Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Negative Effects of Technology Essay
The advantages of technology are undeniable, electronic devices make our life much easier as we can save time and money when using them: cars, microwaves, mobile phones†¦ In contrast, there are a lot of disadvantages that we don’t take into account. The recession is not the only cause of unemployment: technology has enabled multinational companies to replace their workers with machines. This business process has created job redundancies and downsizing. In addition, local agencies and music stores have been forced to shut down since items are available online. Technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient but it has also brought along privacy issues. People are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge. In order to feel secure at the work place is necessary to be in constant learning mode, as technology keeps on changing every day. There is always a new discovery or development that may be useful to make our job safer. Also, the more technology that we create the more technology that we dispose of. This problem is exponentially growing. Practically everyone has a cell phone which has a life span of about 3 or 4 years, when we replace them they are usually thrown into a big pile and released harmful agents into the environment. Related to cell phones, I have found 3 key points that explain how do they affect on humans health: 1. First of all, studies have not shown a consistent link between cell phone use and cancers of the brain, nerves, or other tissues of the head or neck. More research is needed because cell phone technology and how people use cell phones have been changing rapidly. 2. Nevertheless, you need to know that cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues closest to where the phone is held. 3. The amount of radiofrequency energy we are exposed to depends on the technology of the phone, the distance between the phone’s antenna and the user, the extent and type of use, and the userâ €™s distance from cell phone towers. Technology has also affected society in general. Even the fact that we can now communicate at any time anywhere may sound like a good thing, the fact remains that people do not interact personally with one another as often as they used to. This has affected the interaction between people as it has created a barrier in personable, face-to-face communication. As a result, there are certain habits that are losing relevance among people such as going out to play a basketball match or meeting a friend at a coffee shop. This is happening because people don’t feel the need to step outside of their home to find entertainment and fun. Technology is a privilege to have but interaction with other people is crucial, and being responsible for one’s actions and not letting technology rule our lives is very important too. I am not saying that all technology is bad or evil, but we do need to be careful that we don’t become slaves to our own creations. Bibliography:  · Anon, 2009. Negative effects of modern day technology. Available at: [Accessed December 13, 2012].  · Aydan Corkern, 2009. The Negative Effects Of Advancing Technology On Society. Available at: [Accessed December 14, 2012].  · Veethi Telang, 2011. Negative Impact of technology. Available at: [Accessed December 14, 2012].
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Sydney Trumbo An Evaluation: My Zumba Class Experience My weekly workout routine typically consists of running on the treadmill for an hour three days a week and using weights to strengthen my upper body and core two days a week. The gym I belong to provides a variety of exercise classes; however I do not take advantage of this perk. When it comes to coordination I am a bit â€Å"challenged. †It takes me longer to understand and follow the instructor’s directions. The thought of making a fool out of myself in front of a group of people causes me a great deal of anxiety.My major concern has always been that I will not be able to keep up with the instructor or the other class participants. If infomercials are an indication of the current trends in exercise then Zumba seems to be fairly popular. While scanning T. V. channels late at night I often come across an infomercial for this upbeat dance workout. Taking one of the Zumba classes my gym offers seemed like a good choi ce for my evaluation assignment. One reason for my decision was to force myself to focus on the cardio workout I would get rather than whether or not I was making a fool out of myself.I also wanted to see if Zumba was as enjoyable as the infomercials made it look. I did a little research on Zumba before taking the class. I wanted to get an idea of what this new exercise craze was all about. It actually started back in the 1990’s, when a dance instructor, Alberto Perez, forgot the music he was supposed to use for an aerobics class. He ended up improvising his dance class, by using merengue and salsa music instead. After seeing the success it had in Colombia, Perez moved to the United States in 2001 in an attempt to get his new dance concept discovered. Zumba became a huge hit among the fitness world.It includes slow and fast rhythm dances, and is essentially available to all ages because of the wide range of classes available. When it comes to the Zumba class offered at my gym , I assumed it would be designed for physically fit individuals between the ages of 16 and 55. Prior to taking part in an actual Zumba class I had a few preconceived ideas about what to expect. I thought the class would require wearing a special type of workout clothing. I believed the instructor would most likely be a professional dancer whose choreography would be paired with upbeat Spanish songs and consist of challenging moves.The dance steps the class would require would probably be modern day salsa and cha-cha; neither of which I find that exciting. I attended my first Zumba class on Sunday, February 17th. By the end of the first song I had quickly ruled out all of my preconceived ideas. The Zumba class took place in an extremely spacious room which allowed everyone in the class to have their own personal bubble. Mirrors covered all four of the walls, making it a bit awkward and impossible not to watch myself dance. Before the class began, I was complaining about how cold the room seemed.After the first routine I was thankful for the colder temperature. As far as I could tell the only â€Å"equipment†necessary for a successful Zumba class was music. As the room began filling up with participants it became apparent I was going to be the youngest. The group consisted of about fifteen women ranging in ages from the mid-twenties all the way to the late fifties. No one wore specialized Zumba clothing. In fact the majority of exercise attire worn was a plain tee-shirt, yoga pants and a good pair of tennis shoes.On the Zumba commercials, the attendees were all wearing bright colored tanks tops with â€Å"ZUMBA†written across them, colored cargo pants, fun-beaded skirts and leggings. I was not surprised that my classmates had a different wardrobe from those on the commercial. The clothes were probably used as an advertising technique to get people interested in the exercise. Everyone attending the class seemed to be in decent shape implying that this class for the physically fit. Danica, our Zumba instructor, literally ran in the room at exactly 4:30 PM.She had a welcoming smile and was quite observant. She noticed that a couple of us were not regulars to her Zumba sessions. Before we started dancing, Danica explained the basics of the class. She stated that it was not a dance competition and the main goal of Zumba is to be constantly moving in order to achieve a high calorie burn. She reviewed dance moves that she thought might be hard for new people to pick up right away. She reiterated that the most important thing is that we keep moving for the entire hour. After asking if everyone was ready to begin she turned on the music.The first dance was Pitbull’s â€Å"Don’t Stop the Party†; I was not expecting the music to consist of popular songs that could be heard on the radio. Danica would shout out the direction we were going making all her moves very simple to follow. She had us jumping in every direct ion, sliding from right to left, punching the air, marching forward and backward; by the middle of the song, everyone was dancing in a synchronized pattern. I did find myself lost on a few moves, but I just repeated previous steps until I could get back into the swing of things.Even though I consider myself to be in fairly good physical shape I was sweating and panting after the first song. Looking around the room, I could see as well as feel the entire class was pumped up and sending off positive energy. Danica was able to show a few moves to the next song before it started. I could tell it was going to be a bit more difficult than the first. It involved more jumping and slightly advanced foot work. But we were all laughing through our flaws and having a good time with the dance. Our instructor’s attitude and encouragement made my entire Zumba experience a great one.She would complement the moves we mastered, and would not discourage the dances that proved more difficult. Ev en though this was my first class, I was dancing as well as all the other classmates by the end. By the end of the class, we had danced to total of eight songs. They included Shakira’s â€Å"Waka Waka, This Time for Africa†, and Psy’s â€Å"Gangnam Style†. The last song, Enrique Iglesias’s â€Å"Tired of Being Sorry†, was our cool down song. Each song had its own chorography, making them unique and different. The class was an hour long and it managed to work out my entire body.Danica said that we burned about five hundred calories from all the moving around. Zumba did not require a lot of past acquired dance skills. I felt like a professional dancer, because I finally was able to follow moves that weren’t overly complicated. Flexibility was not a necessity but it is important to stretch out a few minutes before any exercise, especially one as involved as Zumba. I found one flaw which I could have avoided altogether. With the constant moving, I was extremely hot and sweaty; I would have to run to the drinking fountain.This caused me to lose my place in the dances, and I had to wait until I could catch onto the moves. As long as I remember a water bottle, this problem can be avoided. By end of the class, I could already feel the tightening of my muscles. I walked to the locker room with my legs feeling like Jell-O. I could hardly reach my locker because I could barely lift my arms above my head. I worked out my arms, abs, and legs all at once in Zumba. I did not leave the gym feeling overly tired so I had enough motivation to go home and continue on with my daily routine.The days of coming home and sleeping after an intense workout are now in the past. I came straight home and shared my fun-filled Zumba experience with my family. I would recommend Zumba to anyone looking for a new type of exercise. Riding the stationary bike or the elliptical every day starts to get boring, in my opinion. If you are looking to ste p out of your everyday workout routine, Zumba is the way to go. I do not however think it would be a positive experience for those who don’t enjoy exercising, or are in poorer shape. The nonstop moving could pose as a shock to bodies that are not used to cardio workouts.It would be a smarter choice for them to slowly work their way up through beginner classes. After having such a wonderful experience at my first Zumba class, I have every intention of attending as many as I can. It was not anything that I had expected; I did not think it would ever be possible to actually enjoy working out. But with the right attitude, an experienced and perceptive instructor, and a room full of fun people; Zumba is all around fun. It is an energetic class that makes for an exciting experience and improves your health, body and mind.
Of Mice and Men: Yearning Friendship
In the heart of every human, there is a longing for companionship. The novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck tells readers of the tragic tale between two males, George Milton and Lennie Small, who are trying to survive the cruel times of America's Great Depression. George and Lennie are two ranch workers hopping from place to place in order to survive and fulfill their dreams. Even though the two men are complete opposites, they stick together to the end of the novella. Steinbeck illustrates the theme, the longing and human need for friendship, by constantly pushing many characters through the feeling of loneliness, the benefits of cooperation, and the power of companionship.The feeling of loneliness forces people to realize their need for friendship. For example, when Crooks tells Lennie, â€Å"Books ain't no good. A guy needs somebodyâ€â€to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya, a guy g ets too lonely and he gets sick†(73). This reveals the feeling of loneliness drives people mad. The feeling drives people remarkably mad that they learn to accept any company that they have, even if the company is bothersome. Furthermore, Curley's wife responds to Lennie's stubbornness by stating, â€Å"Why can't I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody.I get awful lonely†(86). This brings to light Curley's wife's actions of constantly annoying the males. Her loneliness causes her to bother people who normally push her away and ignore herâ€â€her heart longs for some sort of company, and it won't stop until she obtains one. Although the feeling of loneliness pushes the reader into realization of a longing for friendship, cooperation keeps a friendship lasting.Cooperation benefits a friendship between two people; it keeps the longing for friendship satisfied. For instance, Lennie remembers George's words and beams, â€Å"Because†¦ because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you†(14). This explains that two males depend on each other and leaning on each other's shoulders when it is needed through their cooperation. The cooperation between the two keeps their friendship strong even though they are total opposites. In fact, even by the end of their tale, Lennie rejoicing, â€Å"An' I got you. We got each other, that's what, that gives a hoot hell about us†(104).This reveals that through their tough battles, they still stayed strong friends. Once again, their cooperation was shown through their dependence on each other. Due to the face that they have each other, Lennie suggests that that is the reason people give a â€Å"hoot hell†about them. He means that people know them or hear of them as a result of their friendship. The two cooperate, thus, making them known as a duo. The benefits of cooperation are not the only things that keep a friendship lasting; the power of companionship supports a lasting friendship as well.Companionship is a powerful element. For instance, when Carlson complains about Candy's dog's revolting scent, Candy replies, â€Å"I'm so used to him, I had him from a pup†(45). This reveals that companionship is powerful enough for a person to be familiarized with their friend's appearance, attitude, and personalityâ€â€a person is not annoyed with certain characteristics of their friend, even though the people around them are. In this case, Candy's long time ownership of his his dog has enable him to no longer be bother by the dog's revolting smell. He doesn't mind it because it reminds him that he has a companion.The longing in his heart is well fed by the company of a dog; there is a chance that the longing will come back if his dog is gone. In addition, at the end of the tale, when George is speaking to Lennie about Lennie accidentally killing Curley's wife, George states, â€Å"No Lennie. I ain't mad. I never been mad, an' I ain't now. That's the thing I want ya to know†(106). This reveals that companionship is powerful enough for people to set aside their problems and stay calm in order to keep hold of a friend. Lennie's idiotic actions often causes many people to be angry with him, but George has been a companion of Lennie long enough to be habituated with Lennie's actions. George's longing for friendship is fulfilled, because he has Lennie. Companionship is a powerful thing that holds two friends together.Loneliness, cooperation, and companionship are three strings that intertwine, creating a braid that is called friendship. Separately, the strings are easily ripped apart; however, together, the braid is stronger, making it harder to rip. Steinbeck is trying to prove that friendship is an essential part of life. Friendship is important because without it, a person can be driven to madness and obtaining too much loneliness can kill a person. Any creature could be friend in Steinbeck’s point of vie w: a dead animal, a living animal, or a person.Whatever or whoever a character is comfortable around can be considered their friend and friends can be found in the smallest of things to biggest of things; a person just needs to take time and search. He teaches the reader that no matter the case, somewhere in a person's heart, there is a yearning for friendship.
Monday, July 29, 2019
ON WHAT GROUNDS DOES ARISTOTLE CLAIM THAT POLITICS MAKES US TRULY HAPPY' - Essay Example Hence according to Aristotle happiness consists of a certain way of life, not of certain dispositions. Every activity has a ultimate cause, the good at which it aspires, and Aristotle argues that since there cannot be an never-ending regress of merely extrinsic goods, there must be a highest good at which all individual activity ultimately aims. (Nic. Ethics I 2) This ultimate aim of human life could be called happiness or eudaimonia. While happiness is possibly the best English word to translate eudaimonia, the term eudaimonia also carries implications of success, fulfillment, and prosperity. A person who is eudaimon is not simply enjoying life, but is enjoying life by living successfully Aristotle describes the happy life anticipated for man by nature as one lived in harmony with virtue. By virtues, Aristotle meant the act of achieving balance and moderation. According to Aristotle, The good for human beings, must essentially involve the entire proper function of human life as a whole, and this must be an activity of the soul that expresses authentic virtue or excellence. (Nic. Ethics I 7) Thus, human beings should aspire at a life in full compliance with their rational temperament; for this, the fulfillment of desires and the acquisition of material goods are less significant than the attainment of virtue. A happy person will reveal a personality suitably balanced between reasons and desires, with temperance characterizing all. True happiness or eudaimonia can therefore be achieved only through the fostering of the virtues that make a human life whole. Aristotle is famous for his proclamation that "man is by nature a political animal.†By politics he refers to the communal nature of man. Aristotle does not view politics as a separate science from moral values, but as the successor, and almost a verification of it. Aristotle envisioned politics as an organism, a collection of parts that cannot exist without the other. He describes the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Strategic management - Essay Example Retrieved from Treanor, J. (2015). Co-op declares miscount in election to members council. The Guardian. Retrieved from The Cooperative group has claimed that there was miscounting of votes for election to its council members and had to extend the vote casting period for its members. Members casting their votes via the website faced some problems making the management extend the registration that was set for Wednesday noon. Some individuals who vied for the election got information from the company that the information that they had won the elections was incorrect. The members council comprises of about 100 representatives of its members (The Guardian, 2015). The individuals wishing to represent the independent societies on the members’ council were affected most such as the Midcounties that have an ownership of 22% of the Co-op (Murray, (2015). The rest percentage belongs to the 7 million members using the group’s funeral homes, shops, and the other services. The votes are supposed to be weighted according to the relationship existing between the society and the main group, which never happened in some votes. Two candidates received incorrect information of their success, and some two others were informed that they did not succeed. The bank had a scandal that caused the group to suffer a loss of 2.5bn pounds in the year 2014, and the elections were to bring some reforms in the Co-op group according to The Guardian (2015). There are some controversies regarding the selection of the candidates to represent their members on the group board as initially there was a list containing six members later reduced to three. The reduction of the candidates reduced competition in the contested elections. The top
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Consensus Building Week 11 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Consensus Building Week 11 - Coursework Example The meetings enable all the members to contribute their views; for example, when there are complains, they will be dealt with in the meetings (Li, Kuo, Huang, & Wang, 2013). The Head Nurse also needs to define the job roles clearly to avoid the contradicting complains about overworking and under working. The Head Nurse may improve staff relations by motivating employees by rewarding, and training them. The nurses and assistants in this floor may be trained on how to complete their tasks efficiently and how to work as a team. This is because through training, workers understand the significance of each member in the floor and they appreciate one another. Another way of improving the staff relations is by treating the workers fairly by rewarding them for their hard work. This is because dissatisfied employees may be resistant and hostile at the workplace. The unit should, therefore, ensure that it rewards the nurses by paying them wages that are equal to their effort, promoting them, and offering them job security (Cox, 2001). The quality of care may be improved by developing communication and team work in this unit. Communication is the most essential factor in the delivery of services because it enables nurses to attend to patients and it also enables the nurses to seek help from their assistants. The unit needs to install a proper communication channel that allows everyone to participate in decision making. The communication channel should also determine how parties resolve conflicts when they arise. In this case, for example, Mitchell may ask the nurses and their assistants to inform her when conflicts arise at the workplace. She may then solve the disagreements without taking sides as soon as she gets the information to avoid wastage of time and delay of services to customers (Li, Kuo, Huang, & Wang, 2013). Team work may also improve the quality of healthcare. All the workers should undergo
Friday, July 26, 2019
