Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Locutionary Act Definition in Speech-Act Theory
In speech-act theory, a locutionary act is the act of making a meaningful utterance, a stretch of spoken language that is preceded by silence and followed by silence or a change of speakerâ€â€also known as a locution or an utterance act. The term locutionary act was introduced by British philosopher J. L. Austin in his 1962 book, How to Do Things With Words. American philosopher John Searle later replaced Austins concept of a locutionary act with what Searle called the propositional actâ€â€the act of expressing a proposition. Searle outlined his ideas in a 1969 article titled Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. Types of Locutionary Acts Locutionary acts can be broken into two basic types: utterance acts and propositional acts. An utterance act is a speech act that consists of the verbal employment of units of expression such as words and sentences, notes the Glossary of Linguistic Terms. Put another way, utterance acts are acts in which something is said (or a sound is made) that may not have any meaning, according to Speech Act Theory, a PDF published by Changing By contrast, propositional acts are those, as Searle noted, where a particular reference is made. Propositional acts are clear and express a specific definable point, as opposed to mere utterance acts, which may be unintelligible sounds. Illocutionary vs. Perlocutionary Acts An illocutionary act refers to the performance of an act in saying something specific (as opposed to the general act of just saying something), notes Changing Minds, adding: The illocutionary force is the speakers intent. [It is] a true speech act such as informing, ordering, warning, undertaking. An example of an illocutionary act would be: The black cat is stupid. This statement is assertive; it is an illocutionary act in that it intends to communicate. By contrast, Changing Minds notes that perlocutionary acts are speech acts that have an effect on the feelings, thoughts, or actions of either the speaker or the listener. They seek to change minds. Unlike locutionary acts, perlocutionary acts are external to the performance; they are inspiring, persuading, or deterring. Changing Minds gives this example of a perlocutionary act: Please find the black cat. This statement is a perlocutionary act because it seeks to change behavior. (The speaker wants you to drop whatever you are doing and go find her cat.) Speech Acts With Purpose Locutionary acts may be simple utterances devoid of meaning. Searle refined the definition of locutionary acts by explaining they should be utterances that propose something, have meaning, and/or seek to persuade. Searle identified five illocutionary/perlocutionary points: Assertives: Statements that may be judged true or false because they aim to describe a state of affairs in the worldDirectives: Statements that attempt to make the other persons actions fit the propositional contentCommissives: Statements that commit the speaker to a course of action as described by the propositional contentExpressives: Statements that express the sincerity condition of the speech actDeclaratives: Statements that attempt to change the world by representing it as having been changed Locutionary acts, therefore, should not simply be meaningless bits of speech. Instead, they should have purpose, either seeking to bolster an argument, express an opinion, or cause someone to take action. Locutionary Acts Do Have Meaning Austin, in a 1975 update of his book How to Do Things With Words, further refined the notion of locutionary acts. Explaining his theory, Austin said that locutionary acts, in and of themselves, did indeed have meaning, stating: In performing a locutionary act, we shall also be performing such an act as: Asking or answering a question; Giving some information or an assurance or a warning; Announcing a verdict or an intention; Pronouncing a sentence; Making an appointment, an appeal, or a criticism; Making an identification or giving a description. Austin argued that locutionary acts did not need further refinement into illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. Locutionary acts by definition have meaning, such as providing information, asking questions, describing something, or even announcing a verdict. Locutioinary acts are the meaningful utterances humans make to communicate their needs and wants and to persuade others to their viewpoint.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Effects of Legalizing Drugs Essay - 2011 Words
Tobacco is the number one preventable killer in America with alcohol at number two (Preventable Causes of Death). And if drug-related crime and deaths were not enough for society, Marijuana is now legal in Colorado and Washington--which has already created new substance-related problems. Just the fact of legalizing it confuses teens into thinking that it’s not risky anymore, thus promoting adolescent use. Legal or not, the addictive nature of pot has always been the most influential gateway substance to either alcohol, tobacco, or hard drugs. This means that Marijuana is almost always linked to substance-induced destruction whether it’s directly or indirectly, legal or illegal, self-destructive or destructive to others. Therefore, the†¦show more content†¦The new policy is confusing in Colorado and Washington, the states that have made it legal for someone twenty-one or over to own an ounce of Marijuana at a time for private recreational use. The problems with this new legal policy are that it is virtually unenforceable and it contradicts the Constitution of The United States of America. Article VI Clause 2 of the Constitution states that the Constitution is â€Å"the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.†This means that because federal law states that Marijuana is illegal, there is a contradiction when states try to make it legal. In turn, this causes problems in areas like the federal school district where federal and state laws tend to clash. At the University of Colorado Boulder, spokesman Bronson Hillard says that because these schools receive federal funding, they must abide to the no â€Å"drugs on campus†policy that the rest of America stands by, creating tension and confusion on campus (Harvey). H.Norman Arkans from University of Washington agrees when he says that they also are †a large recipient of federal money, so there is a conflict.†Conflict is right. Now students are pouring into the campuses stoned and unable to retain any information. Many of the students are unsure about the laws and get in trouble because the drug is not allowed on campus.Show MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1314 Words  | 6 PagesMarijuana, also known as cannabis, has been deemed an unacceptable and illegal substance in Canada, as well as in many other nations. It is a drug which can alter an individual’s sense of perception and distort one’s senses, and may become addictive if used repeatedly. Although marijuana is looked down upon in society when used for recreational purposes, it serves several beneficial purposes in the medical field. The legalization of marijuana is a prominent growing issue in several Canadian provincesRead MoreLegalizing Marijuan Dangerous, Unhealthy And A Bad Message For Kids854 Words  | 4 PagesLegalizing Marij uana Legalizing MariJuana can be dangerous, unhealthy and a bad message for kids. For a substance considered unhealthy cannot be produced and distributed with the help of the state, because the goal of the state is to protect citizens’ health and not to expose them to risk. Also the easy availability of drugs will create new consumers rather than rescue the current ones. It can also be dangerous because a drug user cannot make an informed and rational decision to continue using drugsRead MoreLegalizing Drugs And The United States Essay891 Words  | 4 PagesLegalizing drugs in the United States would lead to great trouble for the country affecting all citizens. Legalizing drugs will cause chaos among Americans. Edmund Harnett a deputy chief and executive officer wrote an article, â€Å"Drug legalization: why it wouldn’t work in the United States.†Harnett is also involved in the narcotics division of the New York police department. William J. Bennett the director of the national drug control policy wrote a heavy article, â€Å"Drug Policy and the IntellectualsRead MoreThe Drug Marijuana916 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana is one of the most commonly abused drugs around the world and is categorized by the US Drug Enforcement Agency as a schedule I drug. This means it has a higher chance of being abused. (â€Å"Legalization of marijuana: potential impact on youth†1825). Those who are in support of legalizing marijuana do not understand the negative effects of legalizing marijuana and marijuana use itself. There are several arguments for legalizing marijuana, however, the reasons for keeping it illegal outweighRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1714 Words  | 7 PagesEthics 312 18 April 2016 Drugs in the United States There has been controversy centered around the thought of legalizing drugs in the U.S and the effects of legalizing or not legalizing drugs. There are several drugs such as cocaine, heroin, opium, to name a few, with the most common being marijuana. The question raised on this topic is whether we should prohibit drug use, making it illegal or only allow marijuana to be legal. Discussions on this topic mention that drugs will be available in theRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legal?1604 Words  | 7 PagesDrugs are a substance that can either enhance someone s abilities or completely diminish them. Certain drugs, or commonly referred to as pharmaceutical drugs, are legal because over time people have realized that there is a cure for their temporary pain; although, arguably some have negative side effects worse than the original diagnosis. But there still is a dispute on certain illegal drugs because while some people prefer the outcome of having it legal, others strongly do not. Should their opinionRead MoreEssay on Why Marijuana Should Not be Legalized1595 Words  | 7 Pagesas do many political leaders. However, pro-drug advocacy groups, who support the use of illegal drugs, are making headlines. They are influencing decision making thru legislation and having a significant impact on the national policy debate here in the United States and in other countries. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) is the oldest drug user lobby in the U.S. It has strong ties to the Libertarian party, the Drug Policy Foundation, and the American Civil LibertiesRead MoreMarijuana Should Be Legal For Recreational Use873 Words  | 4 Pagesjustice related to drug disputes would be reduced resulting in less crowding in prisons. Revised: Legalizing marijuana will result in less crowding in prisons. Premise: States gain profit from taxing marijuana Revised: States benefit financially from the legalization of marijuana. Conclusion: Marijuana should be legal for recreational use. Marijuana has been used in herbal remedies for centuries. It has been assisting in chemotherapy treatments for years. Unlike the many man-made drugs on the streetsRead MoreEssay on The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana1475 Words  | 6 PagesThe war on drugs is a movement of prohibition and military aid being undertaken by the United States government intended to both define and reduce the illegal drug trade (Bullington). In the year 2010 the U.S. government spent $15 billion on the war on drugs, at a rate of $500 per second. State and local governments spent another $25 billion as well. In 2007, $42 billion was spent on the marijuana prohibition. That is more money than the war on drugs spent on all types of drugs three years beforeRead MoreLegalizing Recreational Pot1507 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish 1B 16 February 2016 Legalizing Recreational Pot Heavy marijuana smokers are at risk for some of the same health effects as cigarette smokers, like bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and around the world. Those who support its legalization, for medical or for recreational use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana
Monday, December 9, 2019
Poetry Essay Summary Example For Students
