. They selected their ministers from the ranks of their own parties in order to pursue the ends of their respective parties. There is, accordingly, no difference between the Russian type of dictatorship and that of Central European countries. If there was any, it was only one of degree rather than of kind. In USSR it was really a triple dictatorshipâ€â€that of the Communist Party as regards the mass of citizens, that of the inner group as regards the rest of the Party, and that of the leader as regards inner group, party and the nation.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Department store Essay Example for Free
Department store Essay What are the main organizational causes of the frustration that Ayshia Coles feels? There are some main organizational causes of frustration that Ayshia Coles feels. Firstly, she feels that her responsibilities and line of authority are not clearly defined in the relationship between IT and the bank’s other departments. Secondly, there are many vagueness of requests send to IT. Moreover, FMBT has a problem about communication between units leading to complex problem. Finally, IT staff limited to application so they feels underused. 2. If you were Marshall Pinkard, how would you address both Ayishia’s request for clarification about her authority and responsibilities and the underlying problems be addressed with minor adjustment or would you need to consider a drastic overhaul of the bank organizational structure? What environmental and technological factors would influence your decision? If I were Marshall Pinkard, I would have some temporary solutions. Initially, he should set up a meeting with the company executives and managers for all departments in vertical- redefined the lines of authorities for all managers. He has to lay out the responsibilities for all the managers including Ayishia. Next, he should announce the other department about problems faced by IT and encourage communication among departments. Besides that, he can develop a innovation process for submitting requests to IT department. Concurrently, he should motivate IT staffs for creative inputs of IT to improve the company. The most important thing is that the FMBT should restructure their organization. Although it will take a long time to achieve it, it makes company’s perform better than now. 3. Sketch a general chart for the type of organization that you think would work best for IT at FMBT?
Effects Of Classroom Lighting On Filipino College Students
Effects Of Classroom Lighting On Filipino College Students Several studies on the effects of lighting on students academic performance had been done abroad on different social classes and ages of the subjects. These all had the objective of improving the learning process of students during their formative years at school. According to Bukky Akinsanmi, theories on how learning takes place include behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. The behaviorism theory, which was popularized by B.F. Skinner, supports the idea that humans come into this world like a blank slate tabular rasa. Humans learn based on reinforcements. Rewards are given to those whose action reaps positive results. Punishments are given otherwise. The effective transfer of knowledge is the teachers responsibility leaving the student a passive participant. It is teacher-focused, structured, lecture-based, and uses reward and punishment to promote learning. The classrooms provided little room for flexibility. Lapses on behaviorism theory include the eventual possibility of extinction of positive results when rewards are removed and the attitude of just doing things for the sake of rewards. Since the behaviorism theory does not account for all learning, the cognitivism theory came into existence. It says that the mind is a black box that must be opened and understood. It focuses on the study of mental processes. Schools were built in single or two-story buildings connected by walkways housing students according to their grades. Meanwhile, Constructivism theory states that knowledge is constructed and not acquired. The learning process is now the responsibility of the student and not the teacher. It says that humans are like blank slates making meanings from experiences. Unlike the behaviorism design of school environment, this theory supports student-centered, collaborative, cooperative, and experiential learning facilities with teachers serving as facilitators (Akinsanmi, 2008) To enhance students academic performance, the effective coordination of school environment must be studied. The physical characteristics of a school environment directly influences both the teachers way of imparting knowledge on students and a students performance at school. Such characteristics include sounds, temperature levels, and classroom lighting (Tope, 2013). Poor school facilities like inoperative heating system, inadequate ventilation, and poor lighting affect health, learning, and morale of students and staffs. Good overall building condition; including features such as large windows, natural lightings, and well-designed skylights on classroom settings; results to better students academic achievement (Vandiver, 2011). According to Robert Scott McGowen, the illumination of our surrounding environment impacts our reactions, motivations, moods, and sense of well-being. For centuries, this issue of illumination led to evident designs in architecture and natural lighting. Different degrees of illumination can be used to stimulate productive and creativity in offices and schools. Several studies had been done on providing windows or