Cell Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cell Biology - Essay Example Average-sized molecules travel through the gel with different degrees of facility. Electrophoresis is done in a thin vertical slab of polyacrylamide. The course of protein movement is from top to bottom. Protein molecules can be isolated on the basis of their individual mass through use of electrophoresis in a polyacrylamide gel under protein denaturing process. The mixture of protein macromolecules is initially denatured in a homogeneous mixture of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), which is an anionic emulsifier with the ability of disrupting almost all noncovalent interactions in native proteins macromolecules. SDS forms complexes with the denatured proteins which are then subjected to electrophoresis. After the process of electrophoresis, the proteins in the gel are imaged after silver or dye stains are applied. The product is visualized as series of bands. Tiny proteins molecules travel faster through the gel, while bigger molecules of proteins remain at the top where the samples are applied or put. Mobility of most polypeptide chains under these settings is linearly proportional to the logarithm of their mass. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is very fast, sensitive, and has capacity of a high degree of resolution. As tiny as 0.1 Â µg which is equivalent to 2 pmol of a protein produces a discrete band when it is stained with Coomasie blue or less (~0.02 Â µg) can be determined with the use of a silver stain. Protein molecules which vary in mass by about 2% are commonly detected (Berg, et al., 2002). It is essential to detect minute quantities of a specific protein molecule in the presence of several other protein molecules, like for instance the presence of viral proteins in blood circulation. Very minute quantities of a protein molecule of interest concern in a cell or in the human blood can be determined by an immunoassay procedure which is called Western blotting. A sample is subjected to electrophoresis on an SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Blot ting or more commonly called electroblotting moves the resolved protein molecules on the SDS-polyacrylamide gel to the surface of a polymer sheet in order to have the proteins more obtainable during the reaction. A specific antibody for the protein of concern is incorporated to the polymer sheet containing the resolved protein which then forms complexes with the specific antibody. The antibody-antigen complex on the polymer sheet can be determined via rinsing the sheet with the use of a second specific antibody for the first antibody. A radioactive label that is located on the second antibody causes an illumination of dark band on an x-ray film. An alternative procedure using the ELISA method is through the use of an enzyme that is also located on the second antibody which produces a colored product. The use of Western blotting has been a breakthrough in finding a specific protein molecule in a complex mixture of different proteins. Currently, it is not only used as the basis for te sting infection of hepatitis C, wherein it is utilized to determine a core protein of the virus but the technique is also now very purposeful in genetic cloning (Berg, et al., 2002). The objective of this activity is to demonstrate stimulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor-signaling pathway by virtue of SDS-PAGE and Western blotting
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Cause and effects of going without sleep Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cause and effects of going without sleep - Essay Example The inability to cope with stress results in emotional disturbances (such as anxiety, fear, and worry), overthinking, and restlessness preventing an individual from sleeping. Besides stress, other psychological factors that cause insomnia include psychological disorders (both personality and clinical mental disorders) and traumatic experiences (such as rape, close encounter with death or the death of a loved one). Conversely, insomnia might result from physiological complications. The brain is ultimately responsible for controlling sleep in human beings. The pre-optic area of the hypothalamus (anterior part) is the part of the brain that controls sleep. Therefore, damage to this area of the brain from accidents might cause insomnia. Other physiological factors that might cause insomnia include coronary diseases, cancer or respiratory diseases among others. Some medications used to treat diseases might affect regular sleep patterns among individuals. Finally, social factors that might contribute to insomnia include dysfunctional social interactions. For example, physically or verbally abusive relationships are a major cause of stress, which in turn affects different aspects of an individual’s life including sleep. The recreational use of some drugs and substances also affects the sleeping pattern. For example, caffeine found in coffee and Khat all cause insomnia (Brodsky & Brodsky 67) . In conclusion, the effects of insomnia are also explicable using a bio-psycho-social approach. Insomnia impairs optimum mental functioning. Fatigued individuals are highly irritable, which puts a strain on their social interactions. For example, they are prone to emotional outbursts and fits of rage both at home and at the workplace. In addition, insomnia impeded speedy recovery of sick individuals (Brodsky & Brodsky
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Student Counseling Service Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Student Counseling Service - Research Proposal Example b. Question #2: The wording of the question must change as: Which of the following best describes your age The responses given are ambiguous, e.g. 19 - 20 years; 20-25 years and so on. Where would the age of 20 years be captured The correct responses should be: Less than or equal to 18 19 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 and so on. d. Question #4: The question can be restated as: What is your religious affiliation Closed-ended options could be provided in the response list: Protestant Christian Roman Catholic Jewish Evangelical Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Others (please specify) e. Question #5: This is an ambiguous double barreled statement. Two issues, namely, cultural and religious, are mixed up here. It would be prudent to separate the two issues, and use a Likert scale for capturing the responses. The restated questions could be: In your opinion, the primary reason for seeking counseling service is: f. Question #6: The word "crises" is an inconsistent usage of terminology. Also, the period during which the services have been sought is not explicit. The question should be restated as: How many times between June 2005 and June 2007, have you used counseling service In the response list, 'several times', 'regular basis' is ambiguous. The response options should be recast as: Less than or equal to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 h. ... Asian - Pacific Islander Native American Others (please specify) d. Question #4: The question can be restated as: What is your religious affiliation Closed-ended options could be provided in the response list: Protestant Christian Roman Catholic Jewish Evangelical Christian Muslim Hindu Buddhist Others (please specify) e. Question #5: This is an ambiguous double barreled statement. Two issues, namely, cultural and religious, are mixed up here. It would be prudent to separate the two issues, and use a Likert scale for capturing the responses. The restated questions could be: In your opinion, the primary reason for seeking counseling service is: Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Cultural factors: Religious factors: f. Question #6: The word "crises" is an inconsistent usage of terminology. Also, the period during which the services have been sought is not explicit. The question should be restated as: How many times between June 2005 and June 2007, have you used counseling service In the response list, 'several times', 'regular basis' is ambiguous. The response options should be recast as: Less than or equal to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 g. Question #7: Not found... reflects casual approach to survey design h. Question #8: The question posed is not amenable to an objective analysis. A Likert scale is recommended. The question could be recast as: In your opinion, how would you rate the interactions of counseling staff with you: Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree
Case study World Bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case study World Bank - Essay Example The Forbes Capital Hospitality Index (FCHI) measures macroeconomic indicators like GDP growth and international trade, along with societal factors affecting investment, including poverty, bureaucracy, technological advancement, and corruption." (Ravindran) World Bank has been actively involved in setting the right scene for economic development within countries on an international platform. There is a general agreement that corruption within the country can be controlled by taking active measures to involve civil societies, but the degree of involvement is still a matter of consideration. "Social marketing can make an important contribution to the creation of atmosphere in the public life that discourages fraud and corruption" (Kindra & Stapenburs, 1998) Social marketing can be used in public health campaigns (e.g., to reduce smoking and alcoholism, safe sex, and increasing physical fitness), environmental campaigns (e.g., fighting pollution, promoting recycling, saving water and power), education campaigns (to encourage literacy), and the protection of individual/group rights (e.g., racial and gender equality, gay and lesbian rights). Societal marketing based on ethical and philanthropic principle can achieve this dynamic change within a society, community and a country by raising the awareness of the citizens about the costs of the corruption to the country, addressing the concern about institutions within a country, increasing understanding regarding the factors of corruption within public behavior. World bank has taken a morally good stand to change the international scene for more humane endeavors, its contribution id noteworthy and has been a source of admiration and inspiration for many other world forums in guiding their decisions related to international trend in growth and expansion. The premier business publication said: "As access to capital markets around the world becomes commonplace for individual investors and multinational institutions alike, the race is on for countries to attract the foreign investment capital needed to fuel the engines of growth at home. Addressing this need for a "one-stop reference", Forbes began with a list of principles employed by the US Chamber of Commerce when considering international investments. FORBES has listed Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the US, the UK, Singapore, Australia, Estonia, Ireland, and New Zealand as the top 10 countries in the world in terms of capital hospitality. (Ravindran) ACT-UTILITARIANISM: Mill is an advocate of Utilitarian principle, Mill was especially impressed by the work of Jeremy Bentham. He agreed with Bentham when he argued in Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789), that the proper objective of all conduct and legislation is "the greatest happiness of the greatest number". Mill became a Utilitarian and at the age of seventeen formed a discussion group called the utilitarian Society. Mill argues that the moral worth of actions is to be judged in terms of the consequences of those actions and our moral feelings often conflict with our inclinations of self-interest. He aimed to show humans the way the world is and how they could accommodate themselves to it and to one another. His aim was the improvement of humankind. His guide was the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
History wk 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History wk 12 - Essay Example They showed what other studies have shown, that there are spatial differences between men and women and that women are better in verbal skills. What I wonder, is whether these are different because of the way that children are trained. Do boy children tend to be trained to see things more spatially than girls are shown? Do women spend more time talking and by doing so, increasing their verbal skills? Is this why many men find talking about problems etc., too difficult because they have not been trained in that way? Schultz and Schultz (2008) suggest that that there is bias and discrimination still going on when people come together. In psychology, I have seen this become a problem, especially with some students who may be from the Middle East or other countries at times when the United States feels threatened. Although this may not be what we want to see in psychology, I think it still exists and that we need. The idea of gender intrigues me because today, there is so much going on w ith it. Some people are changing their genders, feeling they were born into the wrong one. There is an ongoing debate about whether gays and lesbians should be able to marry. Although this may not directly take a look at gender, it does apply in that often gays and lesbians transcend the gender they were born into. ... When I first came into this course, I had some idea of the various areas of psychology because I received them from different courses taken before this course. I think my personal view of psychology would be that it is the study of how people deal with the world around them. I believe that it is more than just a study of the mind, because there are so many different aspects of it. As an example, we brought up the idea of â€Å"The Secret†in this class and I believe that it is part of what people are studying today. Those who are following this are attempting to understand a different way of behavior that will help them move forward. It is a belief system that many have adopted and made work for them. I think that counseling has to take into consideration a client’s belief system and the fact that it will not necessarily be the same as that of the counselor. In fact, the counselor may be opposed to the client’s belief system and/or lifestyle, but they may need to have a way of dealing with it anyway or to refer the client to someone else. As a counselor who is a scholar-practitioner, I believe that it is important to continue to read in my field after I leave college and to interact with other scholar-practitioners. I do not believe that we can work in a vacuum and sometimes, realistically, many of us tend to get a degree and then work in an agency for many years without more development. I believe it is important to understand the stressors that people are dealing with on a day to day basis, and to study those areas that we are going to work with clients in. As an example, the world is seeing major stress related to PTSD coming from the war. Because of this, a scholar practitioner is going to need to understand PTSD and the types of things that work well with