Poetry Essay Summary Fizz Mad Fizz was an Influential left-wing Intellectual, revolutionary poet, and one of the most famous suggested his complicated relationship with religion In general and Islam in particular. He was, nevertheless poets of the Urdu and Punjabi language from Pakistan. A rising figure and notable member of the, inspired by South Saiss Suffix traditions. Fizz Aimed Fizz was born in Shallot in Pakistan. He studied philosophy and English literature, but poetry and politics preoccupied him more than anything else. Progressive Writers Movement (PAM), Fizz was an avowed Marxist- unionism, long associated member of Russian-backed Communist Party and was a recipient of Lenin Peace Prize by the Soviet Union in 1962. Despite being repeatedly accused of atheism by the political and military establishment, Falls poetry was Like flowing water making Its way straight to the heart of readers. For writing poetry that always antagonizes the ruling ?elite and challenges colonial and feudal values, like such rebellious writers as Nigh of Kenya and Darkish of Palestine, Fizz had to go to jail repeatedly during both colonial and postcolonial times In Pakistan. HIS poem ring Imprisonment Callahan Mama Apart from love and romance some running themes in Fizz, s, poetry are also social justice, loneliness, depression oppression, incarceration, hopelessness longings, distances, rottenness and exile and love for his country. In his throbbing words one could sense his mind and heart speak with passion, his sensitively, his outrage for social Injustice and cruelty rarely seen In Urdu poetry. He is generally regarded in the same group of poets that include the traditionalist Goalie and the philosophical Cabal. Fizz admires both, but he has his own unique brand to conquer the hearts of readers. Like on the Indus-Packard, he wrote Black out, with some very painful lines which show his utter grieve about the bloodshed of Innocent people and the dark nights which raised Its smeared claws to everyone. From the time the lamps went out have been searching The ground, For my both eyes lost somewhere Dry. Laudable Visalia translated most of Fizz, s poems in Russian and was his dear admirer and she also elaborated in her speeches and writings as well to acknowledge his contribution for literature. A Tribute to Fizz by T. Beth In a cruel sunless prison he breathes the freshest air, deprived of pen and paper is heart and mind speak volumes his soul soars, pierces the relentlessly cold skies. In a harsh dry soil FIFO an unforgiving acorn. Thats Fizz! Fizz visited Bangladesh after it had seceded from Pakistan and become an independent country following a year of bloody civil war (with the Pakistan army responsible for horrific genocide in what was then still East Pakistan). Then he wrote this. The last line is almost certainly an allusion to the apology that was never offered to Bangladesh. Beyond Hum Eke There Janis Hum eke There Janis kit mandatory eek bad (We who became strangers, after o many graces) -? Fizz The year 1971 saw the culmination of what was then termed the Bengali problem in the shape of the trauma of Pakistanis second partition and the secession of East Pakistan to become the independent state of Bangladesh. While the problems had been simmering since independence in 1947, they had come to a head during the latter part of General Baby Khans rule. The bloodshed in Dacha and all of East Pakistan in 1970 and 1971 saddened many people reminding them of the trauma of 1947. After the creation of Bangladesh, the new civilian government of Cultivar All Bout offered Fizz a position as Cultural Advisor to he Ministry of Education, and after some deliberation, Fizz accepted. He had always considered culture an integral part of society, imperative to the development and uplift of a nation. In this position, he created the Pakistan National Council of the Arts as well as the Look Versa, the Institute of Folk Heritage. Compare the Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy and Cousin Kate by Christina Rosetti EssayThe look of the poem on the page adds still another dimension. Some poems have smooth shapes, some have delicate shapes, some have heavy, dense shapes. The breaks in the lines lead our eyes to certain areas. There are even poems with shapes that intentionally imitate what the poem is about, for example, a poem about a waterfall could have lines that trickle down the page. Definition of Poetry concentrated language: The words in poems are doing several jobs at the same time. They do one thing with their meaning, and another thing with their sound. Even their meaning may be working on more than one level. An important characteristic of poetry is compression, or concentrated language. I dont mean concentrated in the sense of paying close attention. I mean it in the sense of concentrated laundry detergent, or concentrated orange Juice. A half-cup of concentrated laundry detergent does the same work as a cup of regular detergent; a poem typically gets across as much meaning as a larger amount of prose. Concentrated orange Juice has the water taken out; a good poem has similarly been intensified by removing the non-essential words. This is one reason why poems are often short. Definition of poetry emotional or irrational connection: Prose normally talks to the logical part of the readers mind. It explains and describes things; it makes sense. Poetry does all this too, but it also tends to work at an emotional or irrational level at the same time. Often, some part of a poem seems to speak directly to the readers emotions. It gives readers a peaceful feeling or an eerie feeling, Goosebumps, or it makes them want to cry, even though they may not be sure why they are reacting this way. One way that poems do this is through the use of sound. Poems also tend to suggest things beyond what they actually say; often what causes the strongest emotions is not what the poem describes, but what it make the reader imagine. Some parts of understand, and they touch something similarly deep in the reader. A few quotes on the definition of poetry Percy Abysses Shelley: Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar. Here, Shelley points out an important aspect of poetry, which is to find fresh ways of looking at things we think we know well. Sir Philip Sidney: Poetry is a speaking picture This idea emphasizes the physical aspect of a poem, that its a piece of artwork made out of words. Adrienne Rich: Poetry is above all a concentration of the power of language, which is the power of our ultimate relationship to everything in the universe. She means concentrated in the sense of concentrated laundry detergent. Language, she says, is our way of relating to the universe. So by strengthening language, poetry strengthens our relationship with the universe. Jean Chateau: Poetry is indispensable if I only knew what for.
Monday, December 2, 2019
No child left behind
Introduction As one of the federal government’s most sweeping changes to education in a generation, the No Child Left behind Act (NCLB) was signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002. This bill provides nearly $1 billion a year over the next five years to strengthen public schools (FDOE 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on No child left behind specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This research paper explores the Act, answering questions that are aimed at gathering sufficient and relevant information within the context of the research topic. Some of the issues covered in include an explanation of the law, the impact of the law and adaptation of various systems to accommodate the law. NCLB Act Abbreviated as NCLB, No Child Left Behind is an Act of Congress in the United States which revolves around the accessibility and quality of education by children in public schools around the cou ntry. Although the bill was ratified by President Obama, it is important to note that it was initially proposed when George W. Bush became the President of the United States (Bagley 1). At the time of its proposal, the bill received an overwhelming majority support in the Congress, probably because of the expected impact it was to have in transforming the education sector. Principally, NCLB encourages reforms, which are based on high standards that are viewed as fundamental requirements of improving the outcomes of the education system. The bill further emphasizes the need of developing basic skills among students in public schools. As a result, states are supposed to have ways of assessing these skills among students in every grade for them to qualify for state funding (Bagley 1). However, the act does not set expected national standards and allows states to set their own standards based on a wide range of factors that may vary from one state to another. Because of the implications of the bill to the entire education system, funding allocation has continuously been rising since 2001. Another important point notable from the bill is its recognition of good performance among students as a proof of the work done by individual teachers in different schools. As a result, Adequate Yearly Progress is essential, especially for those schools around the country that are recognized under title â€Å"I†as defined in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. If a school experience recurring poor results yearly, the act recommends several steps to be implemented in improving the standards of the school to a reasonable level recognized by the state (NEA 1).Advertising Looking for research paper on administrative law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In line with Adequate Yearly Progress, schools which experience poor performance in two years consecutively are considered to be in need of improvement an d are expected to come up with an improvement plan that would run for two years for those subjects which the schools seem not to be teaching well. Additionally, students are given an option of seeking to transfer to another better school as long as the school does exist in his or her district (NEA 1). In the event the school does not realize AYP for the third year, the act recommends that such schools should establish free tutoring programmes with an aim of helping poor-performing students. On the other hand, a â€Å"correction†is recommended for a school that fails to attain the AYP for the fourth year. This action may include overall replacement of teachers, replacement of the existing curriculum and an allowance to have affected students spend more time in class. In extreme and almost impossible case, schools failing for the sixth year are put under reconstruction as provided in the No Child Left Behind Act. In balancing, the bill with its practical applicability, it is t he responsibility of the state to ensure that every school has qualified teachers. Additionally, a â€Å"one high standard†is supposed to be set for all students, and every state is mandated to decide this kind of standard. However, all outlined standards of the education curriculum have to be applied to all students equally around the state (NEA 1). Impact of the Law The law is believed to have a significant impact in the entire education sector. This impact has been felt by both teachers, students, districts and all education stakeholders. The first implication of the No Child Left Behind Bill is increased accountability required of all public schools and teachers around the country (NEA 1). According to the bill, every school must show quantifiable improvement in the performance of students in order to prove its efforts throughout every fiscal year. This is accompanied by measures discussed above that mainly affect non-performing schools and teachers (U.S. Department of E ducation 1). The law further supports reduction of funding in cases where schools do not show any performance progress. The main purpose of this action is to enable teachers and all stakeholders to understand the immense significance of the education system to the nation (U.S. Department of Education 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on No child left behind specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, the law makes it possible to have a link between students’ standards and state academic content. Furthermore, it insists that all schools should establish measuring mechanisms in order to tell the performance of students at every grade starting from the third up to the eighth (U.S. Department of Education 1). Beyond this stage of learning, the performance of students in high schools has to be determined at least once. Another impact is that it allows access of academic information of students by th eir parents through issuance of report cards. These report cards clearly indicate the Adequate Yearly Performance to enable parents to understand the progress of their sons and daughters. In addition, the school is obligated to disclose the professional level of the teacher to the parent to win the confidence of parents. Besides having set standards for schools and teachers around the country, the bill also impacts students in various ways. Unlike in cases where schools denied students opportunities to transfer to another school within the district, the No Child Left Behind bill allows bright students in schools that are unable to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress to transfer to better ones within the district (Bagley 1). Otherwise, schools are supposed to execute performance strategies like free tutoring and increased time, especially for those students who have weak performance standards. Conclusion No Child Education Bill is one of the most praised bills that promise to transform the American education system and make it performance-oriented. By insisting on performance standards, the government acknowledges the need to link resources and performance. In other words, its funding of the public education system has to be reflected through good performance from students through the efforts of schools and teachers. By holding schools and teachers accountable for the performance of students, the law echoes the role of a teacher that goes beyond class work teaching. However, in its continuous implementation, performance measuring parameters have to remain harmonized to promote fair gauging of students’ performance across states. Works Cited Bagley, Jennifer. â€Å"No Child Left Behind.