skylights in classrooms resulting to higher standardized tests. However, it does not clearly imply that the improvement in students performance was due to increased light, quality of light, or physiological effect of natural lighting. Windowless spaces contribute to negative attitudes of students as well as their teachers especially when coupled with monotonous tasks. It was shown that natural lighting can improve the quality and quantity of lighting in instructional areas effectively. Daylight has been and is still the standard by which artificial light is measured. Researc h reports indicate a positive correlation between day lighting and academic performance. Good quality of lighting increases comfort and increased comfort contributes to higher scores and academic performance of both teacher and students. The developmental stages of students are also considered when designing lighting systems. It is a physical support on students to help them concentrate on their academic endeavors. Recently, the focus on effective learning environments has shone on healthy physical surroundings (McGowen, 2007). Changing the facilities creates a different learning environment. Creating change has a major impact on students, faculty, and administrators. This change creates the type of learning environment, which is more conducive to learning and performance. (Vandiver, 2011) Two field studies and one experiment were done with Dutch elementary school children to examine the effects of dynamic lighting on concentration done by Sleegers, Moolenar, Galetzka, and Van Der Zanden. In the field studies, the pupils in the experimental conditions were subjected to different lighting settings and conditions during one day for a longer period of time (Study 1) or were constantly exposed to the focus setting for one month (Study 2), while the pupils in the controlled environment were subjected to the same lighting conditions during one morning (Study 3). They focused on pupils concentration performance and evaluated the impact of different lighting conditions and settings on pupils concentration. They also examined the differential effects of classroom lighting conditions on concentration for gender. They evaluated the effects of lighting, conducting analyses of variance, using three samples of data from 181 elementary school children. The results of their field stud ies offer support for the positive influence of classroom lighting conditions on concentration. Although all pupils performed better at the concentration test at the consecutive measurement points, it appeared that the performance of the pupils in the experimental groups improved more than the performance of their peers in the control groups. Furthermore, the findings of the first field study show differences between grades: they found effects of lighting on concentration for pupils from grade 4, but not for pupils from grade 6. These findings suggest that older pupils concentration might be less affected by the lighting conditions used than younger pupils. Hypothesis states that older pupils are more trained to concentrate while performing tests than younger pupils. On the other hand, the findings on the second field show that, on the average, older children perform better on concentration tests than their younger peers, no additional support was found for the role of age in the ef fect of lighting on concentration. Meanwhile, the results of the third study showed no statistically significant effect of lighting on concentration and so not substantiate the findings of the two field studies in a controlled environment. It might be because of the differences in the designs used. It suggests that the statistically significant differences found in the field of studies might be caused by uncontrolled extraneous influences that might limit or bias observation. It might also be that differences in the way children were exposed to the lighting conditions and settings in the different environments caused the differences between the findings. Although they did not evaluate the dynamic nature of the light system used, their findings seem to suggest that an environment in which different lighting settings and conditions are used to support specific activities and tasks at hand during a longer period of time may be more effective for pupils learning than an environment in w hich pupils are exposed to the same lighting condition for a relatively short period of time. The effect of lighting might be situation, task, and time dependent as previous studies also have indicated. The differences between the findings of the field studies and the third study for the relationship between lighting and concentration may also have to do with seasonal effects. Seasonal effects were also found in a more recent study into the effects of dynamic lighting on student alertness in a lecture room environment. The results of that study showed that in spring no change in alertness could be detected, while in the autumn study the decrease of alertness during lectures was significant. These findings shed light on the effects of exposure to lighting conditions during different seasons and the effect of the dynamic nature of light. As such, attention should be paid to the added value of artificial lighting in combination with exposure to daylight for the improvement of the perfo rmance of students in educational settings. Third, the results of their field studies showed no evidence of differential effects of gender in the relationship between lighting and concentration. Although earlier studies did find effects of lighting on performance and mood differ between men and women, their findings do not indicate gender related effects of lighting on pupils in elementary education. This may be related to the difference between children and adults in effects of lighting, for instance in regard to the development of psychological and affective preferences for the environment in general, and lighting specifically. (Sleegers et. al., 2012) According to Warren Hathaway, a search for ways to improve education is sustained by the general view that the learning environment is an important aspect in the educational process and the specific findings of research into the effects of types of lighting on people. Among the most surprising findings from the research in this field were that those elementary students who received trace amounts of ultraviolet light in their classrooms developed fewer dental carries and had better attendance than students in a comparison group. Sunlight is still the most important source of light and energy for living organisms and it may be experienced as direct light or as skylight. Most people do their works each day under the influence of sunlight. However, as society becomes more urbanized, people spend much less time under sunlight and much more time under artificial lamps. We are surrounded by walls, floors and ceilings covered with colors seldom repeated on the same scale in nature and these colors are usually perceived under lighting systems designed more for efficiency than for their possible physiological or psychological effects on people. Indeed, our artificial lighting systems can only simulate twilight levels of illumination-light levels of 200 to 1500 lux in comparison to light in the natural environment at twilight of 2,800 to 8,200 lux and at noon up to 100,000 lux. There is significance of wide differences in light levels between natural settings and built environments. Corth contended that the natural environment of our earliest ancestors was not the open plains but the forest floor. As a consequence, the habitat noon-time light levels would have been much lower than the 8,200 to 100,000 lux found in open areas. Moreover, he further contended that the spectral quality of the light at the forest floor was greenish-yellow and represented the combined result of the solar radiation spectrum and the filtering effect of the forest canopy. He also progressed the vi ew that our ancestors only later they occupied the forest floor near the equator did they move onto the open plains either north or south of the equator. Thus he concluded that heavy skin pigmentation was a matter of camouflage for survival more than it was a filter against UV light. As humans left the forest cover and moved into the more open country to the end of the equator and away from zones of intense UV light, the pigmentation was reduced as a response to the need for increased vitamin D which is formed by the action of ultraviolet light on the skin. Following Corths logic, one might expect two effects. First, in as much as the light spectrum of cool-white fluorescent lamps approximates that of the greenish-yellow light reaching the forest floor, people may find these lights to be very satisfactory. Second, if skin pigmentation decreases as a response to an increased need for ultraviolet light, highly pigmented people living in northern climates may have greater needs for ult raviolet stimulation than do lightly pigmented people. Sunlight contains all colors in relatively uniform amounts and all colors are equally visible when illuminated by sunlight. For this reason, natural light serves as the reference for comparing the color rendition characteristics of artificial lights, with natural light having the maximum or reference Color Rendition Index (CRI) of 100. The color rendition index is a measure of the way colors look under specific light sources. It is important to note that equivalent CRI indices mean the same thing only when the light sources to which they relate have equivalent color temperatures. As a consequence, colored objects may appear different when viewed under lights with different color temperatures but equivalent CRI indices. Not all artificial light sources accurately reproduce the full spectrum of sunlight. Incandescent lights are rich in red and yellow light, but radiate relatively little energy in the blue and green region of the s pectrum. Cool-white fluorescent lights emit most of their radiant energy in the green and yellow bands of the spectrum, the range to which eyes are most sensitive. Thorington asserted that it is at the 555 nm that the lumen or the standard unit of light is defined. Full spectrum lights emit a significant portion of their radiant energy in the blue area of the spectrum. A further small percentage of the radiant energy from fluorescent lamps may fall into the ultraviolet range. Rooms lit with full spectrum fluorescent lights may be seen as being somewhat dimly lit since the eye is less sensitive to blue light than to green and yellow light,. Full spectrum lights do, however, have a relatively high Color Rendition Index and this may be very important to vision processes. In this regard, Aston and Bellchainbers compared high efficiency with lamps that provided a spectrum more closely balanced to natural light. In their report they said, The results clearly show that the Kolorite lamps, lamps simulating natural light in spectral distribution, not only provide better color qualities but give a higher degree of visual clarity than do the high efficacy lamps at an equivalent illuminations. Ozaki and Wurmm drew attention to the fact that light from high pressure sodium