Monday, July 22, 2019
An Investigation into Essay Example for Free
An Investigation into Essay However, if the reading on the ammeter or voltmeter was not taken quickly, the temperature may have risen, and therefore the resistance of the wire would have increased too. This would mean that the results would not be totally accurate, as the experiments would not be fair. 2. There may have been some problems with the equipment that would help explain possible anomalies other than human error. For example, the wire used may not be pure, and the equipment was not totally accurate, due to frequent use, and the fact that it was built and maintained to a poor standard. 3. As different lengths of wire needed to be used, I cut separate lengths of Constantan wire, instead of using the same section of wire and varying the points at which the crocodile was connected. It is probable that each separate section of wire had different amounts of impurities in them, and therefore the readings will not be entirely accurate. 4. Some of the anomalies will have been caused by human error in the measuring of the wire. This is because it is not very practical to hold a piece of wire straight and cut it perfectly at the designated length. The crocodile clips will also have not been placed exactly at the specific length, and so the actual length of the wire in the circuits will vary from the length recorded. 5. The crocodile clips used were partially rusted in places, and that would have prevented them from forming a good connection with the wire. They were not connected securely as they were old and much used so that the clips could be easily moved to alter the length. Although there were many chances for an error to occur, there are none that obviously stand out. I do not feel, however, that the use of a thin wire in this experiment was a suitable choice, as the wire was never truly straight. It would be better to use a less malleable metal material, such as a bar, or in fact just to use the rheostat, as it is a long piece of coiled wire that can be connected at different lengths to change the resistance of the circuit. Experiment Two: Investigation into how varying the cross-sectional area of a wire will affect its resistance. Fair Test: In order to ensure that the experiment is as fair as possible, only one factor will be varied: the cross-sectional area of the wire. The other factors will be kept constant as shown below: The length of the wire will be kept constant at 40cm, as this factor has been explored in the experiment investigating length. I will be using Constantan wire throughout, as there were a larger variety of thicknesses available to me with this material. The temperature of the wires at the start must be the same so as to guarantee that a fair test is carried out. The temperature must be kept at room temperature, so that the electrons in the wire are not given differing amount of energy. Method: Safety: Precautions must be taken so that no water gets near any of the electrical appliances. It is imperative that you do not touch or place loose wires onto the wire that is being tested as it becomes hot during the experiment. Leave the wire after the experiment for a brief period in order to let the wire cool before touching. Apparatus: Varying cross-sectional areas of Constantan wire (as designated in plan) to be tested, all 40cm in length Rheostat Power supply Voltmeter Ammeter 2 connecting wires with crocodile clips 4 connecting wires A 1 metre ruler Scissors The following circuit was used in the experiment investigating the cross-sectional area: Plan: 1. Connect circuit as shown in diagram above 2. Insert first cross-sectional area of wire to be tested into the circuit, in this case: 22 SWG. 3. Turn on the power supply and quickly take readings from both the ammeter and the voltmeter. 4. Repeat until all the following thickness have been tested and have had readings taken: a. 22 SWG b. 26 SWG c. 28 SWG d. 32 SWG e. 34 SWG As already mentioned in the experiment investigating length, the power supply used was built so that 6 amps was the maximum current allowed to pass through the circuit, and again I chose to set the power pack on 4 volts. The whole experiment must be repeated 3 times for accuracy, and then an average of these will be taken and used in the results table and graph. To make sure that the experiment is as accurate as possible, the wire being tested must be held straight, so that it does not come into contact with anything but the crocodile clips, and so that there are no bends in the wire. This is to ensure that it does not short circuit or affect the resistance, so as to make certain that the readings are not jeopardized. The readings must also be taken quickly after completion of the circuit, so that the current passing through the wire does not affect the temperature, and possibly resulting in an increase in the resistance that will provide confusing results. Upon testing the experiment I have come to the conclusion that the plan will produce accurate readings and very few errors. With it, I was able to obtain these results: Results: Thickness of wire (SWG) Average Voltage (V) (Volts) Average Current (I) (Amps) Resistance (R) (to 2d. p) The standard wire gauge (SWG) can be used to find out the radius. From this we can use the formula below to work out the cross-sectional area in mmi : ?ri Thickness of wire (SWG) Radius of wire (to 2d. p) (mm) Cross-sectional area (to 2d. p) (mmi ) 1/cross-sectional area (reciprocal) (to 2. Observations: Again, as in the first experiment, I noticed that the readings on the voltmeter and ammeter flickered between numbers, and so I took the first number as the most accurate measurement due to the effects of temperature change. At the beginning of the experiment I was also going to test a Constantan wire of 30 SWG, but when testing this wire it provided me with the same results as that of 32 SWG. This probably meant one of the wires was marked incorrectly, so I only used one of them and marked it as 32 SWG as this followed the curve of my graph. Anomalies: The graph implies that my reading for the resistance of the 28 SWG wire was incorrect, as it differs about 0. 85 ? from my line of best fit. This is probably because the wires were mixed up (as this had already occurred), as the result for this wire fits in with my line of best fit for a thickness of about 31 SWG. Conclusions: In view of my results and the graph I was able to construct from them, I have made the following conclusions: a. As predicted, when the cross-sectional area of the wire increased, the resistance also increased. b. The graph shows a strong trend forming a curved line, showing that the cross-sectional area of a conductor is inversely proportional to the resistance (as shown in the graph recording the reciprocal of the cross-sectional area): as the cross-sectional area doubles, the resistance will halve. From my analysis, I can say that my prediction was correct. This can be proved by carefully studying both electricity and electrical conductors. Electricity is the flow of energy from one place to another. Metal electrical conductors enable energy to be passed through them by containing a sea of freely mobile electrons, which carry the energy. When the electrons in the conductor are given enough energy, they are able to move from one end of the conductor to another, and therefore create a current. There is only a certain amount of space for the electrons to move in the conductor, and so collisions may occur between the electrons and any other immobile particles contained in the conductor. If the width (cross-sectional area) of the conductor, in this case a wire, is doubled, the electrons have double the amount of space, and so the probability of a collision between the electrons and any immobile or impurities in the wire is halved. This means that half the amount of electrical energy is being converted into heat energy by collisions, and so the resistance is also halved. Evaluation: There were a few mistakes in my experiment, mainly caused by carelessness in the storage of the materials used: 1. I included a rheostat in my circuit, but I did not adjust it for each reading (to control the current) as I believed that leaving the circuit connected for a long period of time would considerably alter the temperature of the wire, as collisions occurred and electrical energy was converted into heat, so the current readings vary slightly, which I believe will produce varying temperatures, but none so dramatically as to render my results totally inaccurate. 2. However, I attempted to take the readings for the ammeter and voltmeter quickly so that any temperature change would be very slight and would not affect the results. 3. There were some problems with the equipment I used throughout this experiment. The apparatus was not totally accurate as it was built and maintained to a poor standard due to lack of funds, for example the crocodile clips were coated in rust, and so the contact between it and the wire was not perfect. The wires were labelled incorrectly so the results were confusing. 4. Some of the anomalies will have been caused by human error in the measuring of the wire. This is because it is not very practical to hold a piece of wire straight and cut it perfectly at the designated length. The crocodile clips will also have not been placed exactly at the specific length, and so the actual length of the wire in the circuits will vary from the length recorded. Although there were a few mistakes in this experiment, on the whole I do believe that they provided me with a good basis for my conclusions.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Metamorphosis A Novella By Franz Kafka English Literature Essay