†Education Week. 2004. Web.Advertising Looking for research paper on administrative law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More FDOE. â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act.†Florida Department of Education, 2005. Web. NEA. â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).†National Education Association, 2011. Web. U.S. Department of Education. â€Å"Elementary and Secondary Education Act.†U.S. Department of Education, 2011. Web. This research paper on No child left behind was written and submitted by user T0adMen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. No Child Left Behind Purpose Students with severe disabilities need special education to ensure that â€Å"No Child Left Behind†policy provisions are fulfilled. As a result, educators should use evidence-based instructional strategies to ensure that students with disabilities demonstrate educational progress during yearly assessment as provided in the NCLB educational provisions.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on No Child Left Behind specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The US educational policy requires schools to demonstrate that students in grade 3 through 8 make adequate yearly progress (AYP) towards proficiency in mathematics and literacy. However, demonstrating AYP and evaluating progress on academic content standards for students with disabilities is challenging. Browder and Cooper-Duffy (2003) argue that â€Å"although research is now emerging on states’ alternate assessment practices, many questions remain ab out how best to measure the progress of students with severe disabilities on state academic standards (p. 157). The purpose of this research is to determine evidence-based practices that educators can use to teach students with severe disabilities to enable them show adequate yearly progress (AYP) as well as progress in academic content standards. In addressing the research topic, the authors reviewed numerous literatures with information about the educational needs of students with disabilities. They conducted the study with the intention to identify evidence-based instructional support that students with disabilities need to demonstrate annual progress. Design Throughout the study, the researchers used secondary research strategy to address the research objectives. They evaluated the previous literatures that address various empirical research studies on evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities in relation to NCLB provisions. To begin with, the authors evalua ted and compared research on skills acquisition for students with disabilities. Second, the researchers evaluated the literature on instructional strategies that promote the students’ adequate annual progress. They discovered that numerous studies exist that demonstrate that students with disabilities can acquire skill through mastering technique (Horner, Carr, Halle, McGee, Odom, Wolery, 2005). Team planning was identified as another core aspect that promotes annual progress for students with disabilities. Finally, the researchers assessed the literature on evidence-based practices that would ensure that students with disabilities achieve learning objectives successfully (Browder Cooper-Duffy, 2003). The findings on evidence-based strategies for teaching students with disabilities were compiled, compared, and the conclusions were derived based on the empirical results.Advertising Looking for book review on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Findings and Conclusions The data from the studies indicated that educators can use evidence-based practices to promote skill acquisition and learning for students with disabilities. The use of instructional support for which scientific evidence has been obtained was found to play an important role in enhancing learning for students with disabilities (Odom, 2005). This study concentrated on two aspects of instructional support namely: how skills are defined and how skills are taught (Browder Cooper-Duffy, 2003). The researchers discovered that defining skills aligned with academic content standards required educators to employ the research foundation available for functional skills. This approach mainly targets skills mastery whereby the targeted skill can include a chained response, a pivotal response, or a single, discrete response. Furthermore, the authors discovered that the yearly process assessment for students with severe disabilities can be attained by focusing on specific responses that are taught to mastery. In addition, it was found that students with disabilities need individualized instruction besides cooperative learning activities to cement their academic understanding, and enable them to meet expectations for yearly progress. The research provides that the use of assistive technology can enable students with disabilities expand their use of symbolic communication that is related to mathematics, science, and reading. The authors also found that the students’ yearly progress can be enhanced through augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) (Browder Cooper-Duffy, 2003). Lastly, the study discovered that the instructors can use time delays to teach students with severe disabilities how to arrange objects and match them to the pictures on a communication board for request generation. This was identified as an example of self-instructional strategy that students with disabilities could use to perform f amily routines without assistance (Odom, 2005). The article provides a snapshot of the evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities in relation to NCLB requirements. The study did not show clearly how the states would define progress for students with severe cognitive disabilities relating to the state standards in academics. Therefore, the research leaves gaps that will need to be studied in the future. Critique This article provides evidence-based strategies for teaching students with disabilities from previous empirical studies. Although the strategies are discussed in depth, it would be better if the researchers conducted primary research to determine the teachers’ experiences and collect raw data for evaluation and analysis.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on No Child Left Behind specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the evidence-based practices provided in the article could be beneficial and provide a solid foundation for future research on evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities in relation to NCLB provisions. The article provides that students with severe disabilities can acquire skills in a general educational class through cooperation, but it does not provide insight on evidence-based practices that could apply to students with multiple cognitive disabilities (Browder Cooper-Duffy, 2003). Through this article, educators can identify the evidence based practices they may employ in teaching students with severe disabilities and enhance their learning. I concur with the suggestions that the use of augmentative alternative communication, time delays activities, and assistive technologies are among the evidence-based educational strategies that can promote the instruction of students with severe disabilities. References Browder, M.D., Cooper-Duffy, K. (2003). Evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities and the requirement for accountability in â€Å"No Child Left Behind†. The Journal of Special Education, 7(3): 157-163. Horner, R. H., Carr, E.G., Halle, J., McGee, G., Odom, S., Wolery, M. (2005). The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 165-179. Odom, S.L. (2005). Research in special education: Scientific methods and evidence-based practices. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 137-148. This book review on No Child Left Behind was written and submitted by user Maximilian Duke to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle by NADH Essay Example
Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle by NADH Essay Example Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle by NADH Paper Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle by NADH Paper Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle by NADH The Citric Acid Cycle is regulated mainly by the availability of substrates and by feedback inhibition by its products ( One such example of product inhibition is the regulation of the cycle by the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), three molecules of which are formed in one turn of the cycle. NADH –specifically, a high [NADH] / [NAD+] ratio – also inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase, which is the enzyme that converts pyruvate to the acetyl-CoA that enters the cycle in its first step. This ratio increases in conditions of fatty acid oxidation, for example, during starvation. The increase in the [NADH] / [NAD+] ratio inhibits the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which will then effect into a sparing of carbohydrates. In conditions such as starvation, this sparing of carbohydrates makes sense. Moreover, NADH inhibits the enzymes isocitrate dehydrogenase and ÃŽ ±-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, which catalyze two of the reactions in which NADH is formed. Along with ATP, which also inhibits the two enzymes, levels of NADH increase when the cell has abundant energy stores. Increased NADH levels, therefore, serve to signal the cell that it does not need to produce as much energy through the citric acid cycle (Champe, Harvey, Ferrier, 2005). Regulation of Fatty Acid Catabolism The catabolism of fatty acids is regulated by several factors, depending mostly on the nutritional status of the individual. This is because fatty acids serve as the body’s major fuel storage reserve (Champe, Harvey, Ferrier, 2005). In starvation states, the low insulin/glucagon ratio favors degradation of fatty acids, usually in the muscle and in the liver. Once the fatty acids are fully oxidized, they yield acetyl-CoA, which are then further processed by the citric acid cycle to yield the energy especially needed by the body during timesof starvation. On the other hand, after a carbohydrate-rich meal, the insulin/glucagon ratio increases. This stimulates fatty acid synthesis, as a way of storing excess energy. When fatty acid synthesis is occurring in the cytosol of the cell, levels of malonyl CoA increase, and this compound inhibits the carnitine shuttle that transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. Without the carnitine shuttle, fatty acid oxidation cannot proceed and is therefore inhibited (Champe, Harvey, Ferrier, 2005). This is only logical, since the body still has enough energy derived from the carbohydrate-rich meal and does not need the acetyl-CoA that would otherwise have been formed from fatty acid catabolism. Regulation of the Urea Cycle Urea is the form in which amino groups that are derived from amino acids are disposed. When an individual ingests a protein-rich meal, levels of glutamate and arginine increase. Glutamate is added to acetyl-CoA to form N-acetylglutamate, in a reaction that is activated by arginine. In other words, a meal rich in proteins results in increased levels of N-acetylglutamate. N-acetylglutamate, for its part, is an essential activator for carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I, which is the enzyme that governs the rate-limiting step in the urea cycle. It therefore increases the production of urea. In short, a meal rich in proteins – of which amino acids are the building blocks – stimulates, through N-acetylglutamate, the production of urea. This is necessary since urea is the form in which these amino acids are disposed by the body. Thus, this helps maintain the nitrogen balance in the body. References Champe, P. C., Harvey, R. A., Ferrier, D. R. (2005). Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wiliams Wilkins. Citric Acid Cycle. (2008). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 7, 2008, from Wikipedia:
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Translatory Translatory Translatory By Maeve Maddox This reader’s question relates to the word translatory. Before writing, he looked it up:  Merriam-Webster definition: â€Å"of, relating to, or involving uniform motion in one direction.†Nothing about its clear parallel, translate. The Free Dictionary lists â€Å"translatory as an adjective under its entry for translation. Oxford does not appear to list it as a word at all – at least via online search. Translational is likely the correct adjective to use when discussing a translation, although translatory has been used to mean translational (e.g., ‘the translatory pen of William Tyndale’).  Ah, the ongoing battle of the dictionaries. The Merriam-Webster Unabridged I pay for has an entry for translatory, but no definition, just a link to translational. The OED I use via subscription does have an entry for translatory: â€Å"of or pertaining to physical translation†and offers this example from 1849: â€Å"The negative tension of an insulated metal is sensibly augmented by giving a translatory motion to the gas which attacks its surface.†M-W has a separate entry for â€Å"translatory motion†: â€Å"motion in which all points of a moving body move uniformly in the same line or direction.†No example of usage is offered. The short answer to the reader’s question is that some speakers may use translatory in reference to translating languages, but translational is the more common adjective in that context. A cursory search of the Web brought up two uses of translatory in reference to the translation of language, both from non-native English-speaking sources: The master’s programmeprovides in-depth knowledge of (foreign) languages and translatory skills acquired in the bachelor’s programme.- University of Graz (Austria). [Some translators] failing to see the larger context or the translatory action at work.- Literary Translation in Modern Iran: A sociological study, by Esmaeil Haddadian-Moghaddam. A search for â€Å"translatory†on Google brings up the admonitory message: â€Å"Did you mean translator?†and Word flags the word translatory with a squiggly red line. The words translate, translator and translation have different meanings in different contexts. For me, a translation is a text written in a language other than the original, and a translator is someone who renders a work written in one language into another. In another context, a translator is a transmitter that rebroadcasts the signals of a distant TV station to rural areas: In 1973, the construction of a network of transmitters and translators connected by microwave relay was approved by the state legislature. Another meaning of translate is â€Å"To change in form, appearance, or substance.†Peter Quince uses the word with this meaning in A Midsummer Night’s Dream when, like Snount, he reacts to the sight of Bottom with an ass’s head: SNOUT: O Bottom, thou art changed! What do I see on thee? BOTTOM: What do you see? You see an ass head of your own, do you? QUINCE: Bless thee, Bottom, bless thee. Thou art translated. Translatory has its uses, but it is not the conventional choice in the context of language translation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesDeck the HallsHow to Style Legislative Terms
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Endocrinology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Endocrinology - Essay Example These are synthesized in the same cells. However, once secreted they interact with four adrenergic receptors such as 1, 2, 1, 2, and 3 that mediate the cellular effects of the hormones. Stress the predominant stimulus that leads to secretion of these hormones. More accurately stimuli such as injury, anger, pain, cold, strenuous exercise, and hypoglycemia as a result of stress response generate sympathetic impulses in the cholinergic preganglionic fibers that provides the neural impetus to the chromaffin cells, and this ultimately culminates into the release of catecholamines. Biochemically, however, catecholamines stimulate glucose production in the liver, lipolysis in the adipose tissue, and promotes anaerobic metabolism in the muscles leading to lactate production. Whereas, the adrenal medulla responds to predominantly neural stimuli, the outer adrenal cortex that literally encapsulates the medulla and forms the bulk of the gland, responds only to endocrine stimulation and releases a number of hormones which have steroid structures chemically. These hormones are glucocorticoids, aldosterone, and adrenal androgens. The cells of the three zones secrete different steroid hormones: the cells of the zona glomerulosa secrete the mineralocorticoids; those of the zona fasciculata secrete glucocorticoids, while the cells of the zona reticularis secrete sex steroids or androgens (Brook, C., and Marshall, N. 2001). Figure 1: Adrenal Cortex and Medulla Adrenal Cortex: Glucocorticoids act to counteract many effects of stress throughout the body. Stress is difficult to define, but it is known that it includes physical trauma, intense heat or cold, infections, mental or emotional trauma. The effects of glucocorticoids at the tissue level in order to neutralize the effects of stress include cardiovascular, neurological, and anti-inflammatory effects as well as effects on the immune system. Cortisol level responds within minutes to stress, whether it is physical such as trauma, surgery, or exercise; psychological such as anxiety and depression, or physiological hypoglycaemia or fever. The protective effect that glucocorticoids confer at the time of stress would be evident in the observed fact that such stresses may cause hypotension, shock, and death when there is glucocorticoid deficiency. The overall actions of glucocorticoids are directed at enhancing the production of glucose that can be readily utilised in the body to produce energ y and at the same time they reduce all other metabolic activities not directly involved in that process. Physiologic effects of glucocorticoids include regulation of protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and nucleic acid metabolism. These antagonize the secretion and action of insulin and raise blood sugar levels. At the same time, these also inhibit peripheral glucose uptake. This promotes hepatic glycogen content through hepatic glucose synthesis or gluconeogenesis (Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., and Stryer, L., 2002). Taking the example of exercise as a stress initiating event, as the epinephrine and nor epinephrine are released as a sympathetic response, the concomitant glucocorticoid release makes sure that the increased metabolic rate of exercise can
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Third World Country Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Third World Country - Term Paper Example eastern beliefs and practices and resulted to a culturally conservative but socially dynamic people who has always preserved the rich native culture but opened its arms to the influences of the west. The National Statistics Office (NSO) of the Philippines reported that its population is at 88.57 million as of August 2007. The National Capital Region (or more popularly called Metro Manila), where the capital city of Manila is situated has 11.55 million, the second largest populated region while the two regions adjacent to the National Capital Region are the 1st and the 3rd largest. The combined number of residents of these three regions already comprised more than one third of the entire population at 37.3% (Ericta, 2008). The Philippine economy had been sluggish compared with its other south east Asian neighbors, however the year 2007 showed indications of a stronger economy when it posted an average real growth rate in gross domestic product (GDP) of 7.3%, by far the highest in 31 years (WHO regional office, 2009). However, poverty statistics showed a 2.5 percentage points increase in poverty rate from â€Å"4.7 million poor families in 2006 compared with 4.0 million estimated in 2003†(WHO, 2009) thus the World Health Organization regional office in the western pacific surmised that the economic challenge is to trickle down the signs of economic progress to the poor sector of the population in order to alleviate poverty (WHO, 2009). Henderson reported that â€Å"poverty in the Philippines is most acute and widespread in rural areas (2002)†but Metro Manila, has the lowest occurrence of this nationwide phenomenon, where there are only 5% of the nations poor. He also conveyed how worse the situation is especially when translating the conditions in monetary value. The Filipino below the poverty line earns â€Å"less than $276 a year (...) considered the minimum required to meet basic living requirements†(Henderson, 2002). Culturally, the Filipinos adhere to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Models of Addiction Essay Example for Free
Models of Addiction Essay The addicted person can be a composite of patterns of behavior, predisposition, and social environment. Generally, he is preoccupied with the substance or behavior of choice and will continue to practice the addiction in increasing amounts of time and material. Cessation results in withdrawal symptoms and discomforts both physically and psychologically. In spite of attempts to cut back or cease the activity, the addict will continue to his behavior to his own detriment and destruction. There are many factors that need to be considered when addressing causation, allowing the models of addiction to fall into three basic categories; medical, social, and psychological. Medical Models This model rests on the assumption that disease states are a result of a biological dysfunction, possibly one on the cellular or even molecular level (Doweiko, 2012). The disease or dispositional concept allows the addict to bear no responsibility for the addiction (Jenkins, 2014). Because of underlying physical abnormalities, the addict is not able to control the use of the substance or his behavior. This is the primary way of viewing addictions in the United States, according to Doweiko (2012). The cause here is considered biological or hereditary. A problem here is the potential for denial of personal responsibility. Genetic factors consider vulnerability, predisposition, and how genes come together to increase risk for addiction. Patterns over time and generations can be helpful in research and in understanding possible solutions. This idea is limited in that research is narrowly focused on biological and genetic factors versus other factors.  Social Models This model views peer pressure, social policies, and availability as major contributing influences surrounding addictions. It is mainly concerned with conformance and deviance, what helps, and what is a risk. Unhealthy relationships, dysfunctional families, and environment play a major part in the cause of addiction in this type of model (Jenkins, 2014). Inadequate coping mechanisms and vicarious learning contribute to the problem. The focus is on family, peers, personal relationships, and learned behaviors. The moral volitional or willful sin theory relies on social sanctions to remedy addiction and sees it as a weakness of character. The greatest hope here is that changing peers, places, and things offers recuperation. On a spiritual level, the degrading effects of sin illuminate the need for redemption (Jenkins, 2014). This compulsion is seen as a form of idol worship, as it places the obsession before God. It hinders spiritual growth and alters the image of God within the believer. Social models are limited in that relationships are difficult to measure (Jenkins, 2014). Rather than how the addiction develops, the emphasis is on recovery. Genetic predisposition and other areas are not taken into account or ignored and the individual’s ability to resist is not contemplated. Psychological Models With the rise of psychoanalysis came the psychological models of addiction. The addict is considered as being immature developmentally and as having fundamental traits that contribute to the problem. There is the belief that the dilemma is reinforced both socially and MODELS OF ADDICTION 4 environmentally creating a learned response through classical and operant conditioning (Jenkins, 2014). It is thought that the addict uses defense mechanisms to remain in denial about his predicament and will use cognitive justifications for otherwise unacceptable behavior (Doweiko, 2012). Conclusion From the various models used to understand and explain addiction, it is apparent that there is an overlapping or interconnection among the theories. This would support an integrated approach to identifying the cause and effects of this problem. When all factors are considered, the puzzle is much easier to put together. Treatment can then be comprised of multiple options and resources making recovery more attainable. References Doweiko, H. 2012. Concepts of chemical dependency , 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning Jenkins, D. 2014. Presentation: Models of addiction. Retrieved from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