vapor lamps produced anomalies in the growth and development of animals. They presented evidence to the effect that the exposure of developing rats to high pressure sodium vapor (HPSV) lights caused characteristic changes in growth and development. Downing concluded: There is no area of our mental and bodily functioning that the sun does not influence. Our bodies were designed to receive and use it in a wide range of ways. We were not designed to hide from it in houses, offices, factories and schools. Sunshine, reaching us through our eyes and our skin, exercises a subtle control over us from birth to death, from head to tail. Zamkova and Krivitskaya augmented regular fluorescent light with ultraviolet s untan lamps in a controlled experiment involving school children and they reported that when compared to the control group, students who received exposure to ultraviolet light showed increased levels of working ability and resistance to fatigue, improved academic performance, improved stability of clear vision, and increased weight and growth. Volkova studied the effects of ultraviolet supplements to general lighting in a factory and found that when compared to a control group, an experimental group of adults demonstrated decreased permeability of skin capillaries, increased white cell activity, and reduced catarrhal infections and colds. Richard Wurtman concluded that light has biological effects that are important to health and that some of these effects may be easily reproduced and measured in the experimental laboratory. These effects were of two kinds: those which modify the individuals endocrine, hormone and metabolic state by means of light reaching the retina and those which result from light on the skin. He also linked light entering the eye with responses of the pineal gland and secretion of the hormone melatonin. This hormone in turn influences the functions of other glands, possibly as a result of direct action on specific areas of the brain. Wurtman and Weisel studied the effects of light from cool white lamps and full-spectrum Vita-Lite lamps on a group of rats. Their findings support the argument that environmental lighting has an effect on at least some neuroendocrine functions. Himmelfarb, Scott, and Thayer reported that light from Vita-Lite (full-spectrum) lamps was significantly more effective in killing bacteria than light from standard cool-white lamps. Downing offered evidence that small amounts of ultraviolet radiation destroy bacteria and moulds. Relatively small amounts of ultraviolet light can stimulate calcium absorption among elderly men who have no exposure to sunlight and who eat a diet containing little vitamin D. Mass, Jayson, a nd Kleiber reported that students studying under full-spectrum lights had the smallest decrease over time in critical flicker fusion and an increase in visual acuity. Students studying under cool-white illumination demonstrated greater lethargy than those studying under full-spectrum lights (Hathaway, 1994). Sleegers suggested that future research should, therefore, focus on the interaction between light conditions and settings, specific activities and tasks and duration. This may increase our understanding of the variability of the effect of lighting among classroom environments, school activities, tasks and student performance and the potential effects of dynamic lighting in school settings. More research is needed to test the effects of different lighting conditions and settings on the school performance of different age groups. Future studies should use reliable and repeated measurements of concentration in order to reduce bias, increase the validity of the design used and evaluate the possible long term effects of lighting on school performance of young children in natural school environments. More systematic research is needed on the relation of daytime and artificial light, concentration, and seasonal effects, using objective measures to analyze performance in real life settings a nd with prolonged exposure. By doing this, the findings of these studies may help to increase our understanding of person/environment interaction and its impact on the performance and learning of elementary school children (Sleegers et al, 2012). At the same time, the literature on the non-visual effects of types of lighting on people is constantly expanding and from this there emerges a need to examine a variety of types of lighting for non-visual effects on people (Hathaway, 1994).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Chinese Culture Essay -- Cultural Identity Essays
Throughout China's encased history it has developed much differently than western parts of the world. Chinese culture varies greatly compared to ours. These great differences between eastern culture and western culture make China a very interesting place. Some of the vast differences include literature, social structure, and government. The greatest difference is Chinese philosophy and way of thinking. China has developed a strict system of tradition that has given China great advantages and disadvantages. This is shown in Chinese literature. Tradition in China is a set of unwritten laws. This is why China turned its eyes from the outside world and looked in. China found everything it needed in Tradition (4). The strong traditions and customs play probably the greatest factor in the life of a Chinese person. This strict philosophy influences marriage, children, family, and duty in life. Marriage is much different and has different levels of companionship. One man may have many wives and or concubines. The status of these wives and concubines are very important. The lower you are on the husband's list the lower you were treated (1). When in a marriage if you were having children a son would be most desirable for you to have. You would be thought better of if you produced a son. This shows the male dominance in Chinese culture. Once a son was born the expectations for him were great. He was supposed to learn all great literature and be very scholarly (2). A girl, also was supp...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Elasticity of Pecan Market :: essays research papers