Metamorphosis A Novella By Franz Kafka English Literature Essay Metamorphosis is a novella by Franz Kafka and deals with the travelling salesman Gregor Samsa, who is the familys sole earner, waking up one morning finding himself transformed into a bug. In the following Kafka describes how Gregors position within the family as well as the family itself change. The story is divided into three parts. Each of them ends with Gregor attempting to break out off his room but being refused and hurt by his family. The first part begins with Gregor awaking and finding himself transformed into a bug. Curiously he is rather worried about being late for work than about being not human anymore. Even on the first page evidence for Todorovs theme of The Self can be found. This Theme deals with his interest in the self and the world around this self in relation to the fantastic and the supernatural. The reader does not know if Gregor really transformed into a bug. This ambiguity, according to Todorov, is the reason for the reader hesitating between different possible explanations of events, the realistic and the supernatural. When the reader decides whether an event was real or imaginary, the story is either uncanny or marvelous. [1] Metamorphosis therefore is rather a marvelous narrative considering that the reader is not explicitly told why Gregor has transformed into a bug. To Todorov every word in the novella is a description of the fantastic universe and that there is no reality or truth outside this language used. [2] When Kafka writes that It was no dream [3] and that his family cannot understand him anymore because his voice altered, [4] this is evidence enough for Todorov to accept that Gregor really transformed into a bug. Furthermore he argues that Metamorphoses constitute a transgression of the separation between matter and mind [5] and that transition from mind to matter [] become possible. [6] Gregor is very unhappy with his life working very hard to gain acceptance and having no time for having a relationship. Feeling like a bug eventually transformed him into a bug. Todorov also wrote about the theme of The Other dealing with the relation of man and his desire and repressed desires. This is a very interesting theme which can be found in Metamorphosis as well. Right on the first page we learn about Gregor having a picture of a lady in a fur hat and stole [] bolding in the direction of the onlooker a heavy fur muff into which she had thrust the whole of her forearm. [7] Freud argues that fur is used as a fetich on account of its association with the hairness of the mons veneris. [8] Gregor has to work very hard to earn enough money for the whole family. Therefore he has no time to have a relationship. According to Freud, sexual desire is an impulse that is made analougous to the impulse of taking nourishment, and to hunger. [9] Gregor repressed this desire for a long time and it has to be satisfied. When Gregor does not come to work the chief clerk comes to his house to see him. Gregor manages to open the door but his family and the chief clerk are frightened. His father tries to force him to go back and eventually kicks and he is thrown back into his room. The second part shows explicitly Gregors relationship to his family and how this changes. His sister is looking after him twice a day and cleans his room regularly. [10] Gregor loves his sister and even planned to send her to expensive school. [11] He is always pleased about when she enters the room and feels sad about not being able to thank her for what she does for him. [12] He knows that she sickens at him but still does not hesitate to feed him. [13] She even brings him a range of food to choose from when she recognizes that he has not drunk the milk. [14] In this scene Grete enters the room, how Gregor describes, almost completely dressed [15] to him this must be a detail, important enough to mention. Due to his sexual repressed desire he even seems to see his sister as possible sexual object. Freud argues that an excessive need for affection a boy may [cling] for the infantile attraction for [] sisters which has been repressed in puberty. [16] At the end of part two it is the sister who argues that Gregors furniture should be removed which hits him very hard knowing them to be the only things that made him not feel like he was not human anymore. Nevertheless he is certain that his sister only wants to create space in his room to give him the chance to crawl. [17] Still he wants to save the picture of the lady as very last relation to his personhood and so he crawled hurriedly up to it and pressed himself against the glass, which stuck to him and impartet a pleasant coolness to his hot belly. [18] This underlines that his sexual desire is strong and that this is the most important thing to him. According to Todorov, there is no longer any frontier between the object [] and the observer. [19] It makes no difference to Gregor that this is no real woman but only a picture. When his sister enters the room her eyes encountered those of Gregor, up on the wall. [20] Here again, Gregor relates his sexual desire to his sister in a very obvious way. Gregor desperately protects this picture and, by that, frightens his family again. His father shies apples at him until one of them pierced his back and Gregor collapses with pain. In the third part Kafka describes how Gregor is now able to listen to his family through the open door to the living room. All family members have a job now but they still have money problems which force them to let room to tenants. When his sister plays the violin one night, Gregor, drawn by the music, decides to crawl closer to her. [21] He recognizes that, apart from him, no one really appreciates her play. [22] He crawls even closer meet her gaze. [23] Todorov argues that sexual desire gains an exceptional mastery over hero. [24] Although Gregor knows that there are people around who are not supposed to see him, he cannot resist getting closer to her. In the following Gregor describes explicitly how he desires his sister, he sensed a way to the unknown sustenance he longed for. He was determined to go right up to his sister, to pluck at her skirt and so let her know she was to come into his room. [25] He wants her to sit next to him and to be with him until he dies. [26] Furthermore he wants to kiss her on the throat. [27] He obviously desires his own sister and has sexual phantasies of her. According to Todorov, the literature of the fantastic illustrates several transformations of desire. [28] Most of them belonged to a social form of the uncanny. [29] So does incest. Gregors sexual desire takes over and he cannot think of anything else but to be close to his sister. When the tenants spot him when he crawls closer to Grete they immediately move out. Now Grete is really angry, locks him into his room and claims that they have to get rid of Gregor [30] who dies the next day. His family is rather relieved than in mourning about his death. They plan to move into a cheaper flat and to marry Grete. Now I am going to compare Kafkas novella to Brother and Sister, a fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. The story deals with the lives of two siblings, running away from home because they are mistreated by an old witch who is their stepmother. The action can be divided into three parts, as well. In the first part the children depart from home. Meanwhile their stepmother has cast[ed] her spells over all the streams in the forest. [31] Eventually brother gets thirsty and wants to drink from a stream but sister can hold him off doing so because she can hear it murmuring: Who drinks of me will be a tiger!. [32] Although the brother is very thirsty he does not drink. When they come to the next stream, brother is eager to drink but sister can hold him off again, hearing it murmuring: Who drinks me will be a wolf!. [33] At the next stream she can hear that brother is going to be a roe, if he drinks the water but she cannot stop him who is already drinking and immediately falls on the grass transformed into a little Roebuck. [34] The transformation in this fairytale is, unlike Gregors transformation, introduced by two streams until brother eventually cannot resist any longer. Gregors transformation, in contrast, is not introduced at all. The whole novella starts with this transformation that, due to that point, lacks of surprise in comparison to the fairytale. Furthermore the fairytale is definitely a marvelous one. The reader accepts the fantastic, the fact that the witch can curse all streams, which makes her, as Todorov calls it, a supernatural being, [35] having power over human destiny, [36] and the fact that brother transforms into a deer, as part of the world. Hence both of Todorovs supernatural elements can be found in this story. Brother and sister are very sad about the situation but sister promises: Never mind, dear little fawn, I will never forsake you, and she [takes] off her golden garter and tie[s] it round the Roes neck. [37] Then she fastens a rope to the collar. This shows the symbolic connection between the two siblings. She promises never to leave him and even connects himself to him. They have a very close relationship which is expressed even in the first sentence, Brother took sister by the hand. [38] This indicates that brother desires his sister in a way Gregor desires Grete. He wants so be near her and he needs her to look after him and to be with him. Gregor and brother both depend on their sisters. They now live in a small house in the forest and if brother had but kept his natural form, really it would have been a most delightful kind of life. [39] This explicitly tells the reader that they would have lived together like couples do. Here the second part begins. The king has a hunt through the wood. When the deer hears about that it wants to join and after begging his sister she lets him go. The hunt lasts three days and the hunters are eager to shoot the beautiful deer which can always run away though it gets hurt once. On the last day the king follows the deer to the house and finds sister. He asks her who has grown to a lovely maiden [40] to marry her. She answers: Oh yes! [] But you must let my Roe come, too. I could not possibly forsake it. [41] Sister even takes brother into her marriage with the king and keeps her promise. Here the last part begins. The stepmother watches all this with envy and when sister gives birth to a baby, the witch traps her by leading her into the bathroom and locking the door. She and her hideous daughter make a blazing hot fire under the bath, so that the lovely young Queen might be suffocated. [42] Then she lays her daughter in the queens bed and makes her look alike her. The king never notices. Every night the real queens ghost comes to see after her baby and the deer. When she decides to come only for three more nights, the nurse, who watches her every night, tells the king. In the last night of her visit the king cries out that she has to be his wife. She answers: Yes, I am your dear wife! and in the same moment she was restored to life, and was as fresh and well and rosy as ever. [43] The witch and her daughter are put to death and the spell was taken off the little Roe, and he was restored to his natural shape. [44] These are two transformations. The queen in restored to life by the kings love and the brother is retransformed into a human being by the witchs death. The fairytales last sentence is again evidence for the assumption that brother desires his sister, and so brother and sister lived happily ever after. [45] Sister obviously does not share her live with her husband, the king whose love restored her, but with her brother. This seems to be the only way for them to be happy. To sum it all up, Metamorphosis and Brother and Sister doubtlessly deal with transformations and are fantastic narratives in Todorovs sense. Especially the fairytale applies to that having the witch as a fantastic character who controls human destiny. Dealing with the theme of sexual desire, Metamorphosis conforms to that more explicitly although there are several textual evidences in Brother and Sister that indicate an incestuous relationship between the siblings, too. (2207 words)
Franz Schubert Composing The Erlkonig Poem English Literature Essay