H.M. Scott Smiths, the Historical Houses of Prince Edward Island :: essays papers
H.M. Scott Smith's, the Historical Houses of Prince Edward Island H.M. Scott Smith's, the Historical Houses of Prince Edward Island, is a candid look into the more architecturally and historically significant buildings located on Prince Edward Island. Focusing particularly on those constructed in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Historical Houses of Prince Edward Island, features structures from the early days of the Micmac wigwams to the elegance of the Victorian presence. His purpose is to trace the evolution of the Islands housing in their form, decor, and construction over the course of time. In addition, Smith writes of the different principal international impacts, which have shaped the architectural stature of Prince Edward Island. Hoping to set a starting point in Prince Edward Islands' architectural studies, Smith states 1"I also wish to stress that I conceived this project and these books as a beginning, in the hope that architectural historians, geographers, academics or any interested individuals might be inspired to further research and document the various aspects touched on only briefly in this book." Smith, an active conservationist, clearly shows that he believes in the importance of building history and preservation, not only in Prince Edward island, but all over the world in hoping that others will pick up where he has left off opening another door in architectural studies. Smith provides the reader with an easy to follow guide, which is set in Smith, H.W. Scott. Historical Houses of Prince Edward Island. Erin: Boston Mills Press, 1990. P.10 chronological order and provides, photographs and/or sketches with each brief, yet descriptive, explanation of the chosen dwellings. Expressive yet not overpowering, we are taken through the evolution of the selected structures by means of the change in style and heritage from that of the architectural monuments origin. In the journey of seeking architectural history, the author touches on, but hesitates to go in-depth with the true mode of building based on regional forms and materials. The lack of information covering the social and community history, building placement, along with the unique building styles (with stone and brick) formed by the adapting peoples of the Island leaves a lot out of this book. Instead, Smith focuses intensely on the inhabitants of the homes throughout time, and the strong foreign influence from Scotland, England, Ireland, and New England. The glossary, which Smith provides, was very effective as it made his work easy to understand while increasing the readers knowledge of architectural terms.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Measuring Crime Essay
There are so many different police agencies and levels here in the United States. Here are a few of the Federal policing agencies: Department of agriculture, commerce, Defense, FBI, and justice, but there are 15 Federal departments. The State level agencies consist of highway patrols, port authorities, state police, fish and wild life police which are only a few of the state levels agencies. At the local level agencies, there are campus, constables, transit police, and sheriff’s department, which also are just a small portion of the local level agencies. With so many policing agencies, we measure the crime level here in the United States with three main tools. â€Å"They are uniform crime report, National crime victimization survey, and the National incident based reporting system. The uniform crime report: Law enforcement agencies voluntarily report crime statistics on a monthly basis to the FBI. Areas of interest are murder, burglary, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, larceny/theft, auto theft and arson. The National victimization survey is conducted by the Bureau of Justice statistics; the survey is conducted every six months on all household members 12 and older to help determine the magnitude of illegal unfair treatment-mainly unreported victimization. The National incident based reporting system is new and currently being tested and evaluated. This system will eventually replace the uniform crime report. Additionally, this report will expand the list of crimes for which data is collected†(University of Phoenix, 2013). Major crime reporting programs and purposes In the United States, there are several modes of crime reporting that assist lawmakers, citizens, and criminal justice officials with accurate information regarding various crimes. The three major programs are the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), and National Crime Reporting (NCR). Each reporting system serves a direct reporting purpose that has advantages for some and disadvantages for others. The three crime reporting systems have distinct origins that details the need for the creation of each system while providing justification for its longevity. The three major crime reporting systems are feasible for people trying to gain information on crimes and will be relevant until more intricate systems exist. â€Å"The objective of the Uniform Crime Reporting program is to produce crime statistics for law enforcement administration, operation, and management†(Texas Department of Public Safety, 2014). UCR is a national administrative program that uses collaboration between, states, counties, and federal law enforcement agencies to publish criminal statistics. Although effective, the UCR is not 100 percent accurate because all departments do not report criminal data to the program. The NIBRS focuses on incidents and arrests as opposed to crime completely and the information is generated by local, state, and federal agencies. National Crime Reporting is a program that shows the crime statistics of the nation. It is an index of information that is available to federal, state, and local authorities. The major purposes of crime reporting programs are to provide senior officials with an accurate snapshot of crime data that fluctuates. The data has many purposes to many people like city officials who use the data to place emphasis on certain crimes. The data is also important to media and public citizens who use the information to conduct research or shop for homes. Though the information is mostly accurate, the Federal Bureau of Investigations discourages negatively using the information to depict a region, state, county, or city. There are numerous factors that influence the fluctuation of certain crimes in different areas so using common sense to decipher the sociological factors is necessary. References Texas Department of Public Safety. (2014). The Texas uniform crime reporting program. Retrieved from University of Phoenix (2013) Interactive Multi-Media CJI Link [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA-204 website
Sunday, November 10, 2019
â€Å"Of Studies†by Francis Bacon An analysis The purpose of this work is to analyze Sixteen Century Francis Bacon’s essay â€Å"Of Studies†by summarizing its main points and the relevance of its statements to this day. Francis Bacon was an English Philosopher and writer best known as a founder of the modern empirical tradition based on the rational analysis of data obtained by observation and experimentation of the physical world. The main focus of Bacon’s essay rests on explaining to the reader the importance of study knowledge in terms of its practical application towards the individual and its society.His first analysis is an exposition on the purposes or uses that different individuals can have by approaching Study –â€Å"†¦for delight, ornament, and for ability†- And how certain professions are better served by individuals with study knowledge. As he mentions the virtues of Study he also points out its vices: –â€Å"To sp end too much time in study is sloth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Also, how Study influences our understanding of Nature, and in opposition, how our experience of Nature bounds our acquired knowledge.After that, the Author presents the concept of how different individuals with different mental abilities and interests in life, approach the idea of studying –â€Å"Crafty men contemn studies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ - and offers advice on how study should be applied: –â€Å"†¦but to weight and consider†- Then Bacon goes into expressing his ideas in how the means to acquire study knowledge, books, can be categorized and read according to their content and value to the individual. The benefits of studying are Bacon’s final approach.Benefits in terms of defining a â€Å"Man†by its ability to read, write or confer, and in terms of being the medicine for any â€Å"impediment in the wit†and by giving â€Å"receipts†to â€Å"every defect of the mind†. Cert ainly, some of Francis Bacon’s insights in this subject are of value after 400 years of societal evolution. We can ascertain this when we read the phrase â€Å"They perfect Nature, and are perfected by experience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Nevertheless some of the concepts expressed in his Essay have to be understood through the glass of time.By this I mean Society values and concepts were different altogethers to what we know today. By that time Society was strongly influenced by the idea of literacy and illiteracy (relatively few were educated and could read and write). Only educated people had access to knowledge and by that, to social status and opportunity. Nowadays would be difficult to accept ideas which relate skills or professions towards an attitude to approach studying. Today, a skilled machinist or carpenter can certainly be a studied person.Nowadays most people in our Society have the possibility to read and by that, to obtain knowledge independently of what our personal cho ices are in terms of profession. Also we must consider how today we value the specialization of knowledge which in the past, characterized by a more generic and limited access to knowledge, wasn’t a major factor into the conceptualization and understanding of study knowledge as to the extent we see it today. Finally, it is doubtful that the benefits of studying can be approached as a recipe for any â€Å"intellectual illness†.We now know that the real illnesses are related to mental conditions and not necessarily to our mental skills, abilities or lack of them and by that I mean that Bacon’s solutions to those conditions are substantially naive under the actual understanding of Human Psychology. Concepts and ideas evolve at the same time as the Human condition changes in all social, scientific, political and economic aspects. By looking through the glass of time and comparing the past to the present we come to the realization of the universality and endurance of some concepts and the fragility and impermanence of some others.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Republican Women in the US Senate 2017â€2019