The article â€Å"Big Crop Won’t Reduce Pecan Prices†is about how the market for pecans affects the both the wholesale market and the retail market. The article describes how pecans are relatively inelastic around major holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is stated that there was a 150 million pound increase in pecans from the previous year. Since there was such a great increase in quantity supplied, the price decreased. Since the demand for pecans is relatively inelastic, consumers are not affected by a change in price. This article also describes the difference between the wholesale market and the retail market for pecans. Wholesale markets produce the pecans, and sell them to retailers for a low price; between seventy-five to eighty-five cents per pound. While the retailers purchase the pecans for a low price, they turn around and sell them to consumers for about five times the price they paid for them. The pecan producers have no control over the pric es that they sell the pecans at, and they have no control over the price that the retailers sell the pecans at.      The wholesale pecan market is a perfectly competitive market. There are lots of different suppliers, and it’s a highly standardized product. The demand and supply curves are relatively inelastic due to the craze for pecans during the holidays. The massive increase in pecans supplied causes the price per pound of pecans to decrease greatly. The graph (on the left) represents the increase in demand.            The graph above and off to the right represents the demand and marginal cost for a firm. In the retail market, they have control over the price at which they sell their products to consumers. In the article they state that the firms buy the pecans from wholesale markets for a small price, like eighty-five cents, and then they go off and sell the same pecans for $5.50. A decrease in the price causes a decrease in marginal cost.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Can The United States Justify The Civil War :: essays research papers
Can the United States Justify the Civil War The definition of Manifest Destiny reads as: "The belief in the 1840's in the inevitable territorial expansion of the United States, especially as advocated by southern slaveholders who wished to extend slavery into new territories." This explanation was transcribed from the World Book Encyclopedia's dictionary. It is directly evident that from this unbiased statement we can trace the first uprising of a separate group of people yearning to break the newly formed bond of the great United States. Before and during the Mexican War, the people who were pushing for the claimed land once owned by innocent native americans, were always looking for a scapegoat. They needed one way or another, a way to squirm out of taking the blame for the enslaved and murdered Mexican causalities. There was one man, though, who would not let this happen, David Wilmot. David Wilmot was a democrat from Pennsylvania, who was willing to revise the President's bill. In this revision, Wilmot proposed "...neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of the territory...". This was not well liked by the South and eventhough it was given thumbs up many times in the senate, our newly formed country was now bordered by fresh land. The Wilmot Proviso underwent quite a bit of pressure so that compromises could satisfy each side. The Compromise of 1850 was soon to follow but the real catch of the same year was the Fugitive Slave Act. This act was invented so that the slaves of slaveowners, who took them to a slave-free state on a vacation or something, could not escape. In this act, the hardest part to understand, was that the courts were to try to give a fair trial to any runaway slaves. This enfuriated many of the Northern abolitionists who now were going to expand the tracks of the underground railroad to help extend their efforts in the rescue of the runaways. The point of no return, where many people knew for sure that the country would be devided between the north and the south was the ruling on the Kansas Nebraska Act. This act was majorly contributed into by Stephen A. Douglas and probably would never have passed without his consent. The whole idea behind the act that really got to the south was Popular Sovereignty. This so called "specific" rule was none to specific in stating when a territory could decide when they were pro or anti slavverry. The abolitionists were flooding the new territory with their own kind where as the southerners were just moving
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Benefits of computing gross profit on sales in contrast to contribution margin Essay