Franz Schubert Composing The Erlkonig Poem English Literature Essay This essay will compare and contrast four Lieder by Schubert and Schumann. Firstly, I will be referring to Schuberts Erlkà ¶nig and Gretchen am Spinnrade. Secondly, I will be referring to Schumanns Dichterliebe Op.48 and Liederkreis Op.24. Franz Schubert (1797-1828) was an Austrian composer who, more than any other, was noted for his artistic skill in Lieder. He arrived into the music scene in 1814 with one of his first songs, Gretchen am Spinnrade which is a selection of text from Goethes Faust. Schubert produced many masterpieces throughout his short career, composing in nearly every genre, all which was characterized by strong, rich harmonies and having an endless gift for melody. Schubert initially started out as a vocalist where he sang at the chapel of The Imperial Court. Eventually he explored composition and became known as a young genius. After Schuberts voice broke in 1812, he was directed by his father to become a school teacher and follow in his footsteps, even though he was committed to his passion of composing. He worked miserably by day while composing profusely by night and at the age of 20, Schubert had written over 100 songs as well as various operatic, symphonic, and chamber music scores. Throughout the rest of his short life, Schubert produced a large quantity of operas, symphonies, piano sonatas, chamber music pieces, and masses. He is known first and foremost for composing hundreds of songs including his most popular works Gretchen am Spinnrade, and Erlkà ¶nig. He greatly affected Robert Schumann and Gustav Mahlers vocal writing. Erlkà ¶nig is a poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) in 1782. It is part of his singspiel Der Fischerin and is easily one of his most familiar works from the German song repertoire; it gave Schubert his most known dramatic ballad to date. Goethe was a German poet, dramatist and novelist. He was one of the most important literary and cultural figures of his age, impacting Germany like Shakespeare impacted us. He studied law in Leipzig and Strasbourg, but worked as a newspaper critic after returning to Frankfurt in 1771. He moved to Weimar and became a court official and a privy councillor. However, what sustained his reputation was his literary works, and his relationship with music. Erlkà ¶nig was composed between August and December 1815 and published in 1821 as Schuberts Opus 1. It tells the tale of a father and his son riding through the woods late at night. The boy is only able to see the evil Erl-king (Erlkà ¶nig), and not his father. The Erl-king calls out to the young child, playing with his mind. The boy cries out for his fathers help many of times, but as the father cannot see the Erl-king or his demons, he takes his sons behaviour as a one natural occurrence. When the boy is wounded, the father then realises that desperate measures are called for, he rides through the woods with all his strength and skill, but the boy dies in his arms before he reaches a safer place. Schubert, while working as a school teacher composed nearly 145 lieder and numerous instrumental works in the year of 1815. Erlkà ¶nig gained many stories during the nineteenth century; one being that some people believed it was composed in a matter of minutes. It took Schubert three times to revise his song, he mostly adjusted the piano accompaniment and inserted/deleted bars in the music to somewhat better the pacing. He played about with the dynamics, altering them greatly each time. The piano accompaniment, known to be physically tiring and very difficult keeps a continuous background of repeated, triplet octaves creating a horror theme. Schubert simplified the figuration in one of his revisions, asking for duplets instead of triplets. While the piano accompaniment continues the three characters and narrator sing their simple lines. Each character is given their own unique quality: the child is frenzied and emotional, the father dignified and confident, Erlkà ¶nig himself tranquil and attractive as he attempts to trick the child. The song is usually sung by one vocalist, but on occasion, four separate singers have performed it. The narrator sings in middle range and is kept in a minor key throughout, the father sings in low range and sings in both minor and major keys, the boy sings in a high range, also in a minor key, signifying the fright of the child and the Erl-kings vocal part is in the major key resulting in a contrast as the piano accompaniment is minor , his part is sung pianissimo and undulates up and down to the accompaniment, portraying a sneaky persuasiveness. The horse is implied through the piano accompaniment by the rapid triplets, which represent the horses galloping. As the drama unfolds, the boy becomes more and more terrified, this is shown as the character sings in a much higher register, the harsh dissonances occur as the child cries, Mein Vater, mein Vater! The music quickens towards the end, portraying an image of the father desperately trying to encourage his horse to go faster. It is only at the very end of the song that the piano accompaniment ceases and that the horse has come to a halt, as the narrator states in a bit of skilled recitative that the child was dead in his arms. The piano accompaniment then ends with a dramatic perfect cadence. Gretchen am Spinnrade was composed by Schubert on October 19, 1814. The poem is taken from Part 1 of Goethes enormous recasting of the Faust legend, which finds Gretchen sitting at her window waiting for her lover to return. She spins as she waits for him and Schubert translates the imagination of her foot rising and falling on the pedal, the wheel rotation, and the semi-quaver piano accompaniment showing the twisting of the thread. Schuberts composition seems to be a simple background for the poem, but doesnt just portray the spinning wheel; it also represents Gretchens restlessness. Schubert creates this tension by moving through different key changes, from D minor, then to E minor and finally to F minor. In addition, he alters the text so that the opening lines keep returning throughout the song, which pull the harmony back to the original key. The first stanza of the song reads My peace is gone, my heart is heavy, I shall never, never again find peace. This sets a sad atmosphere for the rest of the piece, and Schubert composed the accompaniment so that it would sound sad along with the text, beginning the song in D minor. At the climax of the song, the accompaniment stops with a fortissimo ascent when Gretchen thinks of her lovers kiss. She stops spinning completely, and its only after several faltering efforts that she is able to regain full composure and resume her spinning. Robert Schumann (1810- 856) was one of the great composers of the early romantic era. He was uncomfortable with writing symphonies and concertos, the larger musical forms, but still composed works in these genres which contain moments of great beauty. He preferred to express his talent in songs and short pieces for piano. Schumann had an ability to translate deep and delicate states of the soul. He did this in works such as the song cycle Dichterliebe by Heinrich Hein which means A Poets Love and in his collections of short piano pieces, which include Phantasiestà ¼cke (Fantastic Pieces), Kinderszenen (Scenes from Childhood), and Waldszenen (Forest Scenes). Schumann began playing the piano at the young age of 10, after being encouraged by his father to pursue his musical and literary talents. In 1828, he became a law student at the University of Leipzig, even though he preferred music, philosophy, and Leipzigs taverns. He also started piano lessons with well-known Leipzig piano teacher, Friedrich Wieck. Schumann became a compulsive womanizer and a heavy drinker. He failed to become a concert pianist when he became partially paralysed in his right hand. Wieck had a daughter, Clara, who grew up and fell in love with Schumann but her father didnt approve. Despite his opposition, Clara and Robert gained the legal right to marry in 1840. Heinrich Hein (1797-1856) was a German poet and critic. He received his early education at the Lyzeum in Dà ¼sseldorf and went to Hamburg in 1816 to work in the banking office of his uncle, Salomon Heine. The business failed in 1819 and he entered the University of Bonn attending August Wilhelm Schlegels lectures on literature. He matriculated as a law student in 1820 at the University of Gà ¶ttingen but ended up getting suspended for participating in a duel. He continued his studies in Berlin between the years of 1821 and 1823. Heines poetry was used by all the major composers of the 19th century and by some minor figures as well. His verses were also popular in music well into the 20th century, and the 19th century witnessed the production of approximately 8000 lieder on Heine texts. It was the year 1840 when Schumann launched his year of song with a Liederkreis (op.24) on a poetic cycle from the Junge Leiden section of the Buch der Lieder. For his Dichterliebe, he selected 16 poems from the Lyrisches Intermezzo. Schumann set 43 of Heines verses. Dichterliebe was composed during the year of 1840 and apparently in a matter of days. It was composed during the same month that Schumann wrote his Liederkreis, Op 24. The texts originate from 16 poems from the Lyrisches Intermezzo which is a section of Heinrich Heines Buch der Lieder which was wrote in 1827. The song cycle originally held 20 songs, but when it was published as Op. 48 in 1844, four songs were omitted. In the opening poems, Im wunderschà ¶nen Monat Mai which translates to In the Wonderful Month of May and Aus meinen Trà ¤nen spriessen, Springing from my tears, optimistic imagery of springtime and birds singing is featured. Schumann used to end the vocal line of a song hanging on a dissonant chord, and the piano would complete the rest of the piece. In Im wunderschà ¶nen Monat Mai, Schumann ends the piano accompaniment also on an unresolved chord, this suggests that the love the singer is showing may remain unreturned. In the fifth song of the cycle, the speaker now sings in the past tense, instead of the present. The seventh song, which is Ich grolle nicht, has a decidedly sardonic tone. The accompaniment has a powerful bass line which supports a repeated chordal right hand part, while the singer sings in a royal, heroic tone. However, the text pretends to have austerity in order to cover its suffering. I saw you in a dream, and saw the darkness trapped in your soul, and saw the serpent that gnaws at your heart; I saw, my love, how miserable you are. Schumanns accompaniment makes it clear that the miserable one is the speaker, and not his beloved. In the conclusion of the collection, the speakers tone is fed-up and all pretence is gone. The music in Die alten, bà ¶sen Lieder sounds ploddy and unrelenting in its rhythm and figuration, it also sounds dark. Ascending arpeggios break the minor key into a brief major mode, only to find an ironic answer in minor once again. In the end of the song, the singers final, sorrowful strains fade and a last piano postlude offers a sense of rest, not found anywhere in Heines original.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Demand: One of the Pillars of Economics Essay -- Understanding Demand
Demand and Quantity Demanded There is a clear distinction between demand and quantity demanded; furthermore, they have their own significance in the economics arena. In economics, the term demand refers to the will associated with purchasing a product, which one can afford, meaning that the price must be contained within the fiscal reach of the consumer. Demand is also a combination of aspiration to possess something, capability to pay for it and the willingness to reimburse. An example is the ability of citizens to pay for education, as well as to buy basic-food staff. Quantity demanded (QD), on the other hand, refers to the entire number of commodities demanded at any one moment, for instance, people buying 3000 laptops when the price is $ 500 (Baumol and Blinder, 2008). QD depends on the worth of products, not considering market stability. Substitutes and Complement Products Substitutes are products that can replace each other and still gratify the desires that the intended product aimed at addressing (McKenzie and Dwight, 2006). A notable example is butter and margarine, which meet the same purpose of the consumers. It is notable that changes in price of one product will have a significant demand on the other. Complement products refer to a set of goods that are consumed jointly. A sole example is the printer and ink cartridges, which must be used together. Other examples include camera and film, together with computer and Microsoft programs. Amplification in price for one product will cause a decrease in demand of its complement. The Difference between Demand and Quantity Demanded Understanding the difference between the two aspects is critical in avoiding errors in economics. Demand is used to verify the marketplac... ...ed of another related product. Elasticity of demand is another fundamental aspect in demand since a proportionate change in one factor affects the demand of a product. There is price and income as well as cross elasticity of demand, in economics. Several factors do affect the demand of a product, and these include weather, price expectations, and the consumer count in the marketplace. Works Cited Baumol, William and Blinder A. (2008) Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy. 11th edition. Florence, Cengage Learning. McKenzie, Richard and Dwight R. (2006) In defense of monopoly: how market power fosters creative production. Michigan, University of Michigan Press Myers, D. (2004) Construction economics: a new approach. Oxford, Taylor and Francis Gwartney, James et al. (2008) Economics: Private and Public Choice. Florence, Cengage Learning.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome :: essays research papers