Republican Women in the US Senate 2017–2019 Five women represent Republicans as senators in the 115th Congress, running from 2017 through 2019. The number is one fewer than for the previous Congress as New Hampshires Kelly Ayotte lost re-election by only about 1,000 votes. Alaska: Lisa Murkowski First Elected: 2004 (Appointed in 2002 to fill a vacancy)Next Election: 2022 Lisa Murkowski is a moderate Republican from Alaska with a roller-coaster history. In 2002, she was appointed to the seat by her father, Frank Murkowski, who vacated it after being elected Governor. This move was viewed unfavorably by the public and she barely won her first full term in 2004. She won the seat by just 3 points on the same day George W. Bush won the state by more than 25 points. After Sarah Palin routed her father in the 2006 Gubernatorial primary, Palin and conservatives backed Joe Miller in 2010. Though Miller beat Murkowski in the primary, she launched a surprisingly successful write-in campaign and ended up winning a close three-way race. Iowa: Joni Ernst First Elected: 2014Next Election: 2020 Joni Ernst. Getty Images Joni Ernst was the surprise candidate of the 2014 election cycle as she handily won the US Senate seat vacated by long-serving Democrat Tom Harkin. Democrat Bruce Braley was supposed to be the easy winner, but Ernst played to her Iowa roots and got off to a fast start after running a television spot comparing the castration of pigs to cutting pork in Washington. Ernst is a lieutenant colonel in the Iowa National Guard and had served in the Iowa State Senate since 2011. She won her US Senate seat in 2014 by 8.5 points. Maine: Susan Collins First Elected: 1996Next Election: 2020 Susan Collins is a moderate Republican from the Northeast, one of the few remaining as liberal Democrats have steadily increased their hold in the region. She is socially liberal and center-right on economic issues and she was a strong advocate for small businesses prior to her career in the US Senate. Collins is easily the most popular figure in the state and has seen her vote share increase in every election since 1996 when she won with just 49 percent of the vote. In 2002, she won with 58 percent of the vote, followed by 62 percent in 2012, then 68 percent in 2014. In 2020, she will be 67 years old and Republicans hope she stays around a bit longer. Nebraska: Deb Fischer First Elected: 2012Next Election: 2018 Deb Fischer represented one of the few highlights in the 2012 election for both conservatives and the Republican Party. She was not expected to be a contender in the GOP primary and was heavily outspent by two higher-profile Republicans in the state. Near the end of the primary campaign, Fischer received the endorsement of Sarah Palin and subsequently surged in the polls, landing a surprise win in the primary. Democrats saw this as an opening for former US Senator Bob Kerrey, who held the seat as recently until 2001. But it wasnt meant to be for the Democrats, and she defeated him in the general election by a landslide. Fischer is a rancher by trade and served in the state legislature since 2004. Senators Deb Fischer (lower center) and Shelley Moore Capito (above) celebrate passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Getty Images West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito First Elected: 2014Next Election: 2020 Shelley Moore Capito served seven terms in the US House of Representatives before deciding on a run for the US Senate. At the time, five-term Democratic incumbent Jay Rockefeller had not yet announced his plans. He opted for retirement rather than face the first real challenge of his career in more than two decades. Capito easily won both the Republican primary and the general election, becoming the first woman elected to the US Senate in West Virginia history. She also won a Senate seat for the GOP for the first time since the 1950s. Capito is a moderate Republican, but a solid upgrade from the 50-plus year drought for conservatives in the state.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Demise of De Luxe
The Demise of De Luxe The Demise of De Luxe The Demise of De Luxe By Maeve Maddox In a conversation about hotels the other evening, I heard a woman say â€Å"the lobby was luxe.†I’d never heard luxe without the de. At least not in English. In the French expression the de is a preposition and the luxe is a noun, literally â€Å"of luxury.†In English wed say luxurious. Following French usage, the OED entry gives de luxe as two words and classifies it as an adjective phrase. Merriam-Webster spells deluxe as one word and defines it as â€Å"notably luxurious or elegant; sumptuous or elaborate.†Booksellers have long offered deluxe editions of popular books and the label has spread to other products: The terms special edition, limited edition and variants such as deluxe edition, collectors edition and others, are used as a marketing incentive for various kinds of products, originally published products related to the arts, such as books, prints or recorded music and films, but now including cars, fine wine and other products. Wikipedia Apparently just plain luxe enjoys wide popularity. Numerous hotels call themselves Luxe Hotel. Luxe and deluxe bump up against each other in newspaper coverage, for example this story in the San Francisco Business Times uses â€Å"luxe†in the headline and â€Å"deluxe†in the story S.F. tower to become luxe hotel (headline) Partners will likely shell out an additional $500 a square foot to convert it from an empty ATT office to the deluxe downtown destination. I came across a hotel site (Maddens on Gull Lake) that offers luxury accommodations, premium accommodations and deluxe accommodations. The word luxe derives from Latin luxus, â€Å"excess†or â€Å"abundance.†I plan to keep putting a de with my luxe. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals"Latter," not "Ladder"The Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Religious Conflicts in Lebanon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Religious Conflicts in Lebanon - Essay Example Moreover, there is conflict between the Sunni Muslim majority and the Shiite Muslim minority who been engaged in conflict for a long time and up to date, they are not at peace with each other. The Druze is another distinct fraction in Lebanon, they are also the minority in Lebanese society, and they have been into conflict with the Christians in the 1840s when the country was known as Mount Lebanon. Until today, there is tension between these religious groups as they are trying to build a stable democracy. It can be therefore noted that the chaos among religious groups in Lebanon is as a result of failure to establish a working power sharing system between these groups. This paper explores the religious conflict in Lebanon and it is organized in three sections. The first section presents sectarianism in Lebanon, followed by an analysis of the root of the conflict, identifying the actors and their interests. Lastly, the paper discusses possible solutions and consequences of different policy solutions. Mostly, the conflict in Lebanon is presented as a sectarian conflict, which involves the moderate Christians and the extremist Muslims (â€Å"Troubles a test†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Apart from religious differences between the Christians and the Muslims, there is also conflict within the Muslim community, between the Sunnis and the Shiites. The Muslim society was divided in Sunni and the Shiite because of the power struggle over succession (Tomass 714). The entire population including the Christians and Muslims speak Arabic language; however, sectarianism is a dominant socio-political reality in Lebanese society despite the features they have in common. Sectarianism is not a new in Lebanon, historical Lebanon also called Mount Lebanon used to be shared mainly by Druzes and the Maronites. They did not coexist in peace and harmony as they fought over land ownership and distribution of political power among other issues. But these two groups have coexisted in harmony until the
Friday, November 1, 2019
OUTLINE THE METHODS USED IN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND COMMENT ON THE SUCCESS OF EACH - Essay Example This article speaks of various language learning methods and their success on implementation. This is one of the oldest methods known to have got developed by British applied linguistics in the late 1930s and 1960s. It does not have prominence in present day language learning methodology. The theory behind the language says that structural view of the language is the basis. It stresses more on the process and behaviorism. The basic principles are: In this way the language is learnt at a very slow pace. Learning the language on the basis of structure alone will almost take an academic year to master. But, once the language is learnt through patience learners are expected to get expertise in the written knowledge as well. This is one of the most popular methods of learning a language in 1950s and 1960s. It is still preferred by various Educational Institutes and language teaching centers. The theory for its foundation is again the structural view of the language. Getting expertise in the building blocks of the language and then laying emphasis on rules to join them to make a meaningful statement. The key points that elaborate on the theory are similar to those of situational language learning. In this method of learning, the language is learnt in its true accent. The procedures when properly implemented make the learners speak the language in its true jargon and apply the words at apt situations. This method of learning came into existence in 1960s as a replacement to the above two methods which have their theory based on the structural view of the language. The theory on which it is formatted is the functional view of the language. Principles that govern this method are: Learning is enjoyable and delivers good results once it is done through real communication. Learning is based on activities that clearly put in front the real essence of the language i.e. if a particular
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human Resource Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Human Resource Development - Essay Example The following discussion presents a detailed account of how firms shape and re-invent their HRD policies in conformity with their business requirements and what processes are the most crucial for survival in an environment where a competitive advantage is the only way to survive in the market. The paper also contextualizes the various learning and developmental activities that international firms take up in the attempt to brace with the changing business climates and the paper provides a brief outline of the HRD processes implemented by two international organizations in their various international business units. Strategic steps for human resource development are among the most crucial decisions that organizations take as these decisions usually are the critical factors which determine not only the effectiveness, but also the efficiency of the organization and its workforce in the long run. The initiatives that are taken for developing systematic HRD plans pay out for organizations because they bring together the development of employee‘s competence , the development of a shared vision of the business and the various business strategies employed so that they are aligned together to provide maximum benefit to both the employees and the employer. For a business operating in more than one country, the dilemmas regarding HRD and HRM strategies are numerous and varying in their degree of influence on the organizational success, however, since organizational effectiveness is a key component which drives the need to have any such strategy to begin with, these dilemmas pose a serious question for all such organizations. This paper has tried to evaluate the major forces which drive organizations to bring about a change in their management philosophies and how these changed perspectives affect the Human resource development policies of these firms. This paper aims to evaluate the impact of management ideals and strategic decision making on the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S.
Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S. Li Luo Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S.: The Fight for Equal Rights and Equal Citizenship Intro and Thesis â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.†Declaration of Independence, 1776 When we look back at American history, this well-known statement that was written in the Declaration of Independence has been constantly brought up by different groups of people to defend their equal rights and freedom in the society: America’s founding fathers used it to light up American’s spirit to fight for their freedom and rights from the oppression of Britain; African-Americans borrowed it to fight against their same rights as white people that has been denied by the laws for a long time. And right now, in our generation, we are witnessing a new battle for equality Same-sex marriage. The fight for same-sex marriage has a deep historical origin. Ever since the beginning of human civilization, marital and family relations have always been the foundation of human society. Marriage creates intimacy and family among individuals, it also provides order, stability and consistency which are essential to the survival and prosperity of human society. Based on those principles, people build up traditional family values, provide legal recognition and all sorts of privileges/rights through public institutions to reinforce this social norm. However, as the traditional marital relations and social order are rooted in heterosexuality, many people consider the legalization of same-sex marriage as a threat to this social norm, and refuse to give LGBT people the full rights and citizenship. In this paper, I will analyze the battle of same-sex marriage from three different perspective: rights and obligations; separation of powers and federalism; factions and democratic consensus. In the last section, I will conclude that as LGBT people constantly fighting for their equal right of marriage, and the fact that more and more American people are willing to accept gay people, the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage looks promising and the boundary of citizenship in American society is being refined. Rights and obligations: the unequal citizenship in terms of LGBT groups’ right of marriage. Citizenship has different meaning in different perspective. Citizenship can be used to describe someone’s legal identity, it also can mean people’s engagement in politics and community. In the article â€Å"The Meaning of Citizenship†, Kerber offered a different way to think about the definition of citizenship – a formal legal status with the possession of guaranteed rights as well as obligations. She believes that rights and obligations should be equal: If a person wants to enjoy the privileges and freedom his or her state provides, he or she must fulfill their obligations as a citizen. However, in some cases, certain groups of people are not being offered equal rights even though they meet their responsibilities. Specifically speaking, in some states, LGBT people are refused to be given the same rights as heterosexual people to marry the ones they love even the same amount of obligations are fulfilled. Besides, since marital and family relations are the foundation of human society, without legal marriage status, same-sex couples usually face many more economic and legal disadvantages compared to opposite-sex married couples, including medical care, inheritance, income tax, etc. Should government provides equal right of marriage to LGBT people? The debates over this topic have lasted for more than four decades. In 1970, two students from University of Minnesota, Richard Baker and James Michael McConnell became the first gay couple to apply for a marriage license (Rimmerman, 101). Unsurprisingly, their application was denied by the local county, and in their appeal case Baker v. Nelson, the Minnesota Supreme Court upheld a state law that limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples (Rimmerman, 101). In the following two decades, many other states successively received similar suits, however, they all ended up in the same fate as the first one being rejected to give the right of marriage for gay couples. It wasn’t until early 1990s that the debates over same-sex marriage emerge to the national level. In 1991, in the case of Baehr v. Lewin, Hawaii Supreme Court rules that denial of same marriage right for same-sex couple violate the state constitution (Rimmerman, 103). This judgment raised a lot of concerns of people who oppose same-sex marriage. They fear that this result might lead to final approval of same-sex marriage in Hawaii and the U.S. nationwide (Rimmerman, 103). Therefore, with the purpose of preventing legal recognition of same-sex marriage in Hawaii, in 1996, conservatives introduced and pushed the pass of The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Under the provisions of the DOMA, the word â€Å"marriage†is strictly define as the legal union between a man and a woman. Furthermore, DOMA permits states to refuse recognition of same-sex marriages granted under the laws of other states. I will consider the debates over this federal law in terms of Equal Protection Clause and Full Faith and Credit Clause. The LGBT people have long been tried to fight for their equal rights of marriage, even though they have faced many impediments from conservatives. There are a series of struggles in court, including Lawrence v. Texas, United States v. Windsor, etc that can proves LGBT people’s struggles. I will analyze some of the most important cases in detail to examine how LGBT groups use their judicial power to challenge DOMA and secure their rights. How separation of powers within government and federalism apply to the same-sex marriage issue. Madison argues that creating â€Å"checks and balances†within government can prevent abuse of power. This idea can be applied to the same-sex marriage issue. In United States v. Windsor, the Federal Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of DOMA that defined â€Å"marriage†and â€Å"spouse†to apply only to heterosexual people. This is an example that Judicial branch checking the Legislative branch. I will also describe other cases including Baker v. Vermont, Hollingsworth v. Perry. In Federalist No. 51, Madison’s argument that a separation of powers can create a balance of interests can be extended to the idea of federalism. Federalism gives states the freedom to make their own policy that suits local circumstances. When different states make different laws and take different attitudes towards the same-sex marriage issue, this is the practice of federalism. To break this inequality across states and local areas, LGBT groups are now working hard to promote the legalization of same-sex marriage on the federal level. The Supremacy Clause and 10th Amendment will also be mentioned to illustrate its principle. Competing factions in the same-sex marriage issue. Federalist No. 10 discussed about how to break and control factions to avoid tyranny of the majority. In terms of the same-sex marriage issue, American society was divided by different groups that either support it or are against it or take neutral stance. I will list some major political and social groups and illustrate their attitudes towards the same-sex marriage issue, including Democratic and Republican Parties, Churches/Religious institutions, and human rights Organizations. Since LGBT group are pushing national legalization of same-sex marriage, is this a tyranny of the majority? I will discuss about this question in detail and give my answer that it’s a majority rule rather than tyranny of the majority. Conclusion Summarize key arguments. Add current data: Marriage between same-sex couples has been recognized on the federal level. As the Supreme Court decided to let stand rulings that allow same-sex marriage in late 2014, now 37 states have legalized same-sex marriage with more states to join them. The road of marriage equality looks more promising than before, and we can see that citizenship is being redefined to provide equal rights to LGBT people. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY COURSE TEXTS Kerber, Linda K. The Meanings of Citizenship. The Journal of American History 84.3 (1997): 833. Print. In this article, Kerber offers several ways to interpret citizenship, including formal legal status, possession of guaranteed rights and bearing of obligations. She believes that the meaning of citizenship is constantly changing and proposes a new way to look at citizenship: â€Å"A braided citizenship†. Different groups of people from different genders, races, classes and nations of origin have been fighting for their equal citizenship in the U.S. Kerber analyzes each group of people’s struggle in detail to illustrate how the boundaries of citizenship have been changing overtime to support her statement. I will use Kerber’s idea of citizenship in terms of the relations of rights and obligations to help me analyze the legitimacy of gay rights, more specifically, same-sex marriage. And by using all kinds of evidence of LGBT people’s fight for equal rights as part of the braided citizenship to justify how same-sex marriage redefines the boundaries of citizenship. Madison, James. Federalist No. 10: The Same Subject Continued: The Union as a Safeguard against Domestic Faction and Insurrection.New York Daily Advertiser, November 22, 1787. Print. In this work, Madison states that people are diverse by nature and self-interested, so that factions are formed inside every society. He argues about the need to break and control factions which he identifies as a threat to popular governments that may lead to tyranny of the majority. He believes that in a large republic government is run by representatives chosen by its people. With so many different interests and groups, it would be more difficult to form a majority faction, thus it can better guard against the dangers of tyranny of the majority and protect the rights of all its people. I will use this resource to illustrate different groups/factions’ stances in terms of same-sex marriage, and to argue about the question: Is legalization of same-sex marriage a tyranny of the majority? Madison, James. Federalist No. 51: The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments. New York Packet, February 8, 1788. Print. In Federalist No. 51, James Madison addresses how the separation of powers within the government can be created under the new constitution. He believes that people are not â€Å"angels†, which means that if there isn’t any form of control over government, leaders will abuse their power. However, â€Å"Ambition must be made to counteract ambition†. By creating a system of â€Å"checks and balances†, in which the government is divided into different branches, the overlapping power between those three branches would put restrictions on government, thus preventing the misuse of powers, and protect the rights of the people. I will draw on Madison’s idea of checks and balances inside government to argue about how different branches work to protect LGBT people’s rights. I will further consider separation of powers in terms of federalism to examine same-sex marriage court cases. ADDITIONAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY SOURCES Rimmerman, Craig A. The Lesbian and Gay Movements: Assimilation or Liberation? Boulder, CO: Westview, 2008. Print. This book gives people an historical perspective to understand lesbian and gay movements. Rimmerman tackles the challenging issue of what constitutes movement effectiveness and how effective the assimilationist and liberationist strategies have been in three contentious policy arenas: the military ban, same-sex marriage, and AIDS. I will focus on the same-sex marriage policy part of this book, using those detailed analyses of important courts cases in history to examine LGBT groups’ efforts to fight for their equal right of marriage. â€Å"So Far, so Fast.†The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 11 Oct. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. This article gives a brief introduction of the progress in terms of the same-sex marriage agenda since the early 2000s, and it gives some explanations of why this agenda has changed so fast in such a short time, including the change in moral judgment and transformation of LGBT people, too. I will use this resource in the conclusion to show why the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage is promising.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Langston Hughes Biography :: essays research papers