The computation of gross profit on sales, which can be derived under the absorption costing approach, is a profitability measure normally conducted under financial analysis. This accounting ratio outlines the gross profit generated from every $100 of sales. Such measure is highly useful in financial analysis, because it provides indications on the profitability potential and cost efficiency of the company.  For instance, if there was an increase in sales of 10%, but the gross profit margin declined by 4%. This indicates that the cost efficiency of the organization deteriorated during the period. Such analysis cannot be conducted under the contribution margin approach, because gross profit is not present. However, under the contribution margin approach one can calculate the contribution to sales ratio which indicates the contribution determined from every $100 of sales. This would also provide indications on the control of variable costs once compared over time. Difference in Net Income arising from different approaches. In the example of ABC Company the profit under the two methods is the same. However, this is not always the case. Profits under the two methods differ whenever there is movement in inventory. This is due to the fact that since under the absorption costing technique fixed manufacturing costs are included in the cost of goods sold, a proportion of fixed costs will be included in inventory leading to such a difference. Contribution margin approach not allowable for external reporting. The contribution margin approach, despite being highly useful to provide valuable information for decision making, is not acceptable for external reporting. This is due to the fact that it does not comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). For example, under the GAAP the income statement layout should clearly outline the gross profit made by the company. Under the contribution margin method this is not highlighted. Another important reason why the absorption approach is allowable for external reporting and not the contribution approach is due to the way in which the income statement is classified. The GAAP state that the income statement is classified by function, like under the absorption method. In the contribution approach it is classified by cost behavior. Indeed separation between fixed and variable costs is made under such method. This conflicts with another requirement of the GAAP. Reference: Drury C. (1996). Management and Cost Accounting. Fourth Edition. New York: International Thomson Business Press. Â
Friday, August 16, 2019
Comical Interlude in a Midsummer Night??â„¢s Dream
A comical interlude is a part in a play where there is a break from the main plotting and is a chance for the audience and actors to relax. Some may argue that the final scene in ‘A Midsummer Night's dream' is only a comical interlude and nothing more as it does not relate to the main story directly. However, I would argue against this and say that the last scene is written by Shakespeare as a clever way of showing the audience what might have happened to the lovers. Also, a common convention of comedies is mockery, so the craftsman's play could be interpreted as a way of mocking the foolish behavior of the four lovers.Another classic convention of comedy is forbidden love. In both ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream' and ‘Paramus and Thesis' there is a couple who are forbidden to marry. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's Segues forbidding Alexander and his daughter Hernia to marry, ‘Scornful Alexander†¦ And all my right of her I do estate unto Demerits'. This sho ws that Segues treats Alexander with contempt and considers him unworthy to marry his daughter. The word ‘estate' shows that Segues treats Hernia as his property and not as a human. This reflects what life was like in the Elizabethan era as women were expected to obey their fathers and men in general.In ‘Paramus and Thesis', we do not get told that the lovers are forbidden to marry, however Snout says, ‘Paramus and Thesis, Did whisper often, very secretly. ‘ So, we presume that these lovers are not meant to be together- that's why they're meeting in private. One explanation to why Shakespeare connected these two is because at the beginning, the forbidden love is very serious as people may die however at the end in ‘Paramus and Thesis', it is very humorous. It also means that the characters watching ‘Paramus and Thesis' can look jack and laugh at themselves, so Shakespeare is mocking a key flaw in humanity, our hypocritical nature.In both plays, th e couples decide to run off together. Hernia and Alexander go to the forest, ‘Steal forth†¦ And in the wood, a league without the town'. The word ‘steal' automatically shows you that what they are doing is criminal and very serious. On the other hand, Paramus and Thesis decide to go to Minus' Tomb', Wilt thou at Ninny's tomb meet me straightway. Compared to the serious language used by Alexander, Bottom mispronouncing ‘Minus' tomb' for ‘Ninny's tomb' is humorous as it wows how uneducated him and the rest of the carpenters are.You could also say that it shows how arrogant Bottom is, as clearly he was not listening when Quince corrects Flute of the same mistake, ‘Minus' tomb, man'. The more likely explanation is that Shakespeare is showing Bottom to be the arrogant fool he is, as Quince managed to understand it. There is a huge difference in where the couples plan to meet, the forest is a very magical place where as Paramus and Thesis are meeting at a tomb which is a very sad, depressing place.With forests you associate getting lost and infusion which is another classic convention of comedies where as you associate death with tombs and death is a common convention of tragedies. However you could interpret the forest to be like a tomb for the lovers as they fall asleep there and are lucky to be alive thanks to the fairies. The more plausible explanation to why Shakespeare used