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome      What is Fetal alcohol syndrome? Exposure to alcohol before birth can cause a variety of different problems. One of the most severe effects of drinking during pregnancy is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is known as one of the leading preventable causes of mental retardation and birth defects. If a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy the baby can be born with FAS, which is a lifelong, physically and mentally disabling condition. FAS is characterized by distinctly abnormal facial features, a growth problem, and central nervous system problems (brain problems). People who suffer from FAS may either have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication with others, vision, and/or hearing. These problems often lead to trouble in school or social problems and getting along with others. FAS is a permanent condition is already born babies who have it. It affects every aspect of an individual’s life and the lives of the people around them. Howev er FAS is one hundred percent preventable if a woman does not drink alcohol while she is pregnant.      Many people do not think that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is common. This statistic however is widely varied. Studies show that FAS rates range from 0.2-1.5 per 1,000 births in different areas of the United States. I think that the odds of a child suffering from FAS is low because most mothers that have children are smart about their choices, if you know you’re having a child then you must give up the alcohol. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is only based on the mothers care of herself and if she chooses to endanger the life and well being of her children.      There are many signs of which may be able to tell you if you or your child suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. They may have the following characteristics or exhibit the following behaviors; small in height or weight in comparison to others of the same age, abnormal facial features such as small eye openings, poor coordination, hyperactive behavior, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities (i.e., speech and language problems), mental retardation or low IQ, problems with daily living, poor reasoning and judgment skills, and sleep and sucking disturbances in infancy. Children with who suffer from FAS are also said to be at risk for psychiatric problems, criminal behavior, unemployment, and incomplete education. These are known as â€Å"secondary conditions†which are problems that children are not born with and may acquire throughout life but do not necessarily have to.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Resistance of Change in Chinese Society in the Beginning of 20’s Century
Resistance of Change Ding Ling’s â€Å"A Day†, Lu Xun’s â€Å"A Madman’s Diary,†and Yu Dafu’s â€Å"Sinking†are all works that have been written in the time of a crucial change in China. Although the stories are fictional, the writers manage to reflect and correlate their characters to the current state of their homeland. Reading the listed works we see that its characters possess many common traits such as suffering, humility, depression, and much love and patriotism for China. The authors use character’s personal difficulties, to illustrate how complex it is for China to abolish its conservative, deep-rooted, traditional ways for new ones.In â€Å"The Diary of a Madman†by Lu Xun, we see a character that is in a state of constant paranoia. He is considered to be a madman by his immediate society that is greatly influenced by old Chinese morals and traditions of imperialism and Confucianism. He believes that his social circle practices cannibalism and sooner or later he will be eaten. On numerous occasions he questions the reasons behind this immoral practice which he believes is real. Although his actual perceptions of his surroundings might be erroneous in reality, we notice a valid metaphoric meaning in his view; cannibalism as suppression of people.He doesn’t understand why people are not willing to give up their old customs of cannibalism. He claims that some who used to practice cannibalism in the past realized its immorality and stopped, yet most continue to live by old traditions. He argues immorality of old traditions should be exemplifying the west as a By illustrating this inability of social change the character demonstrates the society as one of great tradition. The character’s desire for change illustrates the revolutionary times that China was undergoing at the time.He wanted the Chinese society to abandon its traditional beliefs which were constraining their liberali ty. Order, discipline, and oppressive imperial traditions of their background influenced by Confucianism strongly shaped their beliefs and habits, making it difficult to accept new modern principles. The character feels helpless while observing his society’s challenge to change. Although we see the character’s distress, his connection and love towards China is illustrated in his last words of the diary. Declaring to â€Å"Save the Children†, the character conveys his patriotic beliefs in times of agony.We see that regardless of social resistance to change the characters’ hope of a better future for China persists, illustrating the great patriotism that is integrated in Chinese society and culture. In Ding Ling’s story â€Å"A Day,†we also see a character whose emotional state correlates to her surrounding society. In the story, a young woman lives in a poor part of a metropolis city, â€Å"under the jurisdiction of a few imperialist nation s†(12). She despises this split society, which is made of â€Å"fat bellied†capitalists and the filthy poor working class that labors for the former.Observing the miserable working class routinely occupied in their â€Å"back-breaking†tasks makes her feel depressed. She pities them and wishes she could help them realize that they deserve a better living. She thinks that if only she could influence those people, to open their eyes to a better future, she would improve their lives. She makes an attempt to improve her maid’s way of thinking, trying to melt her gloom, but soon feels anguished herself. When she considers people’s â€Å"ignorant ways of thinking and their purely selfish desires†she hopelessly gives up. The lives of those people are wretched and their minds are numbed, they are stripped of all hope and ideas as they eke out a living from one day to the next†. She sees her society suffering in this â€Å"meaningless existen ce†and not being able to change. This resistance to change irritates her greatly. She realizes that the mentality of these people is degraded by imperialistic domination for many years and is difficult to abandon. Those similar self degrading traits can also be detected in the character.Her immediate company that visits her daily takes advantage of her humbleness and overwhelms her with their sentiments regarding the ills of China. Her submissiveness restrains her desire to argue her position and take any measures. Depressed, she wants to isolate herself from everybody and sink in her daydream; the only delight of her day. We see a reflecting relationship between society and the character. Society makes her depressed and she is hopeless of change. Dreaming about a better life, she is still not able to take any actions that would help her break through this cycle of misery.While in the past two stories, we see characters that were disturbed by difficulties of change in their s ocieties, in â€Å"Sinking†by Yu Dafu the main character is troubled by his personal complexities. Various emotional problems such as loneliness, hatred, fear, sexual frustration, paranoia, and other self degrading traits lead him to a suicide. A Chinese native and a patriot, he is influenced by Chinese traditional morals and beliefs that suffocate his desire to acquaint to a new environment in Japan, where he attends school as a foreign student.Discipline and order induced in him by Confucianism of imperialistic China restrain his adaptation in this new liberal setting. We see that his relationship with his new society is hurting because of his long-established morality. He feels that his schoolmates reject him, but his paranoiac attitude and reserved appearance prevent him from making any friends. Failing to make an attempt to connect with the Japanese students, whom he considers his enemies, he loathes them even more. He is resentful that his beloved China is in time of c haos while Japan is thriving and that distances him from his surroundings even more.He is sexually frustrated and unable to connect with girls. He tries to physically ease his frustration but feels sickened and considers it to be immoral. Having been influenced by Confucian tradition, he constantly tries to discipline and improve himself, yet his attempts are always overwhelmed by new desires and beliefs. Influenced by western literature, he finds peace when he recites poetry written by romantic writers and spends his sole time appreciating nature. This aspiration of western culture and liberal thinking constantly competes with the previous morality of the character.His personal conditions and experiences represent, and are the effects of, the undergoing struggles of Chinese society during the time of political chaos. After the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty, China did not have a real government. The society feels rejected, because other countries are not willing to step in and help establish a new administration. Although people anticipate a new liberal government, soon another Emperor takes office. Moral and traditional philosophy infiltrated by Confucianism made the Chinese culture humble and fearful just like the character’s personality.While manifesting many strong feelings of hate, sorrow, and frustration, the character is unable to take any measures to change his perceptions. In the end of the story the character commits suicide, stating; â€Å"O China, My China, you are the cause of my death! I wish you could become rich and strong soon!†¦ Many, many of your children are still suffering. †We can see that regardless of all the struggles he went through, the character is a great patriot of his country, and while he does not see any hope for his own healing, his sorrow and death symbolizes his hope for his Country and future generations.Contradiction We see that the characters in all three stories have various emotional and psychologica l traits that reflect China in its time of turmoil. We also see that all characters ultimately demonstrated great patriotism towards their country. In order to understand the reasons behind those qualities we have to observe a number of factors from authors’ perspective. Lu Xun, Yu Dafu, and Ding Ling were all authors that were greatly influenced by the revolutionary times in China and their stories illustrate, in part, their own feelings towards their society.The overthrow of the emperor, in the beginning of twenties century brought a new wind of change. People started to believe that new times are about to form. Western culture and political approach started to inspire people to believe that a better future is around the corner. The characters in our stories help us better to understand the circumstances and the condition of Chinese society in those crucial times. At first we observe Lu Xun’s â€Å"A Diary of a Madman†in which we see a man that is perceived a s a madman by his society.Although in the story it might be so, we can identify a certain metaphor that symbolizes the character’s wisdom. While cannibalism was actually practiced in some instances in Imperial China, Lu Xun drew a picture that resembled the old imperialistic China that suppressed its society, â€Å"eating†their liberty. Imperialism vanished by the time all three stories have been written, yet society is still unable to change their old mentality. This resistance to change because of old settled-in traditions can also be seen in both â€Å"A Day†and â€Å"Sinking.And yet Ding Ling, similar to Lu Xun, in her story portrays mainly the difficulties of social change, Yu Dafu illustrates them on an individual that is also infected with old traditions overpowering his wish for change. Society formulates individuals that in turn makeup the former. The relationship between them is inevitable. It appears that all authors conveyed their personal outlook of their society through their stories. Resistance to change might have been the most difficult obstacle China had to overcome for a better tomorrow, and the offered stories showed us the disturbances of individuals in relation to their society.