Langston Hughes was born at the turn of the century. Hughes spent a rootless childhood moving from place to place with his mother who was separated from his father. During one year in high school, Hughes spent time with his father in Mexico, a light-skinned man who found an escape from racism in ranching. It was in that very high school that Hughes wrote his first poem after being elected â€Å"class poet†by his fellow classmates. His father was James Nathaniel Hughes, a man who studied law but was unable to take the examination for the bar because he was black. His mother was Carrie Hughes, a woman who studied at the University of Kansas, in an ongoing struggle to earn a living outside of domestic labor. With aid from his father, Hughes attended Columbia University, but soon became disgusted with university life and immersed himself in his first loveâ€â€the poetry, jazz and blues of Harlem. Hughes supported himself in odd jobs like being a nightclub doorman while he traveled to places like West Africa, Italy, and Paris. During this time, Hughes wrote poems that earned him a scholarship to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. His first published poem was also one of his most famous, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers", which was published in The Brownie’s Book. Some of the poems by Hughes provide political protests or social criticism, while others depict poverty, prejudice, and hopelessness in the life of an African American in Harlem. Later, his poems, short plays, essays, and short stories appeared in the NAACP publication Crisis Magazine; they were also showcased in Opportunity Magazine as well as other publications. One of Hughes' finest essays appeared in print in 1926, entitled "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain.†His grandmother, Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston, was very prominent in the African American community of Lawrence, Kansas.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Machiavelli, A Founding Father?
Machiavelli advocated centralization and concentration of power in The Prince while the authors of the Federalist Papers call for the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances. The Prince, however, was a job application to Lorenzo di Medici the son of Piero di Medici. Lorenzo had just inherited the principality of Florence by settlement of a war with the Pope and his mercenaries ( Lerner xxvii) in 1512. Machiavelli, was however, not as alien to the ideas of the Convention espoused by the various  Federalist Papers.  For much of his life he was staunchly republican in his outlook; the loss of the Florentine Republic and his position as an advisor to the powerful were powerful motivators to write a pro-monarchy text to regain his former position in the new state.( Lerner xxviii) During this imposed exile from the halls of power Machiavelli’s works included the Discourses, an analysis of the Roman Republic, its power structure, and its defects. In The Discourses Machiavelli is plainly pro-republic, though he also manages to treat the issue of a monarchy as well. Machiavelli’s ideas are included to some degree in the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States. Machiavelli, Hamilton, Jay, and Madison would all find agreement in some of the most important aspects of the governing of a Republic; including the use of a standing army and the separation of powers. Standing Army The issue of a standing army was a touchy one for the convention. The military was part of the executive power and a standing army could be abused. Indeed he warns of this in Federalist #8 : But in a country, where the perpetual menacings of danger oblige the government to always be prepared to repel it, her armies are must be numerous enough for instant defence.†  The importance of the of the soldier is enhanced and the military state is elevated above the civil. In territories that are often the theatre of war , are unavoidably subjected to frequent violation of their rights; and by degrees the people come to consider the soldier their superiors. ( #8, p35)However , the Convention left the raising of regular troops solely under the authority of Congress, and not the President. Thus they are under the control of the people; the Congress shall decide when a standing military is necessary; before a President has them to Command. Hamilton says that the power to maintain a standing army in time of peace is a necessary caution given the fact that the Dominions of Britain and Spain border the fledgling nation.(#24, p120). Machiavelli would agree: â€Å"Such princes and republics of modern times as have no national troops for defense or attack ought well to be ashamed of it†¦.†(prince 175) and I conclude, therefore, that no principality is secure without having its own forces†(Prince pg 52-53) Separation of Powers The separation of powers has been regarded as the hallmark of republican principles. The separation of power among three distinct branches of government prevents any one person from acting as â€Å"legislator, judge, and executioner.† In this way the abuse of power leading to Tyranny is avoided. Machiavelli states much the same in The Discourses: ALL those who have written upon civil institutions demon- strate (and history is full of examples to support them) that whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it. ( 117) An early form of the system checks and balances was the formation of the Tribunes in the Roman Republic. The Tribunes served to act as a sort of Legislative judge curbing and investigating alleged excesses by the Senators of Rome.( Machiavelli, â€Å"Discourses†, 118) The Convention went further; it gave executive authority to the President, but withheld the purse, and it gave the Sword to Congress but required the Executive to wield it, and gave the Law to Congress but allowed both the Justice and Executive to disapprove it, gave Congress the means to remove an executive or a justice from office, but made the members of Congress answerable to the whole of the People. Madison says that â€Å"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judicial in the same hands, whether of one, of few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of Tyranny.†(Carey lxx)  So both men believed that the separation of powers in a Republic is a fundamental principle defending the liberty of the citizen.    Both men also believed that the authority of the supreme executive should to some respect be stronger than that of the regional powers. While the Federal system resembles more closely the â€Å"Prince and Baron†model warned against by Machiavelli; through well-thought out assignment of the powers to the Federal Government the position of the regional powers (Governors of the States) approach the â€Å"Prince and Servants†model advocated by him. The Convention took the middle ground with the powers of the Executive (federal) being supreme only in its assigned sphere and that of the regional to be supreme within its own sphere. Conflicts between States and the Federal authority were to be resolved by the Supreme Court. Therefore no one State was in a position to help outside enemies to oppose the Federal government, but simultaneously the Federal authority could not rule by fiat as a Prince might have done. Conclusion: So which model was more capable of maintaining order and curtailing disorder from below? History seems to indicate that the careful checks and balances and the general separation of powers have been more enduring than a centralized Monarchy. France proved the wisdom of the system of checks and balances when the National Assembly seized all power for the purpose of reforming the government. This attempt, while its aims were noble, failed catastrophically and subjected the People of France to a series of tyrants, emperors, and various violations of their civil liberties for nearly a century. Absolute Monarchy as Machiavelli said, is stable only so long as the ruler is ruthless when necessary and is either loved or feared by its people. The problem seems to be that this merely builds up pressure in the people; who will begin to rebel the moment any hesitation by the monarch is shown either internally or through circumstance such as war. This process happened on a world-wide scale and was experienced by Britain, France, Egypt, Iran, and may be happening now in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates of the Middle East. Machiavelli states that all laws of liberty come from the open opposition in the legislature between two classes; the Nobles and the People.(Machiavelli, â€Å"Discourses†, p119) The constitution eliminated the Nobility but a similar problem of factions: Those who have power, those who want power, those who want to oppress. In a similar fashion to the Tribunes of Rome the various divisions of power executive, legislative, judicial, the National, and the Regional allow open discussion and opposition without providing any overt favor to one faction over another;( Madison, â€Å"Federalist #10†, pp 42-48) ensuring that laws of liberty continue to come from the discourses of those vying for power. ( Madison, â€Å"Federalist #10†, pp42-48) The Republican ideas that Machiavelli held and published in his works might well mark him as one of the founders of the modern republic along with Locke, Montesque, and the other Enlightenment philosophers. Works Cited Carey, George W. and James McClellan. Reader’s Guide. The Federalist. By Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 2001 Hamilton, Alexander, John Jay, and James Madison. The Federalist. Ed. George W. Carey and James McClellan. The Gideon Edition. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 2001 Learner, Max. Introduction. The Prince and the Discourses. By Niccolo Machiavelli. New York: Random House 1950 Machiavelli, Niccolo. â€Å"The Prince†. Ed. E.R.P Vincent. Trans. Luigi Ricci. The Prince and the Discourses. New York: Random House 1950 Machiavelli, Niccolo. â€Å"The Discourses†. Trans. Christian E. Detmold. The Prince and the Discourses. New York: Random House 1950   Â
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