this comparison between locations is because he wanted to show the strong contrast between a comical forest and a depressing tomb. This is where the stories first start to take different turns and they divide into being a tragedy and a modem.Both plans seem flawless but they are both disturbed in some way or another. In ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream', Oberon and Puck disrupt Hernia and Lassoer's love together by having Alexander fall in love with Helena, ‘anoint his eyes'. The word ‘anoint' portrays the fairies and very delicate and gentle w hen really the fairies are quite the opposite. In ‘Paramus and Thesis', the Lion disrupts the love, ‘[roaring] 0-! [Lion tears Thistle's mantle]'. This is comical for the audience as the Lion is meant to be a roaring beast and all he says is ‘O', This could be interpreted to how that Snug is very stupid or to show that he is very shy.It is more likely that he is very stupid as this is a lot more comical for the audience. It also contrasts from ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream' as the lion (a fearsome animal) is portrayed comically where as the fairies (conventionally happy) portrayed as powerful characters in the play so it shows the tops-truly nature of the play. In both plays, one of the lovers thinks that the other has been slain. Hernia thinks that Demerits has killed Alexander, ‘Out, dog†¦ Hast thou slain him, then? She thinks this as she is so madly in love' with Alexander and is full of hatred for Demerits.Shakespeare is trying to young love and s how how easily it can affect someone. On the other hand Paramus thinks that Thesis has been eaten by the Lion, ‘O dainty duck! O dear†¦ Lion vile hath here deflowered my dear'. The term ‘deflowered' is humorous for the audience as Bottom is trying to say that Thesis is dead but it can be seen to mean that she's lost her virginity to the lion which is extremely comical along with ‘dainty duck also being a sexual reference adding to the comedic value.Both characters use an animal adaptor to portray their emotions, Shakespeare has had Hernia call Demerits a dog to show that she is angry and show that this part of the play is very serious. Bottom/ Paramus says ‘Dainty Duck as he is meant to be upset- but as it's a humorous production and a duck is a tame animal it is funny because Bottom has most likely made another mistake adding to his egotistical character, it is also a oxymoron as ducks are far from dainty. Not to mention, Shakespeare has used alliterati on. There is a connection between both plays throughout and that is still the case in the IANAL part.Alexander and Hernia get married and live happily ever after, where as both Paramus and Thesis kill themselves. ‘Now die, die, die, die'. This line performed by Bottom as Paramus in the play is an extremely comical moment. Bottom is a self- assured and over confident character who tries to make every part of his role eccentric and exaggerated. So he repeats this line to make it more dramatic but it becomes a comical moment because Shakespeare has created Bottoms character for the audience to laugh at. Another interpretation to why Shakespeare has added in his part is because there is no death in ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream'.This makes sense as the play is a comedy and one of the key conventions of a comedy is that nobody dies and there is at least one marriage at the end. Perhaps Shakespeare included this death of Paramus because the audiences of the time loved seeing peop le die. So I think the reason Shakespeare killed Paramus off in this humorous way to keep his audience interested and laughing at the same time. The repetition of the word ‘Die' creates humor as it emphasizes it to the audience and shows how stuck up Bottom is trying to milk every line he has.Another explanation to why Shakespeare has written it like this is because he wants us to remember Bottom's humorous death. This particular explanation argues that the craftsman's play does have relevance to the main story as Shakespeare wants you to remember Paramus dying as much as the wedding. So Shakespeare has put in Bottoms death to show you that Alexander and Hernia were lucky to escape death. On the other hand, you could say that Shakespeare wanted to continue the parallel structure right through to the end so in a way he could be suggesting that marriage is like dying.When they awake into the real world once again, Demerits says, ‘Are you sure that we are awake? It seems to me that yet we sleep, we dream'. With it being a comedy the plausible interpretation is that Shakespeare put in the craftsman's play to simply demonstrate what could have happened, not what actually happened. ‘Are you sure that we are awake? Is a rhetorical question often delivered to the audience as to get them to start questioning themselves as to whether or not they have been truly awake the whole time.So, the green world was all real in the play so the characters ND audience could see the deeper meaning of how humanity has many flaws which are humorous. To conclude, although I understand that the final act is a comical interlude and that's how most audiences now and then view it, I believe that Shakespeare wrote it in to have a greater meaning than that as it links in to the main plotting so perfectly. The major plot points of ‘Paramus and Thesis' are not the exact same to ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream' but mirrored with tragic conventions instead of comedic to s ymbolism what could of have happened to the lovers.
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