History Coursework Essay
In this establish I will be explaining the of import features of the New Deal, I will intromit Roosevelts main aims and alphabet agencies which helped the States recover through the financial crisis. exigency Banking Act Roosevelt closed all banks for a four day Bank vacation. Every bank was inspected only honest, tested well run banks with enough currency were al minored to re-open this was incredibly important because this was one of the major causes of the depression, the banks were giving large amounts of money to great deal who could non pay it back and so this caused a knock on effect.The frugality Act Roosevelt cut the pay for everyone working for the government, army, navy and air force by 15% and saved a just about 1billion dollars to be re-invested into the economy, these tough measures were require for volume who were unemployed or having financial crisiss this money was extremely important so that the economy could make a dim but steady recovery.F.E.R.A The Federal apprehension Relief Agency was given $ five hundred million dollars to help the homeless or deal who were struggling to make ends meet. They helped people with basic things such as food, clothes, owe payments, they gave great support for people who needed money for basic things.H.O.L.C The Home Owners impart Co-operation loaned money to people with very low rates of interest and people who could not keep up with their payments this was very important because it took the pressure of the home owner because they could assert on the government to help or support them with their finances.F.C.A Farm Credit presidency helped farmers. They loaned money to farmers who were unable to meet their mortgage payments they loaned 100 million dollars in 18 months.A.A.A Agricultural Adjustment Agency paying farmers to produce less food so that on that point was more demand for farmed products. The farms were overproducing and so they were losing a lot of money because there was no demand for those products. The AAA paid them to destroy their food and because there was more demand for the products there incomes increased, they nearly trebleIn conclusion Roosevelt was helping the Statess economy unlike hoover his aims of helping the economy were succeeding and the frequent began to lie him.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Voluntary Active Euthanasia
volitioning busy mercy killing Carlene Lawrence Hodges University PHI 3601 OL3 November 19, 2012 Abstract This account go forth discuss the benefits of the wakelessization of volitionful Active euthanasia (VAE). It w misery pay absent the goings between Active Euthanasia and medico support self-destruction, as headspring as the difference between supple and still. We w rickety look at VAE from a judicial perspective, with discussion about specific mashroom efforts that accept set precedence in this matter. We will in like manner look at it from a moral point of beguile from a perspective of Utilitarian and Subjectivist principles, to provide that VAE should be deal outed virtuously correct.Voluntary Active Euthanasia This paper will discuss the benefits of Active Voluntary Euthanasia (VAE). Although it is sometimes referred to as mildness killings, it is matchless of the to the highest degree dis endowed topics in our world today. Many take the duty to live is one of the most important human rights. The right to br distri plainlyively should be equ all in ally as important. First, we essential discuss the difference between active and passive euthanasia. Active is the process by which a soul is minded(p) something, such(prenominal) as a prescribed medication, to hold covering fire their animateness, while passive is allowing a someone to relegate naturally, non being given anything to help sustain their life.Second, we moldiness non conf handling VAE with Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS), as the two atomic number 18 kinda different. With VAE, it is the doctor who administers life ending medications, with the perseverings permission, while with PAS, the patient is the one who last-ditchly ends their own life. It put forward be argued that there is no moral difference between active and passive, since the consequences, intentions, and actions are in the important the same. If medical exam intervention is withhel d, allowing them to die naturally, this will prolong their pain and pathetic, as sound as that of their loved ones unexpended to get witness.It will in like manner lead to volumed medical bills, which the families will be left to deal with. In an era where the gloss is to provide rescue medicine, it is hard to decide what to do when facing end of life decisions for your loved ones. According to the Hippocratic condemnation, physicians must use treatment to help the sepulchral according to my ability and judgment, but will not use it to injure or wrong them (Friend, 2011). While the actual Oath has been rewritten umteen times over the years, to gleam cultural changes, it has the same essence. But, who decides what is admited as injuring or wronging them?One individual may consider aiding in the dying of another(prenominal) to be wrong, but the person dying may not. U. S. District Judge Barbara Rothstein (1194) wrote, There is no more profoundly own(prenominal) decisi on, no one which is closer to the learnt of in-person liberty, than the choice which a terminally ill person cave ins to end his or her suffering. Assisted suicide and euthanasia put one over been worldly controversial for centuries. However, the first organizations created to pledge the legalization of such were in 1935 and 1938, in Great Britain and the United demesnes, respectively.Great strides have been make in the right direction though. film the case of Karen Ann Quinlan. In 1975, after assortment alcohol and drugs at a party, Karen establish unconscious and slipped into a coma (Quinlan & Radimer, 2005). after months of watching their young lady suffer, being unbroken subsisting by machines, the family decided they knew their daughter would not want to live this instruction and requested she be taken off of the respirator. However, they quickly found out that their tender could not be carried out without a court order. They lost their first court battle in New tee shirt Superior Court.They appealed this decision and ended up in New Jersey State Supreme Court, where by a substantial decision, they won. Karens father, Joseph Quinlan, was names as Karens guardian, and was permitted to make all healthcare choices for her. Julia Quinlan, Karens mother, writes The ruling gave patients and families the right to live each stage of life, including the last stage, with lordliness and respect, and for medical institutions such as hospitals, hospices and nursing homes that would direct be required to establish and hold on ethics committees.In addition, the Quinlan case led to the construct of the living will, sometimes called an advanced directive, which outlines the personal wishes of the individual in regard to bizarre means to maintain life. (Quinlan 2005) In 1990, 40 states collectively passed laws allowing competent citizens the right to make living wills. These documents put the power back into the give of the ill, by allowing their wish es and voices to be comprehend when they themselves are unable to speak.They instruct doctors to recoup life-supporting treatment and systems in the event a person begets terminally ill. They can in addition instruct emergency doctors not to carry through and through life resuscitating devices when a person has dumbfound hurt or ill. It is the opinion of this writer and other proponents, like Compassion & Choices (http//www. compassionandchoices. org) that it be precipitate legal to include right to die choices like voluntary euthanasia. In antediluvian patriarch Rome and Greece, putting someone to shoemakers last, or assisting in dying was acceptable in certain situations.For example, it was acceptable to put to death newborns with severe birth defects. It wasnt until Christianity started development in the West, that euthanasia was determined to be virtuously and honestly wrong. It was, and console is, seen as a violation of Gods gift of life. (Abdulkadir, Ansari, & S ambo, 2012, p 673). This is where the ethical debate ineluctably ensues. Opponents mostly come from the medical profession as well as religious groups. They believe that medical providers should be more concerned with caring and healing and so curing and the ultimate outcome.Legalizing active euthanasia could put besides much power in the hands of the medical professionals, allowing the ill to be easy swayed and opening up the option for many lawsuits from surviving family members who do not concord with the practice. Proponents reason that keeping someone brisk with medications and medical instruments, when they would otherwise die is not sustaining a true life. Also, they believe that this is not a question of if someone is to die, but how much they suffer in the interim. The main concern of health providers should be to comfort or eliminate pain and suffering.If we can accept that passive euthanasia (rejecting the use of life sustaining treatment) is ethically and morally correct, than we should also accept active euthanasia as well. Utilitarianism says that actions should be judges as morally acceptable or unacceptable found on increases and decreases in total merriment and/or misery (total meaning everyone involved, not just one individual (Barcalow, 2007). employ this as a guide, it can be determined that VAE would essentially be diminution misery by allowing terminally ill, and drab to die nstead of suffering. Therefore, it would be morally acceptable. allow us look at VAE from a Subjectivism standpoint. Subjectivism claims that whatever an individual believes to be right or wrong is right or wrong for that individual (Barclow, 2007). Therefore, what may be morally correct for one person may not be for another. low this principle, we should consider that if you believe VAE to be morally incorrect, that does not stand to reason all of society believes this as well. Lets look at euthanasia another way.Merriam-Webster (2012) defines euthanas ia as the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy. In most states, where VAE is not legal, doctors are permitted to withhold medical treatment from a dying person, if that is their wish. While this is not considered actively administering life ending medication, it can still be considered actively allowing the person to die, if the treatment they are withholding would keep the person alive, even if only temporarily.When defending the case for active euthanasia, often the subject of our pets inevitably comes up. It is common practice when our pets become ill or injured, to put them out of their misery, we have them, as we say, put to sleep, or put down. You never hear of someone keeping their pet alive on life sustaining machines and medications. When asked why they chose to put down their pet, almost everyone answers with they couldnt exile to see the animal suffer. So then why do feel the strike to keep our humans alive? shortly there are four states in the U. S. hat have legalized active euthanasia operating theatre in 1994 by the Oregon Death and high-handedness Act, , Texas in 1999 by the Texas Futile Care Law, Washington in 2008 by the Washington Death and Dignity Act and Montana in 2008 through a trial court ruling, Baxter vs. Montana. It is also legal in several European and eastern countries, such as Belgium, Columbia, and the Netherlands. It is legal in certain situations in Switzerland. In conclusion, using the Utilitarian and Subjectivism Moral Principles, should consider voluntary active euthanasia morally acceptable. References Abdulkadir, A. B. , Ansari, A. H. , & Sambo, A.O. (2012). The right to die via euthanasia an instructive study of the shariah and laws in selected jurisdictions. Advances in earthy and Applied Sciences, 673+ Barcalow, E. (2007). Moral philosophy Theories and issues. (4th Ed. ed. ). Be lmont The Thomson Corporation. Daniel, P. S. (2011). speechmaking of the value of life. Kennedy Institute of ethics Journal,21(2), 181-199,6. Euthanasia (a) in Merriam-webster online dictionary. (2012, March 09). Retrieved from http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/euthanasia Friend, Mary Louanne,M. N. , R. N. (2011). Physician-assisted suicide Death with dignity?Journal of care for Law,14(3), 110-116. Doi Rothstein, B. R. (1994). Assisted suicide Helping terminally ill. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 12(10), 615. Mary, L. F. (2011). Physician-assisted suicide Death with dignity? Journal of Nursing Law,14(3), 110-116. doi/913146489 Quinlan, J. , Radimer, F. (2005). My joy, my sorrow. Cincinnati, OH St. Anthony Messenger Press. Rachels, J. (1975) Active and passive euthanasia . The New England Journal of treat 292 78-80 Rachels, J. (2001) Killing and permit die. Encyclopedia of Ethics 2nd ed. 2 947-50 Steinbock, B. , Norcross, A. (1994). Killing and letting die. Fordham Univ P r.
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